«To see something as an opportunity and not as a problem, you have to accept it first»

«To see something as an opportunity and not as a problem, you have to accept it first»


Mindfulness expert Úrsula Calvo explains that acceptance lays the foundations to value, enjoy and fully live our existence, without the need to control external circumstances

«To see something as an opportunity and not as a problem, you have to accept it first»

Situations like the one the world is currently experiencing with the crisis of Covid-19 They have shaken the foundations of Western society, of the world economy, and of our very existence.

The lifestyle we used to know, based on an illusory sense of control, has been turned upside down. And the “culprit” of this has been, neither more nor less, that a supporting actor come to more who enters the scene upsetting everything and acquiring the role of invisible protagonist.

However, perhaps life does not stitch without thread, and this duel offers us the opportunity to discover that we can value, enjoy and fully live each and every moment of our existence, without the need to control external circumstances.

We have been able to verify, from our own experience with the Covid, that we have never had, nor will we have, the control over life. It is not in our power to change what already “is”, or to predict what will be. But what we can do, what is in our power, and this specific situation gives us the opportunity to discover, is that we are free to decide how we want to live it, and how we can use everything that comes up to move forward.

We have two options, according to the mindfulness expert, Úrsula Calvo: see it as a problem, or as an opportunity. “You can choose either of the two, but whoever you choose is not going to change what has already happened,” he clarifies.

The expert explains that when she faced her own “personal catastrophe” in the past, she realized that life was “very difficult.” It was so obvious, he claims, that he could only surrender and accept her for who she is. “Curiously, the moment I accepted this fact, I felt deeply liberated and at peace. And curiously, at stop the inertia of the complaint, from the exhausting fight, I discovered his gentle side. I realized that most of me sufferingWhat was really making my life so difficult was not the situations themselves, but the non-acceptance of those situations. Only then was I able to find the opportunity for them. And only then could I observe real and lasting changes in my life situation, “he argues.

La acceptanceAs he clarifies, it is nothing other than allying yourself with life, with what happens, with what is, it is the secret of change.

Flowing with life can seem very complex. The situations that we are going through and that we are unable to accept, even under the promise of being the only way to change them, immediately come to our mind, in the form of a film. However, everything is simplified when you realize that it is not necessary to accept “the whole situation”, but you only have to face, as proposed by Úrsula Calvo, a single moment at a time: this moment “accept the now”, live moment by moment without being trapped by mental puzzles that kidnap us and those who always lack pieces, installs us in a state of peace and joy of living. Then comes the energy, enthusiasm, kindness and clarity of mind that we need to face, in the best possible way, the inevitable challenges of life.

Ultimately, it is not in our power to change what already “is”, or to predict what will be. But we can accept the situation. Because accepting the moment we live in is avoiding unnecessary suffering. To incorporate mental clarity that makes us face the challenges of life and enjoy it with more peace and joy, the expert proposes to train your mind with some simple meditation and mindfulness practices from her platform #MeditaEncasa.

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