TODICAMP saves lives on all continents of the planet

TODICAMP saves lives on all continents of the planet

Extract “Todikamp” – the original tincture of milky walnuts on a distillate – an isolated fraction of paraffin oil with the smell of kerosene. It has a complex stabilizing, immuno-strengthening, membrane-stimulating effect. It has a mild non-chemical smell with a subtle hint of walnut.

The drug was invented almost half a century ago, in 1969 by Mikhail Petrovich Todika, whose name gave the name to the unique remedy. Like any story of the discovery of such a useful trouble-free healing composition, the story of Mikhail Todik is full of courage of a person who sincerely wishes people well, disinterestedness and amazing strength of personality.

The history of the creation of a unique remedy for life without diseases

Mikhail Petrovich Todica, a native of the Republic of Moldova, a participant in the Second World War, a candidate of geographical sciences, suffered from sciatica for many years. In search of a trouble-free remedy, he used elementary logic: he mixed the strongest phytoncide and distillate, which promotes the rapid absorption of useful elements into the blood.

 From the first attempt, the recipe used by the scientist gave amazing results:

  • just a few compresses and rubbing completely relieved back pain;

  • at the same time, Mikhail Petrovich discovered an additional effect – numerous infiltrates from injections in military hospitals resolved;

  • colds have become rare.

Yes, the inventor of the unique remedy “from a hundred diseases”, as TODIKAMP® will later be called in Star City, was not a certified physician. And this was the reason for the long-term struggle of the creator of a unique recipe for the opportunity to help people – to share his invention.

Saving Lives: Against All Odds

TODICAMP saves lives on all continents of the planet

Today the world has recognized that M.P. Todik has more cured cancer patients than many eminent oncologists. Among the people saved by his means there are also celebrities – cosmonaut Popovich, singer Iosif Kobzon, poet Oshanin and many others. From the moment it became known in narrow circles about the unique possibilities of Todik’s tincture, there were constant knocks on the door of his apartment.

And here the human goodness manifested itself in full measure. Mikhail Petrovich did not find the strength to refuse: he again and again passed his miraculous tincture from hand to hand. Of course, from the standpoint of the official Ministry of Health, this was a flagrant violation: it is not a doctor who treats hopeless cancer patients and achieves success where conservative medicine has proved powerless.

Todik’s family was subjected to serious pressure. Mikhail Petrovich was repeatedly threatened with forced psychological testing, fines, trials, even imprisonment. Andrey Georgievich Malenkov, an acquaintance of Mikhail Todik, a Soviet academician and a prominent person, once called these 20 years of helping people “a real feat for the sake of a person – fearless and disinterested.”

47 formative years

Considering that today TODICAMP® saves lives on all continents of the planet and is very popular in more than 60 countries, it is difficult to disagree with his words. Mikhail Todika discovered a saving recipe and sincerely wanted to share it with everyone. But, as usual, the bureaucratic machine delayed his success by 47 years.

Alas, he did not live to see the triumph of his dream. Mikhail Petrovich passed away in 1989 – after 20 years of practice in treatment, saving lives, and consultations. To the credit of the inventor (and as a response to the numerous claims of the then Ministry of Health) it must be said: he did not allow the recipe to fall into the wrong hands.

Because this man was truly responsible. He tested the first recipes on himself. And he used the drug on family members, only making sure of its absolute safety. It was necessary to keep the recipe, and today’s attempts by copyists who shamelessly use Todik’s name to sell their fakes clearly confirm this.

The truth is that the original formulation of the TODICAMP extract® never left Todika’s family. She was picked up and brought to perfection by Mikhail Petrovich. Then his son, Andrei Mikhailovich Todika, continued his business. The original formula is no longer known to anyone, no matter what the authors of dubious copies say. The drug was certified and registered in 2016.

TODICAMP saves lives on all continents of the planet

Composition of TODICAMP® extract

Today extract TODIKAMP® has state registration and is known and loved on all continents. The extract is actively used in oncology, gastroenterology, cardiology, neurology, immunology, rheumatology.

The unique formula remained with the son of the creator – Andrey Mikhailovich Todik. The release of this extract is carried out only by TODICAMP SRL, registered in Chisinau. This is a very important point, since none of the fakes contains all those unique ingredients that give a complex, full-fledged positive effect.

 Genuine TODICAMP extract® contains:

  • Vitamin complex. Vitamins contribute to the overall strengthening of body cells, bind free radicals and speed up the metabolic process, helping to get rid of diseases faster.

  • organic iodine. Supports the activity of one of the main organs responsible for the production of hormones, the thyroid gland.

  • Anthocyanins. They prevent the spread of pathogens, contributing to the accelerated removal of affected cells from it.

  • Salts of cobalt. Restore the normal structure of cells, increasing their resistance to diseases.

  • Antiseptic – Yuglon (products that gives milk ripeness nuts) – a strong antiparasitic agent with choleretic antitumor and antibacterial action.


TODICAMP extract® always gives a systemic effect:

  • relieves pain;

  • normalizes hormones;

  • restores the natural formula of the blood;

  • blocks the growth of tumors;

  • strengthens the immune system;

  • works as a natural anti-inflammatory agent (prevention of influenza and acute respiratory infections);

  • reduces tissue swelling;

  • stimulates intercellular membranes, restoring the natural cellular structure (rejuvenates).

The action of the extract is soft, fast. The drug promotes the resorption of even old infiltrates (antitumor effect). This is an effective, safe anti-aging agent. It supports the heart, cleanses blood vessels, restores the function of the liver, kidneys, thyroid gland, and gastrointestinal tract. Works flawlessly for skin diseases. Effective as prevention of allergic reactions.

The active substances of the extract provoke the accelerated work of macrophages. These are cells that are responsible for removing poisons, toxins, defective products from the body. The unique property of the green walnut is the ability to slow down lipid oxidation: this prevents defective substances from accumulating in cells.

Indications and contraindications

Given the systemic effect of tincture on the human body, it can be recommended for very, very many diseases. Even the well-known expression “a cure for 100 diseases” does not convey all the benefits that this drug can give. It is effective in treating:

  • oncological diseases (at any stage);

  • skin defects;

  • liver diseases;

  • cardiovascular pathologies;

  • viral, infectious lesions.

TODICAMP extract® helps to permanently get rid of chronic infectious and inflammatory diseases, including tonsillitis, bronchitis, pleurisy, laryngitis. It relieves pain and treats defects in diseases of the joints – arthrosis, arthritis, including age-related pathologies or diseases associated with deformities. The extract helps with ulcers and colitis. It evens out pressure indicators, helping to normalize the standard of living of hypertensive patients, diabetics, allergy sufferers, weather-sensitive people.

The drug is often recommended for immunological abnormalities, burns, stomatitis, mastopathy, skin and mucous membrane injuries. It is taken orally or externally (combined treatment with scheduled oral administration and rubbing or compresses is possible).

The only absolute contraindication is an increased content of iodine in the body, individual intolerance to milky ripe walnuts (very rare). Carefully, the remedy is recommended for use during pregnancy, on children of the first year of life. Numerous reviews show that it does not affect the taste of milk or the condition of the baby when taking the extract during lactation.

TODICAMP saves lives on all continents of the planet

Original TODICAMP®

Real green walnut tincture – TODICAMP extract® capable of performing miracles. But this is a very serious drug, which is obtained thanks to exactly the same recipe and the use of the most advanced technologies. To get the effect that thousands of grateful patients tell about in TODICAMP® reviews, you must use only the original product.

It is produced exclusively under the name – Extract TODIKAMP®. All variations, including “Todiklark” are fakes. As well as drugs, the manufacturer of which claims that its remedy is an improved version of Todikamp.

Common misconceptions about taking the drug

TODICAMP saves lives on all continents of the planet

Distilled nut extract has been helping people for almost half a century. Thousands and thousands of people have already appreciated its amazing effect on the body. Many have forever got rid of chronic diseases, ailments that have been overcome since childhood. It is often used as a preventive measure.

During such a time of development of the formulation around a unique (still) drug, a whole halo of delusions could not but arise. They can and should be fought. Here are the most common misconceptions that have nothing to do with the original drug:

  • After treatment with “Todikamp” 1-2 years you can not be in direct sunlight. It is not known for certain where the error came from, but it has nothing to do with the truth. The tincture strengthens the immune system, cleanses the bloodstream, removes toxins – it has a positive internal effect, but does not react with external factors. You can go to the beach in hot summers immediately after taking the extract or 15-20 minutes after rubbing. There are no restrictions on this. The only thing about TODICAMP extract®  and sunlight, refers to the conditions of its storage. The drug should be kept in a dark container away from the sun.

  • “Todikamp” should not be given to children. Numerous tests show that it is completely harmless. If there is evidence, it can be given to children from the first days.

  • Walnut tincture is incompatible with alcohol in small doses and herbal preparations. This is another dangerous misconception. The drug is not recommended for use with antibiotics and chemotherapy agents (at the same time), there are no other contraindications in terms of combining with alcohol and therapeutic agents.

  • The extract can only be bought in Moldova. Indeed, the original extract of TODICAMP®  produced only by the Moldovan company TODICAMP SRL. But you can buy it from any country in the world on all continents of the planet. Sending is carried out directly from Chisinau or through representatives indicated on the site.

  • Preparing before starting treatment. Another mistake: the TODICAMP extract itself®  – This is a complex drug. It has good antiseptic qualities, is a strong antiparasitic agent, removes toxins. He himself will cleanse the body, strengthen the immune system, restore the functions of organs. Getting started does not require any action.

  • The extract contains kerosene. In its composition, a completely safe distillate based on paraffin oil is used – an isolated fraction of an oil product. It has nothing to do with potentially dangerous aviation kerosene. The fraction is allocated in a unique technological way so that you receive an absolutely harmless healing drug. That is why it is certified and approved for ingestion (including children).

Sore subject of fakes

TODICAMP saves lives on all continents of the planet

There are many fakes. Copiers use all kinds of veiling methods. Being a worthy successor to his father’s work, Andrey Mikhailovich Todika, of course, pays attention to such attempts to cover up his desire to earn money with his name. Therefore, he warns that the real extract of TODIKAMP® – this is:

  • Not a veterinary remedy (like Volgograd Todikamp-Ideal).

  • Not a cosmetic emulsion (like Maykop Todikamp).

  • Not pure tincture of young nuts.

  • Not kerosene infusion.

Where can I buy something that heals, not cripples

Alas, the man’s dream of miraculous healing has become a tool for those who are ready to take advantage of the gullibility of those in need of help. Today, drugs using the name Todika are sold very often.  Be careful!!! – this is not a real extract, moreover, such “wonderful” emulsions can greatly harm your health!

To get quality help, act wisely:

  1. The official website of TODIKAMP® has the details of the manufacturer – Andrey Mikhailovich Todik, the sole owner of the original recipe for the TODIKAMP® extract.

  2. Buy only products of the company TODICAMP SRL with registration in the Republic of Moldova. Besides her, no one produces the original product.

  3. Today, there are representative offices in 13 countries, including Russia, Estonia, Ukraine, Kazakhstan, Germany, Australia, Czech Republic, Spain, where you can buy this drug. You can always check if the supplier is the official representative of the manufacturer – all of them are presented on the Contacts page.

TODICAMP saves lives on all continents of the planet

How to distinguish a real extract from dangerous copies?

To make sure the quality of the product you buy, always look at the manufacturer. This extract is produced only by TODICAMP SRL. Pay attention to the original bottles – they are made of dark medical plastic and are sold in a volume of 115 ml.

Remember, cosmetic emulsions and veterinary drugs cannot be used in the treatment of cancer and generally taken internally. This is dangerous to health. The real help is the use of a proven drug. TODICAMP extract® tested by thousands of people and almost half a century of history. Treat without risk, choose the real one.

TODICAMP saves lives on all continents of the planet


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