Tips to live better from someone who has lived “everything”
Editor Kevin Kelly Gives 68 Vital Tips For Getting Over Life’s Constant Bumps

There is always talk of the wisdom of old age. We see thousands of times the figure of a teacher, someone older who has been taught by experience what can only be learned in one way: by living. And it is that, although from the youth there are those who believe that they have things under control, that they know what they need, it is not like that.
Therefore, since we are young we seek to know everything: We devour books, read newspapers, watch movies and try to understand many things that are still out of hand. The writer Kevin Kelly understood from a young age that maturity is where the greatest knowledge resides. Kelly, (1952, USA) has dedicated himself to understanding the world and its changes: he is a founder and now CEO of Wired Magazine, a publication that since 1993 talks about how technology affects culture, population or, for example, the economy.
Kelly has been through almost “everything.” Passionate about travel, and an expert on the Asian continent, the editor has traveled half the world, as has been reflected in his photography books (“Asia Grace”, or “Bad Dreams”). Also, his interest and knowledge to understand what our society will be like in the future and what role technology will play in it, have led him not only to write in major publications such as “The New York Times” or “Time”, but he even arrived to be the person who advised Steven Spielberg how to show a supposed future in the movie “Minority Report.”
Therefore, with all the experience behind him of a most interesting life, but also a common life, like the one we all have, on his 68th birthday, he decided to share 68 tips so that the youngest could avoid making the same mistakes that he committed.
10 basic tips for life
You can consult the complete list in this link, but we leave the 1st most celebrated tips of the writer. Few things are more valuable than experience, and those who still lack it will see that the things they often take for granted are not always:
— Learn to learn of all those with whom you disagree, or even offend you. See if you can find the truth in what they believe.
– Professionals are just amateurs who know how recover gracefully from your mistakes.
— We are all shy. People are waiting for you to introduce yourself, to send them an email, or to ask them out on a date. Ahead.
– The purpose of a habit is to eliminate that action from the negotiation with yourself. You no longer spend energy deciding whether to do it, or not. You just do it. The good habits They range from telling the truth to flossing.
– The more you care about others, the more interesting they will find you. To to be interesting, show interest.
– If you do not fall from time to time, is that you’re going down.
– Hate is a curse that does not affect the hated. Only poisons the one who hates. Let go of resentments as if they were poison.
– When crises and disasters hit, don’t waste them. If there are no problems, there is no progress.
— Clean up the mess leave room for your true treasures.
– Doing what you love is a recipe to paralyze you if you don’t know what you are passionate about. A good motto for young people would be: «Master something, whatever ». Through mastering one thing you can wander to other things that bring you more happiness and eventually discover what you love.