
Leading trainings assure that the negative attitudes that prevent us from earning more are just an “infection” picked up from the wrong environment, or the result of illiterate financial education, which means that it is easy to get rid of them. Is it so? Tells an expert in the field of finance Ksenia Voronina.

In the wrong monetary settings, for the most part, it is not the environment and upbringing that are to blame, but those factors that we cannot influence. These include age, gender, nationality, and social identity.

Gender and Age

A man’s social success is associated with his ability to earn money and provide for his family, so it’s only natural that money has a higher value for them. Men are better at managing finances and more likely to take risks to acquire them. Women are more likely to experience frustration due to lack of money and envy of those who have it.

Men show great discipline and self-control in the matter of accumulating large sums for important purchases. This is in good agreement with the role of the breadwinner and financial responsibility for the family, which is expected from a man. Women often spend for the purpose of calming, a kind of psychotherapy — this prevents them from saving and creating significant capital.

With age, the propensity to consume is gradually replaced by a craving for accumulation.

Statistically, middle-aged and older unmarried and childless women tend to feel less secure and confident and try to relieve stress by shopping more often than their married girlfriends. This makes them a favorite target not only of marketers, but also of banks offering to buy more by taking out a loan. The propensity for loans often speaks of a hidden need to feel needed, to attract attention.

With regard to age, as we grow older, the propensity to consume is gradually replaced by a craving for accumulation. Accordingly, the ability to plan their own finances also increases.

social identity

The financial attitudes of employees, whether high-wage office workers or low-income civil servants, are largely similar. Entrepreneurs are another matter: for them, money is much more significant. The increase in profits and capital is one of the main incentives for entrepreneurial activity. Money also provides security and stability for a business.

For entrepreneurs, finance is a matter of pride, a tool of influence and power. Such people are more dependent on money, regularly monitor the balance and savings, prefer cash.


A few years ago, researchers set out to find out how money beliefs are predetermined by nationality, and compared the attitudes of the inhabitants of Russia and Central Asia.

It turned out that Russians treat money not only as a means, but also as an end: the need for money itself overrides those needs that initially required finance. At the same time, they are not inclined to save — their behavior can rather be called wasteful.

Not surprisingly, the majority of respondents are dissatisfied with their financial situation. For them, money is not only a source of positive emotions, but «evil» leading to quarrels and conflicts. The desire to have a large amount of money coexists with the idea that money «spoils people», makes them envious, greedy, cynical. This indicates a contradictory attitude towards money, internal conflict, which is expressed in constant anxiety, fears, fears.

In Russia, they prefer active accumulation (invest, invest), in Asia — passive (save, accumulate)

In Central Asia, money is regarded as a source of honor: a person, thanks to his diligence and perseverance, managed to earn money, which means he is worthy of respect. In addition, for Asians, money is a guarantee of confidence in the future: if a person has money, then he is firmly on his feet.

They are more prone to accumulation than to spending, while in Russia they prefer active accumulation (invest, invest), while in Asia they prefer passive accumulation (save, accumulate, leave for a rainy day).

What to do?

Suppose you are a woman, young, Russian and born in a family of hired workers. It is clear that there is no way to change this, but to know about your features and weaknesses is already half to overcome them.

Practice observing yourself in different situations, make a map of the strengths and weaknesses of your personality. You will soon learn to avoid situations where someone tries to use your weaknesses against you — for example, to provoke an extra purchase, after which you will be forced to justify yourself with negative beliefs from the series «money is evil» or «I will never become rich «.

While the brain does not have a clear goal and plan of action, it comes up with a variety of settings to justify its inaction.

Make a plan of concrete actions: you can start saving a certain percentage of your salary every month, master investment tools with low risks and start receiving passive income, or save a certain amount — the more specific the goal, the better.

Until the brain has a clear goal and plan of action, it comes up with settings to justify its inaction. Focus not on fears and excuses, but on tasks that need to be solved, and unnecessary beliefs will gradually fall away on their own.

If necessary, seek the help of professionals: they will analyze your financial situation and identify inefficient money behavior, as well as calculate how far it takes you away from your goals.

Often a sober analysis is enough to stop succumbing to momentary temptations and take a step towards a dream.

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