
The big three antioxidants, namely vitamins A, C and E, are just some of the reasons why it is worth tasting pickles. They sweep free radicals from the body, thanks to which the probability of developing cancer or atherosclerosis, as well as premature aging of the body, is significantly reduced. Beneficial compounds silage contain much more.
The most popular among pickles are cucumbers and cabbage, although you can pickle many more vegetables, and there are even fruits that are susceptible to pickling. Lemons, peppers, zucchini, beets, carrots, turnips and even cauliflower are perfect for this.
Bet on the flavor that suits you best and take care of yourself. We present eight benefits for the body that come from eating pickles!
Nervous system and beauty
Thanks to vitamins B1, B2 and B3, our nervous system functions more efficiently. We absorb iron more efficiently. With regular consumption, we can see their miraculous effect on hair, skin and nails. In addition, carbohydrates, proteins and fats are better digested.
Good for the line
Pickles are an excellent product for diabetics and people who want to lose body fat. They have lower calorific value than raw and cooked vegetables. This is due to the breakdown of simple sugars into lactic acid. In addition, they are rich in fiber, which mobilizes the digestive system to work, fights constipation and allows you to achieve satiety.
Natural probiotic
Lactic acid bacteria produced during pickling are rightly considered a natural probiotic. They counteract enteritis, rotavirus infections, as well as irregularities in the functioning of the digestive system. They support convalescence after illnesses. They take care of the intestinal microflora, which is of great importance for the immune system.
The list of advantages does not end there…
- They relieve depression.
- They optimize blood pressure due to the presence of acetylcholine.
- They are naturally processed food, which is an advantage for fans of healthy food.
- They make it possible to achieve the previously disturbed acid-base balance.
- They cleanse the body due to lactic acid.
Who should watch out for pickles?
Moderation in the consumption of pickles must be maintained by people who struggle with kidney failure, which results from the high content of salt in this type of products. Homemade pickles are the best choice. We should approach the products available in stores with a dose of skepticism and take a closer look at all preservatives and agents responsible for accelerating the pickling process.