Tomato Altai honey: reviews, photos, yield

Tomato Altai honey will be a godsend for lovers of large-fruited varieties. There are two varieties of the hybrid, differing in color. A variety with pink fruits was bred in Ukraine, with orange ones – in Our Country (Siberian series). Each of them deserves attention and will be able to take its rightful place in the beds. To evaluate the tomato Altai honey will help the description of the variety and reviews of gardeners.

Tomato Altai honey: reviews, photos, yield

Description of the variety of tomato Altai honey

Tomatoes Altai honey are mid-season, tall, indeterminate, large-fruited variety. The period from germination to full varietal maturity is 105-110 days. Suitable for growing in open and closed ground. In northern latitudes, the variety is recommended to be grown in greenhouses and film shelters.

Description of tomato “Altai honey”:

  • bush height – 1,5-2,0 m;
  • the number of fruits in the brush – 5-6 pieces;
  • Leaves are large, deep green.

Detailed description of fruits

Tomatoes of the Altai honey variety are suitable for preparing salads and winter preparations (juice, fruit drink, mashed potatoes, tomato paste, ketchup).

fruit color

red-pink (bright orange)


round heart-shaped, slightly ribbed


fleshy, juicy, medium density




sweet, honey

The weight

300-650 g


a small amount of

Characteristics of tomato Altai honey

Tomatoes Altai honey is a high-yielding variety with a long fruiting period. The harvest period lasts from July to September. Plants are characterized by high growth of bushes, so they need a garter and shaping. The fruiting period lasts from July to September.

The hybrid is highly resistant to a variety of diseases and pests. Suitable for cultivation in all climatic regions. In the south – in open ground, in regions with short and cool summers, greenhouse cultivation is recommended. The yield of the variety is 2,5-4 kg per bush.

Advantages and disadvantages

The advantages of the variety include:

  • excellent taste;
  • resistance to diseases and pests;
  • transportability;
  • fruits are not prone to cracking.


when grown in northern latitudes (in open ground), the fruits do not have time to fully ripen.

Tomato “Altai honey” Early tomato, 6 kg from one bush

Growing rules

You can grow tomatoes of the Altai honey variety by direct sowing in the ground, but the seedling method will be the most effective.

Planting seeds for seedlings

It is recommended to sow seeds for seedlings in February-April, in greenhouses, greenhouses or special containers (plastic containers, seedling cassettes). You can use any universal soil or a mixture of peat and sand in a 1: 1 ratio. Do not thicken the crops too much, otherwise the seedlings will be thin, weak and elongated. The depth of seed placement is 1-1,5 cm.

For the full development of plants, it is necessary to provide:

  • high-quality lighting;
  • air ventilation;
  • stable and comfortable temperature conditions.
Warning! Any seedling containers must have drainage holes in the bottom, otherwise, as a result of stagnant water, tomato seedlings may develop black leg disease.

For the speedy germination of seeds and the appearance of friendly seedlings, it is recommended to cover the crops with a film. The temperature during this period should be maintained at + 23 ° C. When the first sprouts appear, the film must be removed immediately in order to prevent the seedlings from overgrowing.

From the first days after seed germination, seedlings must be hardened by gradually lowering the temperature. When the first pair of true leaves appear, tomato seedlings should be dived into separate pots or peat cups.

Tomato Altai honey: reviews, photos, yield

Seedling transplant

It is recommended to transplant seedlings into open ground upon reaching the age of 60-65 days. Estimated transplantation dates are April-June. This variety of tomatoes does not need a lot of space. One plant for comfortable growth is enough 40-50 cm2. At 1 m2 3-4 bushes can be placed. The optimal distance between rows is 40 cm, between seedlings – 40-50 cm. Beds for planting tomatoes are best placed on the sunny side (south, southeast or southwest).

Step-by-step planting of tomato seedlings Altai honey:

  1. Prepare planting holes.
  2. Pour 1 liter of water into the holes.
  3. Cut off a few lower leaves from the seedlings.
  4. Deepen the plants into the soil to the maximum (up to ½ stem).
  5. Carefully compress the root with earth, making sure that it does not bend and is vertical.
  6. Water the plants.
  7. Sprinkle the hole on top with dry soil.
  8. Install support.

Tomato Altai honey: reviews, photos, yield

Attention! Seedlings should be planted with a slight slope to the northwest.

Care of tomatoes

Growing tomatoes of the Altai honey variety provides for such care activities as:

  • loosening of the soil;
  • weed removal;
  • regular watering with settled water;
  • application of fertilizers;
  • the formation of bushes;
  • soil mulching with black fiber or natural materials (grass, hay, straw).

Watering tomatoes should be done in the afternoon or in cloudy weather. The rate of water consumption per 1 plant is 0,7-1,0 liters. Watering is required during the flowering period, before fertilizing and loosening the soil.

It is necessary to feed Altai honey tomatoes several times per season:

  1. The first feeding is carried out with a mixture of mineral and organic fertilizers, 10-14 days after planting seedlings in the ground. Prepare a solution of mullein and water in a ratio of 1:9. Then 20 g of superphosphate is added to the mixture.
  2. The next two top dressings are carried out with a complex of mineral fertilizers (in dry form), with an interval of 14 days. Based on 20 g of superphosphate, 15 g of potassium salt, 10 g of saltpeter per 1 m2. Bushes are fed for hilling or after loosening the soil.

Tomato bushes Altai honey can reach a fairly large height, growing up to 2 m. Therefore, plants need to be tied to a support or trellis. Due to the large weight of the fruits of the tomato cluster, Altai honey is also recommended to be additionally supported in order to prevent damage to the central stem.

Tomato Altai honey: reviews, photos, yield

Advice! Support stakes are recommended to be installed at a distance of 10 cm from the stem of the tomato, on the north side.

Particular attention when growing tomatoes Altai honey should be given to the formation of bushes. Timely removal of stepchildren and pinching the top of the main shoot directly affects the yield. The best yields can be achieved by growing bushes in 1 stem, while leaving no more than 2-3 brushes.


Tomato Altai honey is an unpretentious variety intended for cultivation in middle and southern latitudes. Differs in excellent tastes and fine adaptive characteristics. It is popular due to its undemanding care and disease resistance. Altai honey is a hybrid of universal purpose. Suitable for both fresh consumption and winter preparations.

Reviews about tomatoes Altai honey

Svetlana, 43 years old
I like the tomato variety Altai honey because of its excellent taste. Tomatoes have a pleasant honey flavor and delicious aroma. They grow very large – 300-400 g. But sometimes even specimens of 600-800 g each came across. The pulp of tomatoes is juicy, sweet and at the same time quite dense. Tomatoes of this variety are ideal for salads and juice preparation.
Olga, 50 years
Altai honey is a highly productive tomato of Siberian selection, which from year to year pleases me with a good harvest. I grow tomatoes on a trellis, as the variety is tall. Bushes need pinching, otherwise you should not count on a decent harvest. Ripe tomatoes look bright and unusual, like overseas fruits. Their shape is heart-shaped, and the color is rich, apricot-orange. The only negative is that in my region the fruits do not have time to ripen in the open field, so I have to grow them in a greenhouse.

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