To the delight of mom: how to teach a child to play independently

To the delight of mom: how to teach a child to play independently

Having mastered this difficult mission, you can buy valuable time for yourself.

A young mom’s to-do list can rival that of a top manager. And there, and there the day is scheduled by the hour. But you can’t tell your “home boss” about a legal lunch break or work quota. An order was received to play – look for time and energy. The problem with the game can be solved by teaching the kid independent entertainment.

Online store customer survey fluffy plasticine Plush showed that mothers of children 4-7 years old have additional free time thanks to educational games. 70% of women noted that children independently sculpt from plastic masses for 30-50 minutes, 20% indicated that they calmly leave children with fluffy plasticine for an hour.

Games without the participation of parents develop the child’s independence, the ability to rely on their strengths, concentrate on a specific task, and manage time. Playful games between children and parents work in a different way: they strengthen family ties and give kids a sense of security. That is why you cannot choose one type of games, and a mom who can find a balance will be happy. But for a child to get used to doing business on his own, he needs to create all the conditions.

It is important that the child is comfortable playing on his own. To do this, first of all, you need to organize a safe play space. Parents have peace of mind when there are no sharp, cutting, or easily breakable objects in the nursery. Furniture with rounded edges and sockets with plugs will cope with these points.

It is important for children to feel that they have an area specially designed for them. Even if the child does not have his own room, he can buy or ask his dad to make a playhouse or a wigwam tent. Like adults, children get tired of socializing, especially if they go to the garden. Solitude in a home hut will allow them to be alone with themselves and relax.

The child plays himself when he clearly understands the rules and is interested in the activity. Therefore, for the first time, parents should carefully explain all the rules and nuances of the game. When the kid understands the main principles, it is a good time to invite him to make a figurine himself. Independence is inherent in children from birth: in infancy, they examine toys suspended from the cradle, roll balls and make up pyramids.

For example, if you introduce a baby to fluffy plasticine Plush, then you should tell him that this plasticine is not molded as usual. The details need to be fluffed before joining, and to install the peephole, handles and legs, you have to make a recess on the figure. A trial craft can be molded together, and then baked in the oven and painted with paints to keep as a keepsake.

When the baby is playing by himself, mom is better off being around. It is important for a child to feel that he will be supported, directed, and answered the question of interest. Gradually, he will gain experience in independent play, and mom will be able to move away without giving him and herself worries – first to the other end of the room, then to herself or to the kitchen. However, even an independent and enthusiastic child needs a mother. The kid feels needed and loved when he is periodically asked how things are going with the drawing or the assembly of the designer.

Parents gently stimulate the child’s enthusiasm for the game if they gradually increase the complexity of the game tasks. For example, at first the kid made a bun out of fluffy plasticine, next time you can offer him to make a cat with a fluffy tail or a curly lamb, and then try to mix shades for a new color. The main thing is to encourage the interest of the baby and praise for the success. You can put the craft in the most visible place, hang the drawing on the refrigerator and be sure to show your dad when he returns from work.

Provide support at the right time

The duration of independent play depends on the ability to set goals and achieve them. Children get very upset when they can’t put together a construction set or a puzzle. They start crying, getting nervous and even throwing hateful details. If mom comes to the rescue on time and supports her son or daughter, then a scandal can be avoided. On the other hand, you should not be upset if a child deliberately destroys a newly assembled constructor or breaks a piece of fluffy plasticine. Thus, children learn about the world and the nature of things, and also give an outlet for negative emotions.

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