

This is how it looks like ideally. But what about in reality?

Tolerance — respect, acceptance and correct understanding of the whole variety of cultures, forms of self -expression and manifestation of human individuality. The word Tolerance, which is similar in meaning, is often associated with non-resistance, while tolerance implies an active life position.

This guy decided to conduct a social experiment. Stand with a sign about «black lives» in a typical white area, and with a sign about «all lives» in a typical black one.

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​​​​​​​The principles of tolerance can be expressed as follows: you cannot condemn a scoundrel of a different nationality and faith on the grounds that he does not belong to my people and professes a different faith. However, regardless of this, it is impossible not to condemn him for being a scoundrel.

A mentally healthy and developed person does not need to assert himself by humiliating someone else, and respect for those who live in their own way, in a different way, without interfering with the lives of others, is a natural quality of a reasonable person.

There are different shades and facets in healthy tolerance, which are sometimes conveniently represented as a “tolerance cube” with the following faces: Suggest. Accept. Listen. Sorry. Understand. Smile. You can make such a cube yourself: turn it in your hands, throw it, look at what has fallen, think about it. Well, if such actions become habitual for you and other people, become the norm of his life.

However, tolerance of tolerance is different. Appeals and accustoming to tolerance are a good deed when people are taught to live not by prejudices and blind hatred, but reasonably and kindly. On the other hand, kindness to the enemy usually leads to the disappearance of the one who showed kindness at the wrong time, and tolerance can turn into indulgence towards what destroys a healthy society.

If a healthy body does not reject viruses alien to it, it will cease to be healthy and will soon die. If a society turns out to be indiscriminately tolerant and does not reject the parasites that try to live on it (thieves, drug addicts, just parasites who are convinced that everyone is obliged to support them), this society will weaken and will soon be absorbed by parasites or neighboring societies.

Bottom line: before being tolerant, first decide on your boundaries and divide everything into three areas: worthy, unacceptable and different. People with whom you would like to be friends and phenomena that are value close to you will fall into the area of ​​worthy. The area of ​​the unacceptable will include social phenomena, the views and actions of people that cause you conscious protest and deliberate rejection. There is no place for tolerance next to gangsters. At the same time, there is always an area of ​​“different”, which will include people who differ from you in appearance, views and habits. You are not obliged to be friends with such people, but it will be better and more correct if we treat each other more calmly, more tolerantly and more friendly in such cases. More tolerant.

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