Toenail abscess: treatment. Video
A nail abscess is painful. It can appear for several reasons: an ingrown toenail, improperly performed manicure, burrs, etc. The abscess must be treated immediately, otherwise the inflammation will develop into sepsis.
Treatment of an abscess on the nail
Marigold begins to pluck when pyogenic microbes enter the body through damaged skin. They spread through the blood and lymphatic vessels, and an abscess forms at the site of the introduction of these microbes.
With a running abscess, the body temperature may rise, torment a headache and weakness
Traditional methods of abscess treatment
An abscess should never be massaged or opened on its own (this procedure should only be performed by a qualified surgeon). From pharmacy preparations, it is recommended to use Vishnevsky ointment. This unique remedy contains the following components: birch tar, castor oil, bismuth salt, etc. A cotton swab is impregnated with this ointment, applied to an abscess and a finger is wrapped. This compress is left overnight.
In addition, it is effective in the treatment of abscesses “Levomekol”
A little of this ointment is applied to a sterile bandage and applied to the inflamed area at night. By morning, the abscess will break through. Yes, and this ointment acts as an anesthetic, so the inflamed area will not hurt.
At the initial stage of nail abscess, compresses from a 20% alcohol solution “Dimexidum” are used. Along with gadgets, thermal procedures are prescribed – UHF.
After the ripe abscess breaks through, the pus is carefully squeezed out with clean hands and the inflamed area is treated with a solution of potassium permanganate or boric acid. Over the next two days, warming compresses are applied to the wound.
Folk remedies for the treatment of an abscess on the nail of the hand
When treating an abscess, a herbal decoction is prepared.
To do this, take:
- 1 tbsp pharmacy chamomile flowers
- 1 tbsp sage
- 1 tbsp lilac leaves
- 1 tbsp St. John’s wort
- 1 tbsp plantain
- 1-1,5 tsp baking soda
- liter of water
Pour herbs and soda with water, put the container on fire and bring the mixture to a boil, after which the composition is boiled over low heat for 3-5 minutes. Then the broth is cooled to a comfortable temperature and the hand is lowered into it for 13-15 minutes. Then, with the help of a scapula treated with alcohol, gently lift the nail and alternately press on the pad, then on the nail plate itself (pus will begin to come out).
Cabbage leaf with honey is an effective remedy for reducing inflammation
Propolis ointment is effective in treating an abscess.
To make it, take the following ingredients:
- 100 g of Vaseline
- 8-10 g of propolis, purified from impurities
Vaseline is placed in an enamel bowl and melted, brought to a boil, and then cooled to 50 ° C. Then add the crushed propolis and, stirring continuously, cook the mixture over low heat for 5-7 minutes. Next, the “drug” is filtered and applied warm to the inflamed area. Better to do the procedure at night.
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