To tears: the dog died saving the owner from the fire

The pet could survive if it ran away. But the dog barked to the last, trying to wake the sleeping man.

27-year-old photographer Cole Finney from Los Angeles rented a house with a friend, and a week later almost burned to death in it. As it turned out later, the fire started because of an old stove in the house.

Cole was fast asleep that day when he was awakened by the loud barking of his dog Bowie.

“Opening my eyes, I saw a light fog in the room – a thin layer of smoke in the air,” says the boy’s father on the website gofundme… – At the same time, no one shouted. The smoke alarm didn’t go off and I thought it was okay. “

It turned out that Cole was alone in the house. And when he opened the bedroom door, a cloud of black smoke hit him in the face, and dense smog immediately filled the room. Almost blindly and barely breathing, the guy moved to the window. Having torn off the curtains, he was already reaching for the window handle, but then he saw that the opening was blocked by thick metal rods. Cole was trapped.

The smoke was so thick that Cole could not even see his own hands. But he understood that he had to get out of the house by all means.

I realized that if I didn’t get out within a few minutes or even seconds, I would pass out from the smoke and die right here in this house.

He carefully made his way to the front door, but as soon as he touched the handle, a huge flame burst out from under the floor, which instantly consumed the door. Cole’s body seemed to melt from the heat. The guy saw with horror that he was starting to burn. At that moment it seemed to him that he was about to die.

In a panic, Cole began to feel about the house, trying to find a way out. Suddenly, something shattered. It was Cole who broke through the glass window. Smoke poured out. Then the guy broke the rest of the window and jumped out onto the street from the second floor, miraculously landing on his feet.

“Then I ran to the back door, opened it, trying to see at least some movement. I shouted my dog’s name over and over. But there was no barking. “

Cole with numerous burns was rushed to the hospital, where he was connected to artificial lung ventilation. And when the guy came to his senses, he found out that his friend Bowie had died in a fire.

Usually my dog ​​barked softly and quietly. Warned me that the postman brought the mail or when my neighbor was making breakfast. But that day, his barking was very loud. If not for Bowie, I would have died in the fire without waking up.

Cole’s burned hands hurt for a long time, but it was incomparable with how painful it was in his soul because of the loss of the dog.

“I raised him from birth. He and I were as close as a dog and a person can be. He slept in my bed every night, always followed me, was always there. A constant companion who loved me more than any person. “

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