To give birth after an abortion: is it possible or not? Video
The chances of having a child after an abortion are 90% of women. Alcohol, drugs and nicotine are much more likely to lead to infertility than termination of pregnancy performed by specialists.
Pregnancy after an abortion: is it possible to have a baby?
All women who decide to terminate their pregnancy without medical indications are frightened by the terrible word “infertility”. And for many, this intimidation works. They decide to leave the child without even knowing how they will raise and educate him. And now more than half of these “unexpected” children end up in orphanages and boarding schools, and are left without care and parental warmth. And as for infertility after an abortion, its probability is only 10%. In addition, infertility is more often diagnosed when an abortion is performed by non-professionals in unsanitary conditions.
Possible causes of infertility after abortion
- The termination of pregnancy was carried out independently using the “grandmother’s” methods, without the supervision of specialists
- The abortion was performed in non-sterile conditions by dubious specialists, and during the procedure the woman was infected
- After the abortion, the woman did not follow the doctor’s recommendation. Was not examined and did not drink drugs prescribed by an obstetrician-gynecologist
After an abortion, all women are prescribed a number of drugs that speed up the renewal of the cycle and the return of their fertility
- The pregnancy was interrupted for a long time, which caused complications
- Pregnancy terminations are carried out regularly
It would seem an impressive list, but all these reasons boil down to the fact that a pregnant woman did not meet a good specialist at such a scrupulous moment, or she herself ignored the doctor’s recommendations. For which she will have to pay the most expensive thing in life – the opportunity to give birth.
At times more often, abortions do not lead to infertility, but to a decrease in the chances of bearing a fetus. That is, a woman can become pregnant, but not give birth. No need to worry and panic. After all, the chances of not having a baby after an abortion are the same 10%, and 90% of women give birth to healthy children without any problems, even after several earlier abortions.
The most dangerous abortions are considered during the first pregnancy, they often lead to women falling into those 10% of unfortunates who are diagnosed with “infertility”
You can increase your chances of becoming one of the 90% of mothers who have given birth to healthy babies after an abortion if you undergo a course of maternal therapy. But this does not mean that maternal therapy is prescribed for all women who have terminated a pregnancy. Only a doctor can prescribe treatment of one nature or another, and it is to him that you need to go as soon as there is a desire to become a mother.
No need to hide anything from the gynecologist
He should know when you had an abortion, which doctors’ recommendations after the abortion you followed and which you ignored, and other details. Only then will he be able to help you.
In other words, abortion is not a sentence, and after it millions of women give birth not even one at a time, but several healthy babies. Indeed, with the correct procedure for terminating a pregnancy, the fallopian tubes become thinner quite a bit, which means that one abortion is hardly able to make a healthy woman without bad habits sterile.
Also interesting to read: diet after childbirth.