Tomato Amana Orange (Amana Orange, Amana orange): characteristics, yield

Tomato Amana Orange won the love of summer residents quite quickly due to its taste, characteristics and good yield. There are a lot of positive reviews about tomatoes, which is not surprising. The variety really deserves attention. In 2016, at the tomato festival, which was held in the USA, he entered the top 10 varieties.

Tomato Amana Orange (Amana Orange, Amana orange): characteristics, yield

Description of tomato Amana Orange

The originator of the variety Amana Orange is the agricultural company Partner. Already from the name of tomatoes it becomes clear that this is a fruit with orange flesh. The variety is intended for greenhouse cultivation. It is cultivated everywhere.

Planting a tomato variety Amana Orange in an open garden is possible only in regions with a mild climate. If during the flowering period the plant falls under frost, then later the fruits crack near the calyx, and corking of tissues is observed. In addition, there is a pea of ​​tomatoes. The variety is very susceptible to the vagaries of the weather.

Tomato variety Amana Orange is a tall plant of an indeterminate species. The growth of its shoots is unlimited by the flower brush. The height of the plant reaches 1,5-2 m, as the bushes develop, they need proper care and pinching. Shoots are powerful, well leafy. The leaf plate is normal. Fruit brush contains up to 5 ovaries.

Important! The first inflorescence appears from the axil of the 9th leaf, then every 3. This is a feature of the variety.

The Amana Orange tomato was created as a mid-early variety. The first fruits from the bushes are harvested 3,5 months after germination.

Description of fruits

The Amana Orange tomato is famous for its fruits, which is confirmed by reviews and photos from the Internet. And it is no coincidence! The variety is large-fruited, the tomatoes are of a beautiful flat-round shape, pleasant, rich orange color. The average weight reaches 600 g, but some specimens can reach 1 kg. However, not everyone can grow such a curiosity. The fact is that the tomato of this variety is demanding on the soil and growing conditions.

In addition to the large weight, the fruits have a pleasant aroma and a unique sweet taste of pulp with a fruity tinge. Tomatoes of the Amana Orange variety are fleshy, in the context it is difficult to notice the seed chambers and seeds. At the same time, the skin of the fruit is dense and protects them from cracking.

Attention! The Amana Orange variety is mainly for salad purposes, but there are lovers who have tried to make juice or puree from tomatoes.

Main characteristics

The originator of the Amana Orange variety claims that the tomato is quite fruitful. With proper agricultural technology from 1 square. m collect up to 15-18 kg of fruit. The reviews of summer residents confirm that the tomato variety really bears fruit generously and gives up to 3,5-4 kg of sweet harvest from a bush.

But on this, Amana Orange tomatoes do not cease to please. Plants take root well and are highly resistant to various diseases, including viral and fungal. However, late blight of leaves and fruits still occurs, but it is easy to deal with it.

However, these tomatoes are not suitable for industrial cultivation. Variety Amana Orange is rather amateur. The fruits do not tolerate transportation well, they easily wrinkle, the presentation deteriorates quickly. And the keeping quality of tomatoes fails. They are not stored fresh for long, you need to immediately put them into processing or salads.

Tomato Amana Orange (Amana Orange, Amana orange): characteristics, yield

Advantages and disadvantages

From the foregoing, we can conclude about the advantages of the variety, which are quite a lot:

  • high productivity;
  • excellent fruit taste;
  • good immunity;
  • crack resistance.

But Aman Orange tomatoes also have disadvantages, and you should not be silent about them. These include:

  • poor keeping quality of fruits and impossibility of transportation;
  • short shelf life;
  • the need for pasynkovanie;
  • susceptibility to weather conditions.

However, these are not such significant disadvantages as to refuse to grow tomatoes of this variety.

Rules of landing and care

The manufacturer in the description of the variety indicates that the Amana Orange tomato should be grown only through seedlings, followed by planting in the ground. At the same time, the seed material is already fully prepared for planting and does not need additional stimulation.

Seeding for seedlings

You can determine the timing of sowing seeds based on growing conditions and the local climate. For greenhouse planting, Amana Orange tomato seeds are sown at the end of February, and for open ground – at the beginning or middle of March.

For the germination of tomato seeds, you need to create suitable conditions. The soil should be taken loose and moisture-intensive, with a rich composition, so that the sprouts have enough nutrient reserves. Seedlings are grown in containers, after which they dive into separate containers. Comfortable temperature for germination – + 20 … + 22 ° С. After germination, it is reduced to + 18 ° C so that the sprouts do not stretch.

Landing algorithm:

  1. Disinfect seedling cassettes, fill with moist soil.
  2. Form furrows for seeds, the depth of which is up to 2 cm.
  3. Distribute planting material at a distance of 2-2,5 cm from each other and cover with a 1 cm layer of soil.
  4. Cover the cassettes with foil and place in a bright place.

With the advent of seedlings, the film is removed, the seedlings are watered. It is dived in the stage of 2 true leaves. You should not delay this, as the tall Amana Orange tomatoes quickly stretch out. Picking inhibits leaf growth and stimulates the development of the root system.

Warning! Small, broken seeds are not sown.

As the seedlings develop, they are fed with a complex mineral fertilizer for seedlings. Dilute the working solution 2 times weaker so as not to burn thin roots. The first time top dressing of tomatoes is done 14 days after picking. Then again 7 days before transplanting into the greenhouse.

Seedling transplant

Aman Orange seedlings are transferred to a permanent place in the greenhouse as soon as 6-8 true leaves form in it. Specific dates in each region will differ, it all depends on climatic conditions and premises. 2-3 weeks before the planned transplant, the seedlings are hardened so that they can more easily adapt to the environment.

Tomato Amana Orange (Amana Orange, Amana orange): characteristics, yield

A bed for planting Aman Orange tomato is prepared in advance. The soil is dug up and top dressing is applied. Particular attention is paid to predecessor cultures. Do not plant a variety after cabbage, cucumbers, potatoes, parsley or carrots. Yields will decrease, plants will get sick.

Tomatoes are planted sparsely so that the bushes are well ventilated, it is easy to care for and shape them. The wells are prepared at a distance of at least 40-50 cm from each other.

Advice! If the seedlings are very stretched, then they need to be deepened or planted obliquely.

Care of tomatoes

For full fruiting, tomatoes of the Amana Orange variety require proper care, which is started immediately, as soon as the plants take root in the garden. Success can be judged by new leaves.

A very important point is watering the bushes. It is carried out in the evening or early in the morning, but only with warm settled water. The soil under the tomatoes should always remain moist and loose, but the most frequent watering is required during the formation of the crop. However, it is not necessary to overmoisten the soil, otherwise the fruits will crack. It is enough to water the bed abundantly 2-3 times a week to wet the soil to the full depth of the roots.

The soil in the greenhouse after watering must be loosened so that it conducts air well to the roots. To get rid of this exhausting procedure, the bed can be covered with mulch. It can be organic or special fiber.

Proper feeding will help to grow tomatoes of the Amana Orange variety and get the declared yield. They start 10-14 days after transplanting into the ground. The variety is very capricious and quickly reacts to the lack of nutrients in the soil. To make up for it, both organic and mineral fertilizers are applied. In the first half of summer, it is better to use nitrogen-containing mixtures, but do not be zealous, otherwise the rapid growth of foliage will restrain fruiting. When the ovary is formed, it is worth switching to fertilizers with phosphorus and potassium. Several times you can feed with a solution of boric acid or humates.

Important! 2 weeks before harvest, all top dressing should be stopped.

Particular importance should be given to the formation of Amana Orange tomato bushes. The amount of the future harvest depends on this. It is better to grow tomatoes of the Amana Orange variety in one or two stems, all extra stepchildren are removed, leaving a stump of 1 cm so that they do not grow back. If this is not done, then an abundance of greenery will lead to peeling of fruits and fungal diseases. As they grow, the stems are directed to the supports and the fruit clusters are additionally fixed so that they do not break under the weight of the tomatoes.

Despite good immunity, Amana Orange tomatoes need additional preventive spraying against diseases and pests. Use standard approved drugs that are diluted in accordance with the instructions.


Tomato Amana Orange fell in love with gardeners around the world, the variety is in collections and is always in demand on the market. A large-fruited tomato is only at first glance difficult to grow, but in fact the culture is not so whimsical. The most remarkable thing for summer residents is the ability to collect their own seeds.


Reviews about the tomato Amana Orange

Detochkina Katerina, 34 years old, Astrakhan
I met Amana Orange by chance, he came to me along with the seeds that I took from my neighbors in the country. Fell in love with him immediately. Tomatoes are weighty, beautiful and unusually tasty. In addition, they have a pronounced tomato flavor. Children prefer salad from this vegetable. In cultivation, as for me, a tomato is simple. The seedling grows quickly, tolerates transplanting well and bears fruit early. The bushes are not painful, you can do without spraying if you form them correctly. The yield does not depend on the weather, there are always a lot of tomatoes.
Shulga Anastasia, 47 years old, Lipetsk
I have long wanted to plant tomatoes of a variety with yellow fruits, but in such a way that I myself would collect seeds in the future. The choice fell on Amana Orange, I read a lot of good reviews about him on the Internet. And indeed, the variety did not disappoint. The tomato fruited stably until the frost. Planted for the experiment in the greenhouse and on the street, there is not much difference, but this is because we have a warm summer. I didn’t notice any particular pain, I spray it along with other varieties, although it was possible not to process it. The tomatoes themselves are large, very beautiful, liquid. The pulp is sugary, tender and sweet. Just what you need for a summer salad. Of course, it is not suitable for conservation, except for pasta.

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