To Barbaris Tunberg
This most beautiful of deciduous barberries is decorative throughout the season. No wonder it is gaining more and more popularity every year. And most importantly, he does not need special care.

Bushes barberry of Thunberg (Berberis thunbergii) are strewn with honey-scented flowers in spring, to which bees and bumblebees flock together, and in autumn ruby-red berries ripen on them, remaining on the branches in winter.

Bush 0,5 – 1,5 m high with densely branching thin shoots, usually no thicker than a pencil. The root system is fibrous, well branched and shallow. 

The color of the bark of ribbed shoots varies from yellowish green to purple-brown, depending on the variety. As the shoot ages, it darkens. Spines up to 1 cm long, solitary, thin and elastic. The leaves are small, with a smooth surface, obovate on short petioles. From above they are bright green, bluish below, and in autumn they are red in different shades, fall off in October. The flowers are small bell-shaped, solitary or in bunches of 2-5 pieces, outside – reddish inside – yellow. Blooms annually for 10 – 12 days. Fruits up to 1 cm long are elliptical, bright red with a shiny skin. They ripen in early autumn and do not fall off for a long time (1, 2, 3).


The variety of varieties of barberry Thunberg is very large, many similar to each other and, accordingly, interchangeable. The landscape composition can be composed of different varieties of the same color and habit. 

The main characteristics of the variety: the size of the bush, the color of the foliage and reliability. Flowering is not of particular value, since the flowers of this barberry are small and not expressive. 

In the color scheme of the leaves, there are three main colors – green, purple and yellow, all with many tones and shades, there are also bicolors and variegated forms. For these varieties resistance to degeneration is important.

Admiration. Dwarf variety. Bush 30 – 40 cm high with a rounded crown. Grows slowly. The leaves are small oval, up to 2 cm long, shiny, purple-orange-red with a yellow border around the edge. It blooms with single flowers in May-June. The fruits are red, ripen in September-October.

Atropurpurea. Bush up to 1,5 m high with a spreading crown and arcuately deflected, brownish-green shoots with a purple tint. The leaves are small, ovate, up to 3,5 cm long, purple, carmine red in autumn. It blooms in May with yellow inside and red outside flowers, collected in brushes of 2 – 5 pcs. The fruits are bright red, ripen in October and remain on the branches during the winter.  

Atropurpurea girlDwarf variety analogue Atropurpurea. The bush is compact, with a height and diameter of about 60 cm. Shoots with a small number of thorns. The leaves are purplish red in summer and bright red in autumn. The berries are ruby ​​red.

Aurea. Classic variety. Slow-growing shrub up to 0,8 m high, with a rounded crown up to 1 m in diameter. Young shoots are yellowish-green with single thorns. Leaves are ovate, lemon yellow to golden yellow, orange in autumn. It blooms in May with yellow inside and red outside flowers, collected in brushes or bunches of 2 – 5 pcs. The fruits are bright red shiny, ripen in September-October, stored on the branches in winter.

Bagatelle. An old French dwarf variety. Slow-growing, shrub up to 0,4 m high, neat semicircular shape. Young shoots are green, adults are red-brown. with sharp spikes. The leaves are brown-red, in autumn the color does not change, but becomes brighter. The flowers are yellow, blooms in May. The berries are red.

Cabernet. A lovely chameleon variety. The young leaves are crimson, turning maroon by the end of summer, and fiery red-orange in autumn. The bush is slow-growing, up to 0,8 m high and up to 1 m in diameter. The crown is dense, rounded. Shoots are prickly. The flowers are small, creamy yellow, the berries are red.

CaronitaPrickly, slowly growing shrub up to 1 m high and up to 1,5 m in diameter with long shoots. The leaves are obovate, dark purple with a wide (about 1 mm), yellowish-green border around the edge. The flowers are yellow, in bunches of 1 – 3 pieces, bloom in May. The fruits are red, ripen in October.

Dart’s Red Lady. Spreading thorny shrub 70 cm high. The crown is compact, dense, rounded or cushion-shaped. The leaves are small, obovate, red or raspberry-red, the most intense and expressive color when the foliage blooms. Flowers numerous, solitary or 2-5 in bunches, reddish outside, yellow inside. The fruits are oblong, coral-red, shiny, ripen in early autumn, do not fall off for a long time.

the devil. Miniature variety. A bush about 0,5 m high. The crown is dense, sprawling. Shoots are densely leafy. The leaves are small, with a non-uniform color changing during the season and for a long time: in spring they are pink with a red border, in summer they are bright yellow, in autumn they are orange or red. The bush looks unusual and always attracts the eye. 

Erecta.  Slow-growing shrub, up to 1,5 m high, with a narrow columnar crown. The leaves are small, rounded, light green, in autumn – yellow-red. It blooms at the end of May with yellow inside and red outside flowers, single or in inflorescences located along the entire shoot. The fruits are ellipsoid, red, ripen in September, remain on the branches all winter.

Golden Carpet. A low shrub with long declining shoots up to 1 m high and up to 1,5 m in diameter. The leaves are small, with changing color, light green in spring, bright yellow in summer, orange in autumn. The flowers are yellow, blooms in May-June.

Golden Dream. A very attractive variety. The height of the miniature bush is 60 – 70 cm, diameter – 60 cm. The leaves are small, variegated, yellow-green, contrasting with the dull red bark of the shoots. Blooms in May-June.

Golden Ring. The height of the bush is about 1,0 m, the diameter is up to 1,5 m. The crown is round, spreading. The leaves are ovate or almost round, 1–3 cm long, purple-red, and in the middle of summer they have a smooth yellow border around the entire edge. By autumn, it disappears and the leaves turn bright red. But such staining does not happen every year, but mainly in favorable seasons. Blooms in late May – early June, not abundant. Flowers solitary or in inflorescences of 2-5 pieces, yellow inside, red outside, located along the entire shoot. The fruits are ellipsoid, red, appear in September, ripen in October. Decorate the bush after the leaves fall, sometimes all winter.

Golden Rocket. Original variety. Bush up to 1,5 m high with upright branches. Young shoots with numerous thorns and orange-pink bark. The leaves are small, rounded, light green in spring, then yellow. The flowers are pale yellow, the fruits are red.

Green Ornament. Prickly shrub 1 – 1,5 m high and up to 2 m in diameter. The crown is rounded, with numerous shoots. The leaves are small, bronze-green when blooming, later – dark green, in autumn – red-yellow. Flowers solitary or in bunches, yellow inside, reddish outside. The fruits are oblong, coral, shiny, ripen in early autumn and do not fall off for a long time. 

Harlequin. Classic variety. Bush 1,5 m high, dense and sprawling, grows slowly, growth of 10 – 15 cm per year. Young shoots are yellowish or purple-red, later purple-brown with spines. Leaves 1 – 3 cm long, burgundy with white, pink and gray spots. It blooms in late May – early June, abundantly, flowering time up to 20 days. The flowers are yellow inside, red outside, located throughout the shoot. The bright red fruits ripen in September and sometimes remain on the branches all winter.

Helmond Pillar. Bush with a columnar crown up to 1,5 m in height and up to 1,0 m in diameter. It reaches such sizes after 8 – 10 years of cultivation in one place. The leaves are rounded, 1–3 cm long. At a young age, they are pink-red, then they acquire a rich, very dark red-brown color with a purple tint, but in the heat they can turn green. Autumn color is purple-red. The flowers are typical, appear in late May – June. The fruits are red, ripen at the end of September and decorate the bush in winter.

in Keller. Bush 1,5 m high with a wide spreading crown. Grows fast. Shoots arcuate, brown, young growth is light green. Spines small, thin, solitary. Mature leaves are green with creamy white strokes and speckles, young ones with bright pink-white spots-dots. In autumn, the brush strokes and speckles take on pink or red tones. The flowers are yellow inside, red outside, solitary or in small racemes of 2-5 pcs. The fruits are red, ripen in late September – early October, stored in winter. 

Kobold. Dwarf compact bush, up to 0,5 m high and 0,8 m in diameter. Cushion-shaped crown. The leaves are small, elliptical, emerald green, first yellow in autumn, then orange. Blooms in May. Flowers up to 1 cm in diameter, yellow inside, red outside, collected in inflorescences. The fruits are numerous, shiny, dark pink or bright red.

Maria. Spectacular variety, a favorite of landscape designers. A dense shrub with upright shoots up to 1,5 m high. Young branches are reddish and the leaves are bright yellow with a reddish border, the plant looks amazing. Autumn color is red, different shades. Blooms profusely. The fruits are red, numerous and rather large. 

Orange Rocket. Slow-growing shrub with strong, prickly, vertically growing shoots up to 1,2 m high and about 0,6 m in diameter. The leaves are small, smooth, ovoid, slightly narrowed towards the base. The color of young leaves is yellow-orange, adults – red-purple, in autumn – crimson. 

Pink Queen (Atropurpurea Rosea). Old variety. The height of the bush is about 1 m. The crown is rounded. Shoots are vertical with reddish bark and single spines. Mature leaves are purplish-red, young leaves with gradually appearing pink and whitish-gray speckles. Inside the bush, the shaded leaves are greenish-reddish. From a distance, the plant looks pink. Autumn color is carmine red. The flowers are yellow, solitary, appear in late May-June. The fruits are red, shiny, not numerous, ripen in late September – October, remain on the bushes in winter.

PowwowThe bush is erect, 1,0 – 1,2 m high and up to 0,8 m in diameter. The bark of young shoots is brownish-yellow. The spikes are tripartite, elastic, strong. Leaves in early summer and on young growths are greenish-yellow, then green with light cream and white spots. Variegation is expressed in summer and only in the sun. Leaves are orange-red in autumn. Blooms in late May – early June. The flowers are small, yellow inside, red outside, located throughout the shoot. The fruits are numerous, red ripen in late September – October. Decorate the bush after the leaves fall.

Red Carpet A bush with a height and diameter of up to 1 – 1,5 m. The crown is cushion-shaped, spreading. The bark of the shoots is brownish-yellow. The leaves are red or purple, small, spatulate or almost rounded. Autumn color scarlet red. Blooms in late May – early June. Flowers solitary or collected in inflorescences, yellow inside, reddish outside, located along the entire shoot. The fruits are numerous, red, ripen in September.

Red Chief. Old variety. Columnar bush up to 1,5 m tall. The leaves are large, rounded, red, orange in autumn, but turn green at the slightest shading. It blooms in May with bright yellow flowers, in racemose inflorescences. The fruits are large, red-orange. 

Red Pillar. Shrub up to 1,5 m high with a prickly, dense, columnar crown. With age, it becomes sprawling and may even fall apart. The leaves are reddish-purple, dark purple-green inside the bush, orange-red in autumn. It blooms in late May – June, the flowers are yellow with a reddish outer side, solitary or collected in brushes of 2 – 6 pcs. The fruits are red, ellipsoid, ripen at the end of September. 

Rose Glow Bush 1,5 m high with a wide spreading crown with hanging upper branches. The leaves are variegated: pink-red with white speckles or raspberry with pink stains, orange in autumn. Blooms in May with golden flowers. The fruits are shiny, red-orange. 

Rosy Rocket. Prickly shrub up to 1,2 m high and 0,5 – 0,6 m in diameter with a columnar crown shape. The leaves are small, burgundy when blooming, but by the beginning of summer numerous pink spots appear on them, so that in general the bush seems pink.

The flowers are yellow. The fruits are red, shiny, ripen in September and stay on the plant for a long time.  

star bust Bush 1 – 1,2 m high and up to 1,5 m in diameter with a rounded, spreading crown and densely spaced arched shoots. Spines small, simple, thin. Young shoots are orange with a red tint, then darken. The leaves are green when blooming, with gradually appearing white and pink specks, in autumn they are bright red. The flowers are yellow inside, reddish outside, solitary or in racemes of 2-5 pcs. Blooms in late May – June. The fruits are red, shiny, ripen at the end of September and do not fall off for a long time.

Sunsation. Graceful shrub up to 1 m in height and diameter with long drooping shoots. The foliage of this variety is distinguished by a pale yellow or light green color, and in the fall it becomes bright red. Spring flowering passes unnoticed: nondescript flowers are almost invisible against the background of foliage, but they are fragrant. But the red fruits, abundantly covering the shoots in the fall, look amazing.  

Tiny Gold. Dwarf slow-growing shrub, with a spherical compact crown, up to 0,5 m high and up to 1,0 m in diameter. Shoots with yellow-brown bark and sharp thorns. Leaves up to 3 cm long, obovate, golden yellow, may be with a dark pink border in summer, do not fade in the sun. Autumn color is yellow-orange. The flowers are numerous, reddish on the outside, yellow inside, collected in bunches. Blooms in May – June. The fruits are red, glossy, long-lasting on the bushes.

Thunberg barberry care

Plants are unpretentious, easily adapt to a new place, resistant to city conditions – dust and air pollution. Maintenance is usually minimal.   


The barberry is not picky about the soil, but it should not be heavy, clayey, with poor moisture permeability. If there is such land at the chosen place, they dig a hole with a depth and diameter of 50 – 60 cm, put drainage on the bottom and fill it with a mixture of soddy soil, humus and sand (2: 1: 1) with the addition of 1 cup of ash. The acidity of the soil should be at least 4,5. 

When growing barberry Thunberg in containers, you need fresh, well-drained substrates of the same composition, seasoned with mineral fertilizers. 


Seedlings in containers are planted throughout the season, but it is still better traditionally – in spring or autumn, 2 – 3 weeks before the onset of cold weather. Planting distance is from 1 to 2 m, depending on the size of adult bushes, in a hedge – 0,5 m. It is better to prepare holes with a depth and diameter of 40 cm in advance. The root neck of the seedling after soil subsidence should be at ground level.


Barberry Thunberg prefers sunny places protected from the winds, the lack of light affects the color of the leaves. 


Watering is necessary only during a long drought; in the middle lane, natural precipitation is usually sufficient. Newly planted plants are watered every 5 – 7 days for 1 – 1,5 months with non-cold water abundantly under the root, without crown irrigation. Thunberg’s barberry does not tolerate waterlogging.

Fertilizer and top dressing

Barberry should not be abundantly fertilized. In early spring, plants are fed with ammonium or calcium nitrate 20–30 g (2 tablespoons) per adult bush. After the leaves bloom, a complex mineral fertilizer with microelements is applied, in accordance with soil fertility. Once every 2 years, it is necessary to pour compost under the plants and be sure to mulch the tree trunks with peat, freshly cut grass, and coniferous litter. In front flower beds, multi-colored wood chips are used for this. 


Barberry Thunberg does not particularly need pruning, but it tolerates it well and can even serve as an object for topiary. In order to maintain a beautiful, neat shape of the crown, the bushes are sheared or trimmed annually in early spring.

Hedges are pruned at the end of June, when shoot growth ends. Free-growing hedges and borders need only sanitary and rejuvenating pruning – cutting out old bush-thickening branches.

It is recommended to rejuvenate old bushes by cutting “on a stump”.

By the way, with the help of pruning at the end of summer, you can return the spring color of the leaves on the growing shoots to the barberry.

To work with thorny barberry plants, you will need thick gloves. 

Reproduction of barberry thunberg

Seeds. In order for the seeds to sprout, they must be sown in open ground before winter or stratified for 3 months in a humid environment. However, the germination of seeds is low – up to 40% Seedlings dive, grow and for 3 years in the fall they are planted in a permanent place. 

Green cuttings. Cuttings are harvested in June from adult (over 3 years old) bushes. Choose small leafy lateral shoots, which are already beginning to lignify in the lower part and break them off with a heel.

You can use branches after a summer haircut, cutting them into cuttings with two knots 10–12 cm long. The lower cut should be under the knot at a distance of 1 cm from it. 

The cuttings are placed in a solution of a root formation stimulator for 12 hours and then immediately planted for rooting in a standard way in a greenhouse. 

Rooted cuttings are transplanted to the distribution bed. In the fall of next year, they can be planted in a permanent place.

Layers. This is the easiest way to reproduce. Rooted cuttings can be planted in a permanent place next spring. 

The division of an adult bush. This method is rarely resorted to – it’s a pity to disturb beautiful overgrown plants, perhaps old ones. Bushes are divided in early spring, before the leaves appear.

Diseases of barberry Thunberg

On neutral and slightly alkaline soils, plants are susceptible to Chlorozu. At the first signs of it, peat, coniferous litter, cut sphagnum moss should be added to the trunk circles.

It should be noted that the Thunberg barberry is practically not affected by diseases dangerous for barberries. rust и true powdery mildew.

leaf spot are treated with copper-containing preparations (Abiga Peak, HOM, etc.).

Root and stem rot causes a complex of soil pathogenic fungi. The bases of the stems and roots turn brown and soften, causing the leaves to wilt. Plants weaken and may die. Young seedlings and cuttings are more often affected. Sick plants are removed with a clod of earth. Prevention – the introduction of Baktophyt or Gliocladin (4) biological products into the soil according to the instructions. 

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Market – drugs 

Pests barberry Thunberga

Barberry Aphid. When settling on the tops of the shoots, the leaves curl and dry. Spraying with a solution of green soap and tobacco infusion will help (3).

Willow shield. The females are covered with a greyish-white pear-shaped shield from above. Eggs hibernate, larvae settle in the spring during the budding period – this is the time for insecticide treatment. Branches inhabited by scale insects are cut and burned.

Flower Moth. Caterpillars eat buds, buds and leaves. In places of their mass reproduction, the shoots are exposed. 

Against it, treatments are carried out with Decis, Iskra, Biorin, Inta-Vir (4). Early in the spring it is good to sprinkle the plants with Preparation 30 Plus to destroy wintering eggs of the pest.

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Popular questions and answers 

We talked about growing Thunberg barberry with agronomist-gardener Irina Belozerova.

How to choose Thunberg barberry seedlings?

On sale there are seedlings with an open root system, which are at rest. In such plants, it is important that the roots are not dried out and branched. You need to plant plants immediately, they take root in 2 weeks. 


But the main assortment is seedlings in containers. In this case, the plants should have 5 – 6 side branches and look healthy.

How to use Thunberg’s barberry in landscape design?

It is used as a color accent in group plantings of trees and shrubs, for hedges, as borders, in single plantings, for decorating edges and front gardens. It goes well with other shrubs – hawthorn, dogwood, privet, conifers and perennials. Dwarf forms are suitable for rock gardens, rocky gardens and Japanese-style gardens.

What is the height of the Thunberg barberry?

On average, Thunberg barberry bushes reach a height of 0,5 to 1,5 m.

What to do with Thunberg barberry in autumn?

Loosen and mulch the trunk circles. In late autumn, water-charging watering and preventive spraying with a 2% Bordeaux mixture are needed.


Although the barberry belongs to winter-hardy plants, it is still better to cover young bushes for the winter with spruce branches or wrap them with lutrasil.

What to do with Thunberg barberry in winter?

None of the Thunberg barberry varieties in the middle lane freezes out even in harsh winters, only freezing of the non-lignified part of the shoots is possible. The most hardy are green-leaved non-dwarf varieties, all old varieties and species forms.  


In snowy winters, dwarf plants can be completely covered with snow, then you need to make sure that they do not suffocate in the spring if ice and crust form.

What to do with Thunberg barberry in spring?

Carry out cutting. If the ends of the shoots are frozen, they need to be cut to healthy wood. This is done immediately after bud break, when the damage is visible. After this, the plants need to be fed with nitrogen fertilizers and the trunk circles should be loosened. 

Are the berries of the Thunberg barberry edible?

The berries of the Thunberg barberry are not edible – in cooking they mainly use the common barberry (Berberis vulgaris) and it is its extract that is added to candies – “barberries”.

Is it possible to grow Thunberg barberry at home in a pot?

Dwarf varieties of Thunberg barberry can be grown as indoor plants, but in winter they will be very lacking in light, so fitolamps will be required.

Sources of                                                                                                           

  1. Genus Barberry – Berberis L. Trees and shrubs of the USSR. Wild, cultivated and promising for introduction. T. III. Ed. volumes S.Ya. Sokolov // M. – L.: Publishing House of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR, 1954
  2. Kuklina A.G. Barberries // M. SME Publishing House, 2009
  3. Dorozhkina L.A. and other Protection of plants in the nursery and garden. Handbook // M., 2015.
  4. State catalog of pesticides and agrochemicals approved for use on the territory of the Federation as of July 6, 2021 // Ministry of Agriculture of the Federation i-zashchity-rasteniy/industry-information/info-gosudarstvennaya-usluga-po-gosudarstvennoy-registratsii-pestitsidov-i-agrokhimikatov/

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