Toilet blockage: how to fix it? Video

Toilet blockages are common. The reason can be an accidentally dropped object, accumulated toilet paper, and much more. There are dreamers who are trying to get rid of unnecessary things by simply flushing them down the toilet. You can try to eliminate the blockage yourself.

Toilet clogged: how not to get into trouble?

The first remedy is hot water

Before choosing a remedy, inspect the toilet. Maybe a foreign object just got into the hole, which can be pulled out without effort. If the problem cannot be solved in such a simple way, you will have to look for other options.

You will need: – rubber gloves; – bucket; – a ladle or a can; – plunger or something from which it can be made; – plumbing cable.

If the water passes, but very slowly, you can try to remove the blockage with a large amount of hot water. Fill a bucket full and pour it abruptly down the toilet. Perhaps other methods will not be required.

The hotter the water, the better. It will create the necessary pressure, and a small blockage will go away by itself.

The plunger will help you out

A plunger should be in every house where there is a sewer. It helps to quickly remove small blockages. Scoop out excess water from the toilet. The water should only slightly cover the rubber head. Position the plunger so that the rubber part covers the opening of the toilet. Press firmly on the wooden handle, trying to push the water through.

If there is no plunger on the farm, you can make it yourself out of a wooden stick, several rags and a plastic bag. Nail the rags to a stick, wrap the entire structure with polyethylene and proceed in the same way as with a regular plunger.

You can use such a “pusher doll” once, then it is best to throw away the homemade device.

“Mister Muscle”, “Mole” and others

It is necessary to have a certain amount of household chemicals on the farm, which include acids and alkalis. Eliminating blockages with their help is quite easy, but the substances that make up such preparations are not always useful for pipes, so it is often not worth cleaning the sewer with their help.

Means such as “Domestos”, “Mister Muskul”, “Mole” allow you to constantly keep the toilet in order, but you can buy them at any hardware store. The label usually contains instructions for use. As a rule, the toilet bowl or bathtub must be freed of water, then pour the agent into the hole and do not use the sewer for a while.

Rope is the last resort

But what if neither chemicals nor a plunger helped? There is another way – cleaning the toilet with a plumbing cable. True, in houses with old sewer pipes, which tend to clog up especially often, it is still not worth using the cable on your own. If the house is new and you are sure of the strength of the pipes, nothing prevents you from using this tool.

Wear rubber gloves. Insert the cable into the hole in the toilet. When you feel resistance, start turning the knob. Push what is in the way with strong, but not very violent, movements. Most likely, you will succeed. If nothing comes out, it means that the blockage has arisen somewhere else and it is best to call a plumber.

Don’t forget about preventive measures. Try to remove dirt from the toilet and sink in time so that your bath and toilet are always in order.

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