Tips to put your baby to sleep

Establish a bedtime ritual

Baby needs you to make a bedtime ritual. To fall asleep well, he must to feel safe. He needs: a familiar and reassuring setting (half-open door, little nightlight), rites that he recognizes (little story, hug, music), or even hugging a “familiar object” (Teddy, handkerchief, teddy bear). This famous bedtime ritual is used to warn Baby that the time to go to sleep has arrived, but it is above all to reassure him.

Toddler, he will appreciate Kisses and hugs ; later, the stories will delight him. But it is also an opportunity to exchange secrets and little secrets, and thus establish a real bond with your baby! Whatever formula is adopted, the important thing is to stick to the ritual decided every evening, at regular times, so that your little one does not lose his bearings. Take your baby to his room and leave him before he falls asleep.

Be careful, the bedtime ritual should not be an opportunity for your little one to postpone bedtime: from 6 months, it is important to set limits. Otherwise it’s the door open to all whims …

Respect your baby’s sleep pattern

  • At night, feed your baby and change him in the semi-dark and quiet ; speak little to him and, after a little hug, quickly help him fall back to sleep.
  • On the contrary, during the day, stimulate your baby more and pace his days, so that he can find his own bearings (walk, games, meals, bath in the evening, etc.).
  • When he does the nap, let a day net in his room. And don’t hesitate to talk and walk normally, without fear of making noise.
  • Family tensions, jet lag, travel, sudden changes in rhythms (entry to nursery, for example) considerably disturb the sleep of toddlers. Watch out for some warning signs of falling asleep. Crying, yawning, he rubs his eyes, etc: so many little signals that Baby sends you to let you know that he is sleepy! But beware, some children feel the need to cry in order to fall asleep.
  • Stay tuned to their physiological needs, which are gradually changing. On the one hand with the age of the child. Indeed, during the very first months, you will have to adapt, while waiting for Baby to find his own. sleep pattern. On the other hand, from one child to another: there are small and heavy sleepers, early owls and late owls, as in adults!

Putting Baby to Sleep: Don’ts!

  • Rush at the slightest cry: give your baby time to go back to sleep on his own! And after 6 months, do not offer him any more bottle during the night. Remember that when your baby calls, this is also a way to test you, especially around 8-9 months. 
  • Or on the contrary, the let cry for a long time without intervening.
  • Present the bed to him as a punishment; on the contrary, it must be associated in the mind of your little one with the pleasure of rest.
  • Do not suppress the nap hoping he will sleep better tonight! It is essential, at least until the age of 3.
  • Train him in rowdy games just before sleeping: you would be tired before him!


In short, do both firmness and flexibility. Tonight, nothing prevents you from extending a big hug a few minutes after the usual bedtime, Baby’s landmarks will not be upset for all that!

Parents offers you 6 little ones to help them fall back to sleep faster.

In video: 6 tips to help him fall asleep quickly!

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