Tolstyak (“Tolstyak” or “Tolstiak”)

Tolstyak beer is brewed at seven SUN InBev breweries in various regions of Russia, including Siberia and Omsk. The following 6 enterprises are located in the European part of the Russian Federation: Klinskoye, Kurskoye, Saranskoye, Volzhskoye, Permskoye, Ivanovskoye.

Historical reference. The debut of TM “Tolstyak” took place in the spring of 1996. The technologists of the brewery proposed a new variety, the taste characteristics of which were positively assessed by both experts and ordinary amateurs. From the regional Volga-Vyatka level, Tolstyak quickly reached the scale of national popularity. The company’s breweries have significantly increased the assortment from one to 4 types of beer.

The year 2000 can be considered the peak of the brand’s popularity. Successful advertising campaigns brought “Fat Man” fame and production growth. The display of perfectly adjusted content and high-quality filmed commercials on the main television channels justified itself.

In terms of popularity, the brand in the Russian Federation took 2nd place. The awards were not long in coming. The “Brand of the Year” was won, in addition to this title, the audience’s sympathy for commercials brought the corresponding prize. In the program “100 best goods of the Russian Federation” the brand took a prize.

The brand’s advertising image was updated in 2008. Beer fell in love with the youth audience, for this reason the character on the label was rejuvenated. He began to look like a cheerful friend who invites you to relax in a friendly feast. For the same reason, the packaging has been somewhat changed; 5-liter bottle containers made of high-quality polyethylene have been added to the existing traditional consumer packaging options.

Types of beer “Fat Man”

The range of the brand includes 4 types of beer with different alcohol content:

  • “Tolstyak Dobroe” is a light beer with a mild taste, in which there is some moderate hop bitterness. The variety is considered a classic, the density (12%) and alcohol content (5%) indicators confirm belonging to this category.
  • Tolstyak Svetloe is a light, refreshing beer that is in demand in the summer heat. The density and alcohol content indicators are 11% and 4,5%.
  • “Tolstyak Zaboristoe” is a beer of increased strength (alcohol content – 5,8%). Density – 14%.
  • Tolstyak Strong is a beer of considerable strength with an alcohol content of 8,2%. The highest density among the brands of the brand (16%) and a rich taste that men like.

Tolstyak (“Tolstyak” or “Tolstiak”)

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