To eat or not to eat: what do the stars eat after six in the evening

To eat or not to eat: what do the stars eat after six in the evening

You will be surprised, but before going to bed, many sin with fried potatoes, kebabs and even sweets …

Do not reproach yourself for a salad with mayonnaise eaten at night or a weekend spent in bed in the company of … sandwiches. You are not the only one who sometimes allows yourself a little too much.

Russian actors and TV presenters honestly told that they allow themselves after six o’clock in the evening. And as it turned out, they certainly do not exhaust themselves with diets.

Serafima Nizovskaya, actress:

– Something light – salad and fish, as a side dish – spaghetti or vegetable stew.

Nadezhda Sysoeva, actress of the Comedy Woman show:

– Most often – grilled fish and steamed vegetables.

Boris Grachevsky, creator of the Yeralash magazine:

– Again, this is a diet food prepared by my wife. I can eat baked fish, only white: dorado, sea bass, and completely, with the head.

Andrey Chadov, actor:

– You need to have supper two hours before bedtime. And better protein food.

Rina Grishina, actress “Policeman from Rublyovka”:

– Nourishing! Even if she came late from filming. It can be chicken with broccoli, spinach. Otherwise I won’t be able to sleep.

Agatha Mutseniece, actress:

– Some meat. We love beef, turkey or chicken with vegetables.

Yulia Zimina, actress:

– I can even eat something heavy, such as a piece of meat, or bake pies with meat myself.

Georgy Dronov, actor:

– In the evening I try to eat something light. But here is an accumulative system: an easy day, two, three, and then you still want meat. I have dinner late, usually at midnight.

Nyusha, singer:

– As unpredictable as breakfast and lunch. Can be fish or meat. But there are days when pasta or fruit salad with ice cream is pleasing to the soul.

Usually it’s… fruit salad!

Azamat Musagaliev, actor of the show “Once Upon a Time in Russia”:

– Lately I have been trying to eat 3-4 hours before going to bed. Something light: fruit or vegetable salad.

Svetlana Abramova, actress (Ten Years Younger, Channel One):

– Before going to bed I can eat salad, drink yogurt and even order sushi. But still I try to limit myself to tea.

Victoria Tarasova, actress (TV series “Capercaillie” on NTV):

– Fruit or buckwheat porridge with milk, never meat and potatoes. I follow my figure, so I hardly ever dine.

Rinal Mukhametov, actor:

– This is salad and cottage cheese with sour cream or a small spoonful of sugar. But I can arrange a party and fry potatoes.

Larisa Verbitskaya, TV presenter:

– It is never dense. Fruit or vegetable salad.

Who came up with the diet? I eat whatever I want!

Vasilisa Volodina, host of the show “Let’s Get Married”:

– Everything that is at hand. We’re not obsessed with the calorie counting trend.

Anna Dankova, actress (TV series “Trace”):

– We eat at night. I understand that this is harmful, but both I and my spouse work in the theater “Commonwealth of Taganka Actors” and we arrive late.

Katerina Špica, actress:

– At home, at work. I cook myself at home. The only dish that doesn’t work out is dumplings. I seem to be making it according to my mother’s recipe, but still not as tasty as hers.

Regina Dubovitskaya, author and host of “Full House”:

– After 21:30 – I don’t get home earlier. We have dinner and talk with my husband for a long time. Be sure to eat salads and a hot dish.

Aleksandr Nezlobin, Comedy Club:

– In times of stress, I can eat something fried with a fat sauce, and for dessert – ice cream or cake.

Olga Fadeeva, actress:

– I can do without him! Yes, yes, I am one of those who do not eat after six.

Lena Lutuchaya, TV presenter:

“I’m not having dinner.”

Sergey Burunov, actor:

– I never know when my day will end. At night I try not to gorge myself so as not to turn into a talking ball.

Irina Bezrukova, actress:

– I always exclude fast food, pickles, canned foods, juice from bags, soda.

Vladimir Vinokur, humorist:

– I don’t eat in the evening.

Daria Poverennova, actress:

– If possible, I try to have dinner no later than eight in the evening. I always cook myself. But if there is a performance in the evening, I never eat in front of it. Then dinner is late.

Alexandra Nikiforova, actress (“Anna the detective” on TV-3):

“I don’t usually have dinner.” Arriving home after filming, I manage to eat only an apple.

Natalia Podolskaya, singer:

– I try not to eat after 19:00, and until that moment I eat anything.

Angelica Kashirina, actress:

– As a rule, I eat three hours before bedtime. Something light, but sometimes I break, and meat comes into play.

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