Tomato Alaska: reviews + photos of those who planted

Tomato Alaska belongs to the early ripe variety of selection. It was entered into the State Register of Breeding Achievements in 2002. It is approved for cultivation in all regions on garden personal plots and in medium-sized farms. Alaska tomato varieties are suitable for growing in container culture.

Characteristics and description of the Alaska tomato variety

Tomato variety Alaska is of a determinant type, which means the formation of a low plant with an independent growth restriction at a height of 60-70 cm. The leaf grows medium in size, light green in color. The inflorescence forms a simple. The first is laid over 8-9 sheets, the next – after 1-2 sheets. In the characteristics and reviews of the Alaska tomato variety, it is described that its bush has an attractive appearance.

Tomato Alaska: reviews + photos of those who planted

The variety is early ripening, the fruits are poured 3 months after germination. Tomato variety Alaska has excellent seed germination. The ovaries are formed in any conditions, including sudden temperature changes or high humidity.

Томат предназначен для выращивания в открытом грунте, под пленочными укрытиями. Урожай томата сорта Аляска можно получить также на балконах или подоконниках в домашних условиях.

Description of fruits

Alaska tomatoes have a flat-round shape with a smooth surface. Tomatoes grow uniform in size, with a simultaneous ripening period. The color of unripe tomatoes is green, mature – red. The number of nests is 3-4 pcs. The average fruit weight is about 90 g. The taste is good. The purpose of the fruit is salad.


Productivity in open ground – 9-11 kg per 1 sq. m. Reviews and photos of Alaska tomatoes show that under favorable growing conditions in a greenhouse, one plant produces about 2 kg of fruit. The yield is affected by timely planting, compliance with the light and thermal conditions, soil fertility and moderate watering.


Early ripening of fruits allows the plant to give them away before the mass damage of the culture by late blight.

In the characteristic of the Alaska tomato, resistance to:

  • fusarium wilt;
  • cladosporiosis;
  • tobacco mosaic virus.

Tomato variety Alaska is hardy to adverse growing conditions. But when growing in open ground and lowering the air temperature below + 10 ° C, it requires double cover with agrofiber or film.

Advantages and disadvantages 

The advantage of Alaska tomatoes is high yield, despite the low growth of the plant. The variety is unpretentious in care, the plant sets fruits in any conditions, which allows you to grow a culture even at home.

Important! Alaska tomato does not require shaping and is suitable for growing by inexperienced gardeners.

The disadvantages of the variety include the fact that its fruits are used only for fresh consumption. They are not suitable for conservation and long-term storage.

Rules of landing and care

Depending on the region and growing conditions of the Alaska tomato, sowing for seedlings begins from mid-March – early April. It will take 60-65 days to grow seedlings.

Tomato Alaska: reviews + photos of those who planted

According to reviews and photos of Alaska tomatoes, in warm regions it can be planted by direct sowing on heated ridges with temporary shelters, namely after the nighttime air temperatures are above + 10 ° С.

Growing seedlings

Growing tomato varieties Alaska through seedlings will allow you to harvest in the first decade of June. In order for plants to spend less time adapting during transplantation, it is recommended to plant seeds in peat tablets. This planting material contains all the substances necessary for the plant for the first stage of growth.

Preparing seeds for planting:

  1. Calibration. Seeds are selected by size, small and damaged specimens are sifted out. Single-sized seeds will sprout together and not shade each other.
  2. Disinfection. In order to reduce the influence of pathogenic microflora that may be on the surface of the seeds, they are soaked in various disinfectants, such as fungicides or hydrogen peroxide. For treatment with hydrogen peroxide, the seeds are poured with an undiluted preparation for 10 minutes, after which they are washed with water.
  3. Soaking in growth stimulants. An optional procedure, but allowing you to increase the energy of the seeds, as well as their immunity.
  4. Germination. In order to accelerate the growth of a seedling on the soil, as well as to accurately determine the number of viable seeds, they are germinated for several days in a damp cloth, in a warm place. When white sprouts appear, the seeds are ready for planting.

For planting in common containers, soil is prepared with a combination of 2 parts of soil and 1 part of biohumus. Coconut or vermiculite is added to loosen the soil. To enrich the soil, a few weeks before use, it is shed with biological products with beneficial bacteria. After preparation, the soil mixture is thoroughly mixed. Planting containers are disinfected with hot water or disinfectants. The soil is watered before sowing.

For planting, the seeds are buried no more than 1 cm. Later, the crops are sprayed from a sprayer so that the seeds do not sink into the soil. Before germination, the crops create the conditions of a mini-greenhouse. To do this, they are covered and put in a warm place. But as soon as the seedlings appear, the temperature of the content is reduced to + 18 ° C, the containers are placed in a bright place. This method allows you to start the process of root formation and does not allow the plants to stretch.

Tomato Alaska: reviews + photos of those who planted

For growing seedlings of an early variety, it is necessary:

  1. Lighting 14-16 h. On cloudy days, additional lighting is necessary throughout the day.
  2. Temperature conditions. Tomatoes are grown at a temperature of +20°C … +22°C. Bedding material is laid out on cold window sills.
  3. Moderate watering. Excessive watering leads to rotting of the roots and poor absorption of nutrients by the plant. Therefore, each subsequent watering is carried out after the topsoil has dried, and even with a slight drooping of the foliage. In one watering, the soil layer is completely moistened.
  4. Space. Plants should be positioned so that they do not touch each other with leaves. With crowding, the energy of growth decreases.

Picking – transplanting young plants into spacious containers is carried out when the first true leaf appears.

When growing seedlings of Alaska varieties of tomatoes in peat tablets, transplantation begins after the roots germinate from the lower hole.

Advice! The plant is transplanted into the ground along with the shell of the peat tablet.

Before transferring seedlings to open ground, they are hardened off with a gradual decrease in temperature.

Seedling transplant

Seedlings are transferred to open ground in May – early June. Tomatoes are planted in ridges at a distance of 40 cm. The required length is measured from stem to stem. For transplanting, the soil is loosened. The holes are made slightly larger than the size of the earthen coma in which the plant was grown. A glass of ash and humus is added to the hole, as well as complex fertilizer, if this has not been done in advance.

Advice! When growing in containers in the soil, it is useful to apply a top dressing such as fishmeal. The supplement in powder form contains a large supply of nutrients that come to the plant gradually. It replaces organic and mineral fertilizers.

Before transplanting, water-charging watering of the soil is done, water is poured into the hole until it ceases to be absorbed. The tomato bush is planted in an earthen gruel with its roots, and on top it is covered with a dry layer of soil, up to the cotyledons, without hilling. After such a planting, watering is not carried out for 2 weeks.

Care of tomatoes

Further care for the Alaska tomato variety is regular watering, which is more required for plants grown in containers. Water the tomatoes with warm water, without affecting the green mass. According to the description and photo of Alaska tomatoes, it can be seen that pinching and gartering are not required for plants.

Top dressing with full complex fertilizer is used if necessary, several times during the growing season.


Alaska tomato is suitable for early harvest. A compact bush perfectly sets fruits, gives a harvest together. Simple care that does not require the formation of a bush, suitable for growing novice gardeners. In addition, a beautiful Alaska tomato bush can be grown on the window of an apartment.

Tomatoes can be sown directly into the ground!

Reviews about the variety of tomato Alaska

Ksenia Lavrova, 47 years old, Pskov
Нравится сорт Аляска за неприхотливость в уходе. Выращиваю для получения самых ранних помидоров. Семена имеют очень хорошую всхожесть. Благополучно выращивала в ведрах и в теплице. Ведра можно переносить на улицу и растить томат там при хорошей погоде. Ничего не нужно обрывать, формировать. Особенность сорта в том, что томаты созревают практически одновременно, и предназначены для употребления в свежем виде или для приготовления супов и вторых блюд, но не для заготовок. Вкус для ранних томатов у них очень приятный.
Oleg Dubrovsky, 57 years old, Ivanovo
I took the Alaska variety for the experiment, I had not seen it on sale before. Named so, apparently, for its stability and not capriciousness. I also like the Alaska tomato variety because of the ability to set fruits even with a rainy and cold beginning of summer, which has become frequent in our region. I liked that Alaska tomatoes can be grown in containers, I have not tried it before. The bush does not get sick, the harvest gives amicably and early. We use the salad variety, the taste is good, the tomatoes are all even, round, weighing about 85 g.

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