Tokuhon analgesic plaster

Tokuhon analgesic plaster

Traditional therapeutic uses

Main indications: relieve pain associated with strains, sprains, back pain and bruises.

In Chinese energy, this plaster improves the circulation and the energy of the blood, which allows the relaxation of the muscles and the reduction of the inflammation of the joints and tendons.


For external use only

  • Clean and dry the affected area before placing the plaster.
  • Cut a piece of the desired size and apply to the affected area.
  • Apply for 1 to 2 hours maximum.
  • Frequency of application: three to four times a day.


To relieve pain, plasters have the same actions and ingredients as oils or ointments. The plasters have the advantage of diffusing the active ingredients, slowly, under the action of the heat of the skin. Their therapeutic action is more powerful than that of oils and ointments.

There are two main categories of products for external application against musculoskeletal pain: those whose main therapeutic action is to relieve pain and those whose main therapeutic action is to accelerate the healing process. Tokuhon analgesic plaster relieves pain.


  • Contraindicated for children under two years old.
  • Contraindicated if the person has allergies to salicylates (eg aspirin) or is taking anticoagulant drugs (eg Warfarin).
  • There is danger of skin reactions if an external heat source, such as a heating pad, is added.
  • Do not apply to mucous membranes, eyes, a wound or irritated skin.
  • Stop the application if inflammation, itching or burning appear.
  • Keep out of the reach of children.


Nom en pin yin

Pharmaceutical name

Therapeutic actions

Dong Qing Yu 

Methyl salicylate (synthetic form of wild tea essence)

Moves the Energy and the Blood, stops the pains  

Bo He Bing 

Mentholum (menthol)

Moves the Energy and the Blood, stops the pains 

Zhang Nao 

Camphora (camphor)

Heats and disperses 

Non-traditional ingredient 

Glycol salicylate (salicylic ester of propylene glycol)

Analgesic and anti-inflammatory 

Non-traditional ingredient 

Tocopherol acetate (synthetic vitamin E)

Regenerates the skin 


On the shelves

Health Canada has assigned a DIN (Drug Identification Number) to the following product, which certifies that it is free of contaminants, that it does not contain synthetic drugs and that the Traditional Chinese Pharmacopoeia recognizes its effectiveness for the uses described here.


  • Tokuhon Analgesic Plaster. Manufactured by Tokuhon Corporation, Japan.

Available in Chinese herbalists, several natural health product stores, as well as distributors of acupuncture and traditional Chinese medicine.

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