Alexander Subbotin, a billionaire and former director of the Lukoil concern, died under mysterious circumstances during a session with a shaman. The cause of death was toad’s venom. A coincidence or another victim of the secret services? We’ll probably never know that. By the way, we recall the famous cases of attacks on people unfavorable to the Kremlin, in which various toxins and poisons were used.

  1. Alexander Subbotin, a oligarch, died – presumably – from toad poisoning
  2. Roman Abramowicz – also probably – was poisoned with chloropicrin
  3. Alexei Navalny and Sergei Skripal were given Novichok
  4. Alexander Litvinenko died as a result of fatal poisoning with polonium, and the cause of death of Georgi Markov was ricin
  5. The changes on the face of Viktor Yushchenko are the result of administering dioxins
  6. Do the instigators of all these cases come from the Kremlin? We’ll never know that
  7. More information can be found on the Onet homepage

Aleksander Subbotin

Alexander Subbotin, a oligarch and former director of Lukoil, was found dead in the home of the healer Alexei Pindurin near Moscow. The cause of death is toad venom, which Subbotin was supposed to treat … intoxication with alcohol and drugs.

The official statement of the Ministry of the Interior speaks of a heart attack. “The body of the billionaire was in the basement of the Pindurin house, also known as the Magua shaman, in a room used for Jamaican voodoo rituals,” reported the news agency Tass.

Magua and his wife reportedly offered rich clients unconventional treatments, including those involving toxic toads. Subbotin was to be their regular customer, looking for a hangover cure.

A death from the wrong administration of toxins might not have caused such a sensation were it not for the fact that Subbotin recently called for a swift end to the invasion of Ukraine. Case? Perhaps. On the other hand, the former director Lukoil is part of a series of mysterious deaths and mysterious suicides of oligarchs and heads of strategic energy companies who had a different opinion than the Kremlin on the aggression against Ukraine or simply ceased to be needed by the authorities.

And the history of the death or sudden indisposition of the Kremlin’s opponents, whether using biological or chemical means, is really very long.

Roman Abramowicz – chloropicrin

At the end of March, information appeared that the oligarch Roman Abramovich, the former governor of Chukotka and the ex-owner of the English Chelsea club, who has lived in London for 20 years, was to be poisoned during peace negotiations in Kiev. Symptoms experienced by the billionaire and two other participants in the meeting were said to be painful tearing and redness of the eyes, as well as peeling of the skin. The chemical was supposed to be chloropicrin.

It is a poorly soluble agent in water, if it was to be administered orally, it was more likely due to fats (e.g. in chocolate), but the spray was most likely.

– Chloropicrin is a compound that is used to fight parasites as a pesticide agent. It is an asphyxiant and irritating agent. It dissolves poorly in water, but dissolves well in organic solvents such as chloroform or acetone. In contact with the skin and mucous membranes it has a caustic effect. It causes the so-called necrosis if drunk. This results in gastrointestinal perforation with serious consequences. When inhaled, it has an irritating effect, causes coughing, sneezing, and in high concentration it can cause chemical pulmonary edema and, as a consequence, may lead to death – said the toxicologist Eryk Matuszkiewicz in an interview with Medonet.

The alleged poisoning had no serious consequences. Abramowicz recovered some time after the incident.

Alexei Navalny and Sergei Skripal – Novichok

Novichok as a possible tool of the Kremlin’s attack on political opponents became famous in 2018. It was then that Sergei Skripal, a former colonel of the GRU military intelligence and an associate of British intelligence, and his daughter lost consciousness on a London street and in a critical condition were hospitalized.

Novichoki are cholinesterase inhibitors, paralytic and convulsive agents from the group of V compounds produced in laboratories. They are one of the most poisonous combat gases, next to sarin, soman and VX.

In 2020, Alexei Navalny, one of the most famous opposition activists, was also poisoned by Novichok. Navalny felt unwell on board the plane, lost consciousness, and was put into a pharmacological coma in the hospital.

Both Skripal and Navalny survived the attack. It is not known how they were given the poison. It is suspected that in the former case, the poison was placed on the door handle of the front door, and it was given to Navalny in water or tea.

– Nowiczok is a combat gas from the paralyzing and convulsive group, the antidote may be atropine. If the help is given early enough, and the poisonous substance is not too much, a way out of trouble is likely – says the toxicologist.

Aleksandr Litvinenko – Polonium

On the other hand, Alexander Litvinenko, a former officer of the Soviet counterintelligence and the Federal Security Service, and in later years an associate of the British secret services and political opponent of the Kremlin, was not lucky.

In November 2006, he felt sick after a meeting in a London restaurant. He went to the hospital, but could not be saved. Large amounts of polonium-210 were found in his body – a highly radioactive and carcinogenic element.

– If the polonium-210 isotope is used, there is no antidote here and we are actually doomed to death. If radiation sickness develops, and it certainly will, there is not much that can be done here, explains the toxicologist.

Viktor Yushchenko – Dioxins

The victims of poisons are not only s who are defiant of the Kremlin, but also citizens of other countries whose views or policies do not coincide with interests. This was the case with Viktor Yushchenko, the former president of Ukraine, and in 2004 – when the attack took place – the then leader of the opposition reluctant to Our Country.

Yushchenko was to be poisoned with dioxins in the home of the deputy head of the Ukrainian Security Service. According to European toxicologists, the perpetrators used TCDD dioxin, a component of chemical weapons (the so-called orange mixtures) used, among others, in by the Americans during the Vietnam War. The standard was exceeded 50 thousand. times.

One of the first symptoms of poisoning is a painful rash, the so-called chlorine acne, which causes visible, long-lasting changes to the skin of the face and hands. The effects of poisoning may also include pancreatitis, liver damage and neurological disorders.

– Dioxins are unlikely to kill unless they are given in very high concentrations, but in most cases they cause complications that will stay with us. Dioxins are released very slowly, so their effect may remain for years – explains Matuszkiewicz.

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Georgi Markov – ricin

Georgi Markov was a Bulgarian playwright and novelist, as well as a communist critic and dissident. In 1969, at the age of 40, he fled to the West, but this did not save him from the revenge of the Bulgarian special services supported by the KGB. However, not immediately.

He survived two attempts on his life, the third was already successful. The course of events turned out to be the most “ingenious” of all mentioned in this text. Agents constructed a special mechanism in the umbrella, placing a special ricin capsule there, which was fired when the button was pressed. Markov was accosted at the bus stop by an “accidental” passerby, and the other attacker stuck the end of his umbrella in his leg. Markov died after three days.

Ricin is also called toxoalbumine. It is one of the most powerful toxins of plant origin. It is found in the seeds, leaves and stem of the castor bean.

The level of toxicity of ricin depends on the size of the dose and route of administration (oral administration, intramuscular administration, inhalation, dermal contact). Subcutaneous application is the most dangerous, as a result of it inflammation, severe pain and swelling at the injection site, followed by muscle spasms, necrosis of muscles and surrounding cells, or enlargement and necrosis of lymph nodes.

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