Tomato Amber: characteristics and description of the variety

Yellow tomatoes are very popular with gardeners due to their unusual color and good taste. Tomato Amber is a worthy representative of this group of varieties. It is distinguished by high productivity, early ripening and unpretentiousness.

Detailed description of the variety

Tomato Amber 530 is the result of the work of domestic breeders. The originator of the variety is the Crimean OSS. In 1999, the hybrid was tested and included in the State Register of the Federation. Amber Tomato is recommended for cultivation in all regions of Our Country. The variety is suitable for planting in garden plots and small farms.

Tomato Amber ripens early. The period from germination to harvest is 95 to 100 days.

Plant of indeterminate type. Gradually, the tomato stops growth, for this you do not need to pinch the top. The bush is standard, has a compact size. The height of the plant is from 30 to 40 cm. The width reaches 60 cm. The branching of the shoots is plentiful.

The leaves are dark green, medium in size. The inflorescence is simple, first laid over the 8th leaf. The next ovaries appear every 2 leaves.

Brief description and taste of fruits

Description of the fruits of the Amber variety:

  • bright yellow color;
  • round shape;
  • weight 50 – 70 g, individual fruits reach 90 g;
  • thick skin.

Amber tomato is rich in carotene, vitamins and sugars. The taste qualities are excellent. Fruits tolerate storage and transportation well. They are used fresh for salads, appetizers, first and second courses. Tomatoes are suitable for whole-fruit canning.

Tomato Amber: characteristics and description of the variety

Varietal characteristics

Amber variety tomato brings a stable and high yield. Fruiting early, the first harvest is harvested in July. Up to 2,5 – 3 kg of fruits are removed from the bush. Productivity from 1 square. m is 5 – 7 kg. Fruiting is positively affected by care: fertilizing, watering, loosening the soil, choosing a suitable place for planting.

Advice! Variety Yantarny is suitable for regions of unstable agriculture.

Amber tomato varieties are grown in open and closed ground. The first option is chosen for warm regions and the middle zone. Amber Tomato tolerates cold and other extreme conditions well. Plants are not afraid of temperature drops to -1 C. In the northern regions of Our Country, it is better to plant tomatoes in a greenhouse or greenhouse.

Tomato Amber is resistant to major diseases. High humidity increases the risk of infection with fungal diseases. Signs of late blight, spotting, rot appear on leaves, shoots and fruits. The lesions look like brown or gray spots that quickly spread through the plants, inhibit their growth and reduce yields.

To combat diseases, Bordeaux liquid, Topaz and Oksihom preparations are used. Tomatoes are sprayed in the morning or evening. The next treatment is carried out after 7-10 days. For the prevention of planting, they are treated with Fitosporin solution.

Tomatoes attract aphids, spider mites, scoops, slugs. Pests feed on the leaves and fruits of plants. Against insects, drugs Aktellik or Fundazol are chosen. Good prevention is the annual digging of the soil and control over the density of plantings.

Tomato Amber: characteristics and description of the variety

Pros and cons of the variety

The main advantages of the Amber tomato variety:

  • early maturation;
  • growing in a seedless way;
  • high content of nutrients in fruits;
  • resistance to cold;
  • does not require stepson;
  • immunity to diseases;
  • good taste;
  • universal application.

Variety Amber has no pronounced shortcomings. Only a small mass of fruits can become a minus for gardeners. If agricultural technology is observed, then there are no difficulties in growing this tomato.

Rules of landing and care

Successful cultivation of tomatoes largely depends on proper planting and care. At home, seedlings are obtained, which are planted in a permanent place. Variety Amber also requires minimal maintenance.

Growing seedlings

For seedlings of tomatoes, boxes or containers 12–15 cm high are chosen. Drainage holes must be provided. After picking, the plants are planted in separate containers with a volume of 2 liters. It is convenient to use peat cups for tomatoes.

The soil for seedlings is taken from a summer cottage or bought in a store. Any loose nutrient soil will do. If land is used from the street, then it is kept for 2 months in the cold. Before planting seeds, the soil is heated in the oven.

Tomato seeds are also processed. This will avoid diseases of seedlings and get shoots faster. Planting material is kept for 30 minutes in a solution of potassium permanganate. Then the seeds are washed with clean water and dipped in a growth stimulator solution.

Important! Amber tomato seeds are planted in March.

Tomato Amber: characteristics and description of the variety

The order of planting tomatoes varieties Amber:

  1. Wet soil is poured into the container.
  2. Seeds are planted to a depth of 1 cm. 2-3 cm are left between seedlings.
  3. Containers are covered with polyethylene and kept warm.
  4. The film is regularly turned over and the condensate is removed from it.
  5. When shoots appear, plantings are transferred to the windowsill.

If peat tablets are used, then 2-3 seeds are placed in each. Then the strongest plant is left, the rest are removed. This method of landing will help to do without a pick.

Seedlings of the Yantarny variety provide lighting for 12 to 14 hours. If necessary, turn on phytolamps. When the soil dries up, it is sprayed with a spray bottle. Tomatoes are protected from drafts.

When the seedlings have 2 leaves, they start picking. Each plant is transplanted into a separate container. First, the soil is watered, then carefully removed from the container. Try not to damage the roots of plants.

Seedling transplant

Tomatoes are transferred to a permanent place at the age of 30 – 45 days. Usually this is mid-late May or early June. Such seedlings have reached a height of 30 cm and have 5-6 leaves.

3 weeks before planting in the ground, Amber tomatoes are hardened in the fresh air. First, open the window and ventilate the room. Then the containers are transferred to the balcony. This will help the seedlings quickly adapt to new conditions.

The soil for the culture is prepared in advance. Choose a plot where cabbage, onions, garlic, root crops grew a year earlier. Planting after potatoes, peppers and any varieties of tomatoes is not recommended. In a greenhouse, it is better to completely replace the top layer of soil. In autumn, the soil is dug up and humus is added.

Tomato Amber: characteristics and description of the variety

Tomatoes prefer lighted areas and fertile soil. The culture grows well in light and loose soils rich in nutrients. The addition of compost, superphosphate and potassium salt helps to improve the composition of the soil.

Tomatoes of the Yantarny variety are planted according to a 40×50 cm scheme. Holes are prepared in the soil, which are watered and fertilized with wood ash. Seedlings are carefully removed from the containers and transferred to the hole along with a clod of earth. The soil is then compacted and watered.

In warm climates, Amber tomato seeds are planted immediately in an open area. Choose a time when heat is established and frosts pass. The seeds are deepened by 1 – 2 cm, a thin layer of humus is poured on top. Seedlings are provided with standard care: watering, fertilizing, tying.

Care of plantings

Amber tomatoes are unpretentious in care. Plants are watered 1 – 2 times a week, do not allow the soil to dry out. Under the bush make 2 – 3 liters of water. Moisture is especially important during the flowering period. When the fruit ripens, watering is reduced to a minimum. Use only warm settled water.

After watering, loosen the soil so that moisture is better absorbed. To reduce the number of waterings, the ground is mulched with a layer of humus or straw.

Attention! Tomatoes of the Amber variety do not stepchild. Due to their compact size, they are easy to tie up. It is enough to drive a support 0,5 m high into the ground.

In the spring, tomatoes of the Amber variety are fed with slurry. The fertilizer contains nitrogen, which promotes the growth of shoots and leaves. During and after flowering, they switch to phosphorus-potassium top dressing. Instead of mineral fertilizers, wood ash is used. It is added to water before watering or embedded in the soil.

Tomato Amber: characteristics and description of the variety


Tomato Amber is a domestic variety that is popular with gardeners. It is grown in various regions of Our Country. Fruits have good taste and universal purpose. Variety Amber requires minimal care, so it is chosen for planting by farmers and private households.


Berezina Valentina Petrovna, 57 years old, Ryazan
A few years ago I tried to grow an Amber tomato. The variety attracted with its description and bright yellow fruits. I bought seeds from a nearby store. Seedlings sprouted without problems, seedlings developed rapidly. In May, I transplanted tomatoes into a greenhouse. One of the advantages of the variety is early ripening. Harvest ripens approximately 3 months after germination. The bushes are compact with a height of no more than 50 cm. The fruits are very tasty, although a little dense.
Kostromina Alla Vladimirovna, 38 years old, Cheboksary
I like to grow yellow tomatoes in the country, they are always pleasing to the eye. For many years I have been buying seeds of the Amber variety. Tomatoes reach about 0,5 m in height, so it is convenient to grow them in open ground. The skin of the fruit is dense, the crop can be preserved with cucumbers or red tomatoes. Tomatoes are very tasty and bright, look great in salads. The Amber variety needs minimal care: watering and fertilizing. The bushes are not stepson, he does not form extra shoots.

Tomato Amber: characteristics and description of the variety

Tomato Amber 530

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