Toe bones: how to get rid of

Why does a bone grow on a leg?

Scientifically, a protruding bone on the leg is called hallux valgus. Unfortunately, mainly women suffer from this disease. Why does a bone grow on my leg? There may be several reasons. Doctors primarily blame uncomfortable shoes. When the bone has just appeared on the legs, you need to say goodbye to shoes with a 10-cm stiletto heel. For everyday wear, a heel up to 3 cm is optimal. High heels violate the biomechanics of the foot. Orthopedic insoles cannot be neglected, and at night you must wear a special splint on your finger. Leg bones are often inherited. If someone in the family has complained about such a disease, it is worth taking care of preventive measures. For example, walking barefoot on small pebbles is very helpful. Also, among the reasons for the appearance of bones on the legs, orthopedists call overweight, flat feet, long walking. There is also an opinion that hallux valgus is associated with hormones, so bones appear more often in adolescents, pregnant women and women of Balzac age (during menopause). In any case, only an orthopedic surgeon can recognize the disease. A finger bone is often confused with salt deposits or arthrosis. To make the correct diagnosis, it will be necessary not only to see a doctor, but also to take an X-ray of the feet and a blood test.

How to get rid of bones on your legs?

The toe not only disfigures the foot and prevents the wearing of elegant shoes, but leads to lameness and severe pain when walking. Also, this disease entails pathological changes in the joints, the appearance of bone growths. Hallux valgus has four stages. At the beginning, the disease is easily tolerated and does not cause concern, but already at the fourth stage, the bones on the toes become inflamed, and patients feel pain and discomfort all the time, even while sitting or lying down. During any stages of the disease, orthopedic insoles should be worn, which will relieve the joints of the legs from stress. The insole must be customized and made to order according to the shape of your foot and the size of your foot. Special massage and physiotherapy exercises will help get rid of the bones on the legs. There is a whole range of exercises for hallux valgus. Here are some examples:

1. “Monkey”: with your toes you need to grab small objects from the floor: a pen, a ball, a notebook, etc.

2. “Elastic band”: Use your thumbs to stretch a strong elastic band.

3. “Circle”: use the ankle joints to “draw” circles.

4. Extension and flexion of the toes.

To achieve the effect, the exercises must be performed 10 times daily. Also, when the bone on the leg hurts, you need to use a special roller or corrector to fix the big toe. Such a procedure in the early stages will even help to straighten the bone on the leg. If conservative methods of treatment do not help, then you will have to get rid of the bone with the help of an operation.

Folk remedies for treating bones on the leg

There are many simple and accessible recipes for everyone that can get rid of the bone on the big toes. Some folk remedies have come to us from Siberia. There, people believed that applying raw and cold fish to the bone at night helped from a serious illness. In this case, the fish must be fresh (unfrozen) and always with bones (fillet is not suitable for such a procedure). In the warm season, you can make burdock compresses. To do this, the back of the leaf must be lubricated with turpentine, and then wrapped around the diseased bone. Warm baths with a special solution are very helpful in the fight against the disease. To prepare it is simple: you need to dilute equal amounts of baking soda, sea salt and soap suds. It is necessary to take baths daily for 15 minutes. After the procedure, be sure to lubricate your feet with any moisturizer.

Popular recipes for bones on the leg using iodine, aspirin and analgin are common. These medicines are always available at the pharmacy. For one bottle of iodine, it is enough to take five aspirin and analgin tablets, previously crushed into powder. The resulting composition must be shaken well. Medicines will dissolve completely only when the iodine is discolored. With this solution, you can lubricate the bones at night.

Ointment, which is easy to prepare at home, helps well with bones on the legs. This will require bodyag (1 teaspoon), mustard powder (1 teaspoon), machine oil (1 teaspoon) and turpentine (two teaspoons). Mix everything and apply to the sore spot. The procedure should be carried out only after the bath (legs should be steamed).

You can also get rid of the bone with the help of compresses of honey melted in a water bath and grated potatoes.

It is important to remember that traditional medicine helps only in the early stages of the disease.

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