Each gardener, wanting to get an early harvest of vegetables from his site, tries to take part of the garden for the appropriate varieties. Early ripe tomatoes always remain a priority, especially for cold regions. Although the fruits cannot boast of large sizes, they are distinguished by excellent taste and aroma. Many early tomatoes have been bred. One of the varieties tested by vegetable growers is the Agata tomato, characterized by a compact bush and high yield.
Variety description
Almost all early tomatoes are stunted. This is the main distinguishing feature of the culture. Considering the characteristics and description of the Agata tomato variety, it is worth noting that the plant belongs to the determinant group, but the bush is not standard. The stem grows only 33 cm in height. Sometimes it can stretch up to 45 cm. The fruits are tied with tassels. There are a maximum of five per plant. The first brush is formed over the fifth sheet, and all subsequent ones appear through two sheets. After the formation of the last fifth brush, the stem of the tomato stops growing, and all the energy is directed to the ripening of the fruit.
A low-growing tomato can do without a garter to a trellis, but the bush is not standard. The stem is unable to independently hold five brushes, each of which is tied from 3 to 6 tomatoes. Under the weight of the fruit, the bush tends to the ground. When in contact with the soil, tomatoes can rot. Supports will be the solution. It is enough to drive a peg into the ground near each bush and tie a tomato stalk to it. A plant fixed to a support is better illuminated by sunlight, plus it is blown by a fresh wind. This reduces the risk of phytophthora.
Agatha tomato ripens 95–100 days after seed germination. The yield for such a small bush is high – up to 4 kg of fruit. According to reviews, the Agata tomato variety shows excellent results with open and closed growing methods. Agrotechnics of culture is simple. Tomatoes can be grown from seeds and seedlings. The second method is considered preferable.
Looking at the photo of the Agata variety tomato, you can verify the beauty of the fruit. Tomatoes grow almost the same size. The shape of the fruit is round, slightly flattened. The walls are even, only in the area of attachment of the stalk there is a slight ribbing. In an unripe fruit, the top is dark pink, and the back and sides are orange. A ripe tomato becomes completely bright red. The fruits weigh a maximum of 100 g.
Despite the early ripeness of the variety, the tomato pulp is dense, plus it is covered with a strong skin. This is another distinguishing feature of the Agata tomato, due to which the fruits are resistant to cracking. Ripe tomatoes tolerate transportation well and go for conservation. The peel of the fruit does not wrinkle during heat treatment. The tomato remains beautiful in the jar and on the table. In addition to conservation, Agata tomato is suitable for fresh consumption, cooking various dishes, juice.
Tomato variety Agata is weakly resistant to diseases. However, the tomato is rescued by early ripening. The plant manages to give almost the entire crop before the onset of the epidemic of phytophthora and other nightshade diseases. Best of all, Tomato Agata grows in a garden where cucumbers, carrots, salad greens or legumes grew last summer. Tomato loves fertile soil. It is advisable to choose a site with light soil. If this is not the case, then the earth is loosened by adding sand.
Advantages and disadvantages of the variety
Probably, the characterization of the Agatha tomato will be incomplete if you miss an overview of the advantages and disadvantages of the variety. Let’s start with the good ones:
- early ripening of fruits allows you to quickly get a crop;
- fruits are universal, do not crack and have an excellent presentation;
- the Agatha variety allows you to get a crop, even if the vegetable grower has made a minimum of effort to care for the crop;
- in warm regions, you can abandon the seedling method of growing and sow tomato seeds directly on the garden;
- the tomato variety is suitable for greenhouse cultivation, which is important for cold regions;
- friendly ripening of fruits, and all tomatoes grow the same size.
Despite the large number of positive qualities, Agatha tomato has a couple of disadvantages:
- in the event of an early outbreak of an epidemic, tomato plantations are affected by late blight;
- a rather weak stem has to be tied to a support so that the lower tier of fruits does not touch the ground.
In principle, the listed disadvantages are typical for most varieties of tomatoes. The problem can be terrible if appropriate measures are not taken in time.
Features of the use of the crop
We have already talked about the versatility of Agatha tomato fruits. Early ripe fruits are most often tried to be consumed fresh. Tomatoes are also excellent for processing, but the vitamins in the overcooked pasta or fruit drink are not preserved. Experienced housewives have found a solution to this problem. In order to preserve all the useful substances to the maximum, the juice from the ground fruits is not boiled. It is heated up to 70оC, after which they are rolled up with metal lids in jars. This recipe allows you to feel the taste of a tomato just picked from the garden in winter.
On the video you will find information about the tomato Agata:
Agricultural technology of culture
The technology for growing the Agatha variety does not have any special differences. Let’s look at what actions a vegetable grower needs to perform in order to end up with a generous tomato crop.
Seed sowing
Strong seedlings are the key to a good harvest of tomatoes. You can get it from quality seeds, but they need to be sown in fertile soil. Soil for tomato seedlings is better to buy in the store. It is completely disinfected and has all the necessary useful additives. If the soil is collected from the garden, it is calcined in the oven and watered with a solution of manganese. Organics and complex fertilizers are used as nutritional supplements.
Sowing tomato seeds for seedlings is carried out in March. Here it is better for the vegetable grower to navigate himself, taking into account the weather conditions of the region. If the seeds are of their own collection, then it is advisable to subject them to preparatory procedures. First of all, tomato seeds are immersed in a jar of saline for about 15 minutes. The pacifiers will surely all float to the surface. These seeds will not germinate and must be discarded. The remaining grains are washed with clean water, pickled with manganese, and then laid out on a wet napkin for germination.
The sowing of hatched seeds of Agata tomatoes is carried out in grooves 1,5–2 cm deep. Before emergence, containers with crops are warm, covered with a transparent film. Sprouts usually appear no later than seven days. Now the film will need to be removed, and the boxes with tomato seedlings put on the windowsill.
After the appearance of two adult leaves, I dive tomato seedlings in cups. On the third day, top dressing is applied. Before planting in open ground, young tomatoes are hardened. You can take the seedlings outside for a week or in the room where the tomatoes grow, open the window.
Planting tomatoes in the garden
Agate tomato seedlings are planted in the garden in mid-May. Usually it is 15-20 number. In most regions, the weather is already warm, but night frosts are possible. Protect tomato plantings with a film cover. It is enough just to put arcs over the bed, and lay the canvas on top.
For colder regions, the time of landing in open ground is shifted to mid-June. At this time, you can already do without installing a film shelter. However, late planting does not guarantee that the tomatoes will have time to ripen before the dangerous period associated with the occurrence of phytophthora.
Variety Agatha is characterized by the small size of the bush. Tomatoes can be planted according to the scheme 50×50 cm. Per 1 m2 four plants will feel free.
Features of tomato care
Variety Agata is easy to care for. A tomato grower will not cause much trouble. Of the mandatory procedures, regular watering is needed. Cold water from a well is undesirable to use. The growth of the tomato will slow down. Watering is best done with warm water, but for this you will need to put a storage tank on the site.
Top dressing of tomatoes for the whole season is performed three times. Factory-made complex fertilizers can be used. However, the Agatha variety is well susceptible to organic matter. Tomatoes respond well to humus from foliage and mullein, wood ash, and egg shells. You can add bushes with a weak solution of chicken manure.
Tomato bushes do without the obligatory stepson. The foliage of the lower tier is removed to free access to the fruits of the sun. If the grower thinks that too many shoots have grown, then they can be partially removed. The soil under the tomatoes is kept slightly moist. It is best to cover the ground with mulch. Waterlogging for tomato Agata is unacceptable. There is a threat of fungus. Plants love periodic loosening of the soil. Weeds can clog undersized bushes, so they need to be removed in a timely manner.
Late blight is a great danger to Agatha tomato. It is better not to wait for an outbreak of an epidemic, but to carry out preventive spraying of plantings with a solution of Bordeaux liquid in advance.
There are different reviews about Agata tomato. Some growers like the variety, others do not. Let’s look at a couple of striking examples.