To tears: the cat saw the deceased owner on the phone screen

This video touched millions of users. It is simply impossible to watch a cat’s reaction without tears …

What do we know about our smaller brothers in general, can we imagine the depth of their feelings and the degree of devotion? Probably, we should tell ourselves honestly: sometimes we do not know at all.

The cat in question was a real joy for the owner. In the evenings, handsome, slightly important, he met the most important person in the house (that was his cat’s opinion!) With such love and tenderness in his eyes that he involuntarily smiled and forgot about everything bad that was in the world. Then he took the fluffy animal in his arms, threw it on his shoulder, and together they went to the kitchen, where dinner was waiting for them. So the days passed unhurriedly, and it seemed that this romantic tradition would never end. But one day a disaster struck: the owner died. And it was as if the world had collapsed into some terrible abyss: the cat was homesick, could not find a place for itself. According to old habit, in the evenings he ran out to the doorstep, hoping to hear familiar footsteps and breathe in the owner’s favorite scent. But it was all in vain: the miracle did not happen.

Out of sympathy for the grief of a cat, someone decided to show the suffering pet a video on the phone, where its owner was talking to someone and smiling. The cat glared at the small screen: he is alive and well, beloved and the only one next to him again! To be convincing, the agitated beast to tears even touched this small window, behind which its long-awaited owner was hiding. But he did not go out, no matter how plaintively the furry friend looked. And then the cat lay down on the phone, covering it with his body, with deep sadness in his eyes. And, perhaps, at that moment his heart was beating only one word: “Come back! Come back! “

This sad, touching story about smaller brothers (be they cats or dogs) is another confirmation of how loyal to us and able to love so selflessly that people sometimes should be envious and ashamed of their spiritual callousness.

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