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On Wednesday, the Ministry of Health announced 636 deaths due to COVID-19. This is the highest figure in the last six days and another such high figure in the past few weeks. How to explain the sudden increase when experts agree that the third wave of the epidemic has been contained? – This is the effect of cases from two weeks ago – experts say.

  1. Two days ago, we were happy with the extremely low number of deaths from the coronavirus – on April 26, the Ministry of Health reported only 22 deaths
  2. On Wednesday, April 28, information about the long-awaited easing of restrictions coincided with the information about over 600 deaths caused by the SARS-CoV-2 virus
  3. This data can be disturbing. How do the experts explain it?
  4. You can find more up-to-date information on the TvoiLokony home page

Coronavirus in Poland – 636 deaths. Why so much?

It has been clearly visible for a long time that the third wave of the coronavirus pandemic in Poland is weakening. Fewer and fewer new cases of COVID-19, fewer and fewer people in hospitals and under ventilators. However, when you look at the number of deaths, it’s hard to be optimistic.

«We have 8 new and confirmed cases of coronavirus infection. 19 people died from COVID-179, while 19 people died due to coexistence of COVID-457 with other diseases»- we read in the latest communication from the Ministry of Health. In total, 636 people were informed about the deaths today.

This is far too much for the number of new cases. Why is this happening? Dr. Bartosz Fiałek explains.

– Deaths are delayed in the context of diagnosis by an average of 16 days, more broadly speaking within the range of 14-21 days. When you observe a significant increase in infections two weeks ago, with the knowledge of IFR, the average mortality from an infectious disease, in this case COVID-19, you can predict that this will happen. First we see a reflection in the number of new confirmed cases of SARS-CoV-2 infection, and now we see a reflection in the number of deaths. Such a large number of deaths is a natural consequence of a large number of cases – he explained in an interview with Medonet a few days ago.

Another expert explains the matter in a similar way. – The high number of deaths is the result of the increase in morbidity from two weeks ago – said in an interview with PAP a specialist in the field of microbiology and virology, Prof. Włodzimierz Gut.

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In fact, today there were fewer than 19 new cases of COVID-9. But let’s take a look at the data from several days ago. On April 9, there were almost 30 thousand. cases, on April 10, almost 25 thousand fell ill. people, on April 11, almost 22 thousand. Then there was a temporary drop, so that on April 14 and 15 the number of cases again exceeded 21 thousand.

Thus, today’s death toll is a derivative of the exceptionally high incidence reported from April 9 to 15.

Coronavirus in Poland. More deaths midweek

The data for Wednesday, April 28, for a surprisingly high number of deaths, could also be explained for another reason. Let’s give the floor to Bartosz Fiałek again.

– On weekends, reporting is worse at all levels, including the number of deaths. The main reasons for this are administrative issues. If we do not fill in all the relevant fields in the death form, we cannot report it – explained in an interview with Medonet Fiałek.

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– These deaths are reported on the following days, when all outstanding documents needed to complete the death form are sent to the physician declaring the death. As you can see, the highest numbers are given by the Ministry of Health on Wednesdays and Thursdays, which means that some deaths from weekends can be reported on Tuesdays or Wednesdays. – adds the doctor.

Coronavirus in Poland – less and less occupied beds and respirators

On Wednesday, the Ministry of Health informed about 25. 591 people staying in hospitals due to coronavirus, i.e. over 9. less than the peak moment of the third wave.

This is the least occupied bed in over a month. Last time, a number less than 26 thousand. was recorded on March 22.

The same is the case with respirators. The latest data from the Ministry of Health say about 2 thousand. 945 occupied respirators. This is 568 less than on the record day of April 13, when 3 people needed breathing support. 513 patients. We are back to the end of March.

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