To sunbathe or not – how does the sun affect the skin?

Tan is tempting, dermatologists scare melanoma, skin aging, we are afraid of discoloration, but also vitamin D deficiency. How is it with the sun? Is its radiation really so harmful? Is it possible to sunbathe safely? What changes on the skin may appear after excessive exposure to the sun, how to deal with them? Dr. Kamila Białek-Galas, a dermatologist at the Sublimed medical center in Krakow, explains.

Tanning and the types of radiation and their effects

In the beginning, it is useful to sort out the types of radiation that exist, as information on this can be chaotic and ambiguous. Well, ultraviolet radiation consists of three types of radiation:

  1. UVC, which is captured by the ozone layer of the atmosphere. It does not reach the ground, but in the future, when the ozone hole grows larger, it will certainly have biological significance. It irritates the conjunctiva and can damage your eyesight. In addition, it has a toxic effect on cells, therefore it is used to produce germicidal lamps;
  2. UVB, responsible for the formation of sunburn. Although it irritates the eyes to a lesser extent than UVC, it requires the use of sunscreened sunglasses. It does not pass through glass, but it does penetrate water, so it is possible to get burned while bathing, for example in the sea or swimming pool. After the erythema subsides, it creates a tan. It damages the DNA of skin cells, which can lead to the formation of cancer. At the same time, it is essential in the synthesis of vitamin D3. On the other hand, it also has a positive effect, e.g. it has an immunosuppressive effect, thanks to which it is sometimes used in the treatment of certain skin diseases, e.g. psoriasis;
  3. UVA, which accounts for as much as 95 percent. UV radiation and is also the main cause of skin photoaging. This radiation damages the collagen fibers. May cause cataracts and clouding of the lens. It penetrates through glass and can therefore affect people indoors or in a car. Creates an immediate tan.

Tanning and discoloration and methods of their removal

Women using hormonal contraception and pregnant women are most exposed to the formation of sun discoloration. Their formation is influenced by both the ultraviolet rays emitted by the sun, as well as visible light and infrared radiation.

Acid therapies can be mentioned among the numerous methods of removing sun discoloration. For example, azelaic, ferulic, glycolic or trichloroacetic acid (TCA) have a mild and moderate depigmenting effect. Several treatments are recommended to obtain satisfactory results.

Good results are also obtained after 4-6 treatments of discoloration with IPL devices. In our center, we perform treatments that lighten discoloration using the Dye-Vl device. It is the only narrowband, pulsed light source on the market, emitting a beam with a wavelength of 500-600 nm. Thanks to this, it eliminates both pigmentation and vascular changes in a safer and more effective way than other devices of this type.

However, in my opinion, the best results are obtained after using Dermamelan depigmentation therapy. It is a treatment that combines a mixture of numerous acids and substances that lighten discoloration from the so-called tyrosinase inhibitors, i.e. substances that block melanin synthesis. The therapy combines a professional procedure performed in a doctor’s office with a coexisting 3-month home treatment. The first effects of the treatment can be observed after about 4 weeks.

Tanning and burned skin

When sunburn has already occurred, we use dedicated creams and lotions with a soothing effect. Almost every brand that produces sunscreen creams also offers special after-sun preparations.

In case of more severe burns, it is recommended to use cooling compresses as well as light emulsions and foams with soothing and soothing properties, containing e.g. panthenol or silver ions.

Severe cases sometimes require the inclusion of steroid preparations in the treatment. You should also remember about intensive irrigation, because the evaporation of water by the epidermis is then increased. So we drink a lot and soothe the skin with lotions.

How to protect yourself from solar radiation?

If you want to get a beautiful, even and long-lasting tan, and at the same time care for the safety and health of the skin, it is recommended to use creams with a high sunscreen, i.e. not less than SPF 30. There are also dedicated filters on the market for people with a tendency to sun discoloration. . They protect not only against the ultraviolet spectrum, but also against visible light.

Remember that even a cream with a 50+ sunscreen is not a blocker, but the specificity of this type allows us to significantly extend the period of staying in the sun without the risk of burns. Of course, it is also advisable to wear a baseball cap or a wide-brimmed hat to keep your face in the shade at all times.

We recommend sunscreen cream SPF 50+ FLOSLEK available on Medonet Market at an attractive price.

Vitamin D synthesis or a convenient excuse?

The dose of ultraviolet radiation sufficient to synthesize the necessary amount of vitamin D is obtained thanks to only 15 minutes of exposure to sunlight in our latitude, from 10 to 15 hours, in the months from April to September, while ensuring that only 18% of exposure is exposed. body surface. So not much!

  1. Is it true that sunscreen creams cause a vitamin D deficiency?

Many sun-abusers explain their many hours of sunbathing by the need for vitamin D synthesis. Indeed, this is a convenient excuse. However, it should be remembered that even creams with a high SPF 50+ filter are not blockers, and some of the UV radiation reaches our skin despite the use of a filter.

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