Tisercin – indications, action, contraindications

Tisercin is a neuroleptic drug containing levomepromazine, which has a sedative effect. It is a drug used in psychotic disorders, severe depression and arousal states such as mania or borderline.

Tisercin – action

Tisercin gently calms down, calms down. It is used in the case of people struggling with personality disorders accompanied by excessive motor and psychomotor activity and in people suffering from paranoid disorders, such as schizophrenia. In smaller doses, it can be used in people who suffer from sleep disorders and anxiety syndromes. These include, in particular, situations of post-accident injuries, anxiety caused by severe stress (participation in an accident, death of a loved one, being a victim of an attack, etc.). Tisercin helps to calm down and soothe shattered nerves. It restores too restful sleep. This is a very important factor because insomnia increases the symptoms of anxiety disorders and states, often causing irreversible effects and changes in the brain. Therefore, it is especially important to restore sleep. This is the first step to recovery.

Further Tisercin can be used in a situation where someone suffers from epilepsy, as well as in people with mental retardation who often suffer from psychomotor hyperactivity. Tisercin gently calms the nerves. The first effect of its operation is to stop the so-called the syndrome of restless arms and legs. The voice of the person taking the drug also changes – he says in a quieter and calmer voice. Simultaneously Tisercin not dazzling like many drugs of this type. That is why it is classified as milder and readily recommended by doctors.

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Insomnia is a civilization problem. Excessive amount of stimuli, chronic stress and improper lifestyle – diet or the frequency of using stimulants – cause that more and more people have problems with sleep. Take a maximum of one tablet at bedtime, once a day, but not for a period longer than 3 weeks, unless your doctor prescribes a longer course of treatment. Tisercin regulates sleep and usually after two weeks of taking the problem with insomnia disappears completely. If not, then a doctor should be consulted and therapy should be started most often. Untreated insomnia it leads to other problems like psychosis and manic disorders. It can also be the beginning of paranoid schizophrenia.

Research shows that Tisercin has a positive effect on insomnia if it has a psychosomatic background. It is not recommended to use the drug in people who suffer from insomnia as a result of diseases and respiratory disorders, because the drug additionally reduces the breathing of the person taking it. So before you reach for Tisercin should consult your doctor, also perform basic tests to rule out other causes of insomnia.

Tisercin – contraindications

Hypersensitivity to phenothiazines. To be administered simultaneously with antihypertensive drugs. Overdose of CNS depressants (alcohol, general anesthetics, sleeping pills). Narrow-angle glaucoma. Urine retention. Parkinson’s disease. Multiple sclerosis. Myasthenia gravis, hemiplegia. Severe cardiomyopathy (heart failure). Severe renal or hepatic impairment. Clinically significant hypotension. Hematopoietic system disease. Porphyria. Breast-feeding. Children under 12 years old.

Tisercin – side effects

Like any drug Tisercin it can induce some side effects. The basic ones are disorientation. The person receiving it may feel that their tongue is getting tangled and their speech is somewhat inert. They can also be temporary visual hallucinationswhat the physician should inform the patient about. More often side effect there are nausea, dry mouth, constipation, and difficulty urinating. Side effects however, they are much smaller than the benefits that result from taking Tisercino.

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