Tired eyes

The problem of tired eyes can affect any of us. However, most often this ailment occurs in people who work in front of a computer or in an air-conditioned room. Tired eyes are not pleasant, so it is worth helping yourself with special drops or artificial tears.

Tired eyes – causes

Tired eyes most often accompany people who spend long hours in front of the computer. The reason for the appearance of tired eyes may also be poorly selected lighting or inadequate humidity in the room. The environment also has an influence on the condition of the eyes. The more contaminated it is, the more tired the eyes become. Tired eyes can sometimes be a sign of an allergy. Unfortunately, not everyone is aware of the fact that it can also affect the eye. Civilization diseases also have a negative impact on our eyes. What diseases are we talking about? About diabetes, as well as hypertension.

If you work in front of the computer for a long time, make sure that the monitor you are looking at has the best possible quality. It’s a good idea to position your monitor properly. It is best if there is no window in front of or behind the monitor. However, if we have no influence on the computer settings, let’s make sure that the window is covered during our work. Breaks are very important in such work. It is said that after every two hours of work, we should rest for 15 minutes. However, if we work really long, it is best to take breaks after every hour. This break should not be shorter than 10 minutes.

If, after all, your eyes are still tired and you cannot deal with them, it is worth visiting an ophthalmologist. You may be suffering from dry eye syndrome. How is it manifested? The eye is dry, red and burning. Additionally, these symptoms are accompanied by a foreign body sensation in the eye. Remember that you may also experience this feeling of tired eyes if you wear contact lenses. Hardly anyone is aware of the fact that a small amount of fluid in the diet also affects the condition and level of eye hydration. Therefore, if you observe that your eyes are tired, it makes sense to drink more water. Sometimes tired eyes are called conjunctivitis syndrome. Tired eyes can also appear when you don’t get enough sleep.

Tired eyes – drops

On the market we can find a lot of drops for tired eyes. They will surely bring relief if your eyes are suffering from working in front of the computer. Most drops moisturize the eyes. Such instillation of the preparation soothes irritations and moisturizes the entire mucosa. Thanks to this, the eyes are in much better condition. Eye drops are an effective method, but we should only use them in exceptional circumstances. If we have a choice, we should not allow our eyes to become tired. Are you going to buy drops, but you don’t know which will be the best? You can search the Internet for rankings or ask a pharmacist for help, who will certainly ask what ailments you are struggling with.

If you want to moisturize and regenerate the skin under the eyes, you can try the Orientana natural silk and Kaskaryla eye mask available on Medonet Market.

Tired eyes – ways

There are also other methods for tired eyes than the application of the drops. For example, you can prepare a firefly infusion and rinse your eyes with it. This herb is famous for its anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties. You can buy the drought to prepare the infusion at a pharmacy or herbal store. One teaspoon of dried seeds is enough to prepare the infusion. After pouring in, cover it and set aside to cool. After this time, you can soak a gauze pad in it and put it over your eyes. It is best if you apply the compress several times for 15 minutes. If you don’t have time for this, try rinsing your eyes with it. Remember, however, that we wash our eyes from the outer to the inner corner. Chamomile tea can also be a good idea. Chamomile will mainly help with suppuration of the eyes. However, you must know that chamomile can cause allergies. If you’ve never used it or it’s been a long time since you last used it, take it slowly. Cucumber can also soothe tired eyes. Such cucumber compresses will bring relief when our eyelids are swollen. Such cucumber slices should be left on the eyelids for no longer than 15 minutes. Another idea is calendula. It will bring relief to strained, tired eyes. You can use it if they are dry from air conditioning and you have a feeling of sand under your eyelids. Calendula can also be helpful in the case of inflammation. Many people indicate tea infusion among the remedies for tired eyes. You can choose black or green. The tea will get rid of the puffiness from your eyelids and also relieve mild inflammation. Remember, however, that the tea for washing eyes should be brewed a little longer. It is good if you cool your eyes a little before applying the compresses. Cool compresses will bring relief faster. You can also use tea bags to prepare the infusion for eye wash. It is important that it does not have any flavor additives.

For tired and swollen eyes, we also recommend a mask with natural silk and rosemary available at Medonet Market.

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