If you fall asleep on the go after a sleepless night – there are ten ways to make it to the end of the working day and spend this time with benefit.
Of course, the first thing that comes to mind is coffee. He really helps those who love him. What should the rest of us do? Use other methods, because coffee is not a panacea. Aromatic oils awaken the body perfectly – eucalyptus, mint, fir. If none of the above is on hand, even harsh odors, such as nail polish, will do. At least for a while, you will definitely stop nodding.
Energetic music
Music is a safe bet. If it is possible to listen to music at work, choose unfamiliar compositions for awakening – the brain will react to the novelty and come out of the state of stupor.
Acupressure massage will help you to cheer up. Here are a few ways: quickly rub your palm over your palm for 5 seconds, then rub your cheeks with warm hands. Drum the top of your head with your fingers. Bend your hand into a fist and actively rub it first with the inner, then the outer part of the hand. Find the pulsation of the carotid artery on the neck, press it gently, count to five. Free it. Breathe deeply. Press lightly again and go to the other side. Finally, use your thumb to feel for a depression at the base of the skull. Press, counting to three, release.
Bright light
The body can be fooled by bright light. Try to awaken him as much as possible: stand by the window, turn on the light brighter. In winter, fresh frosty air will also invigorate, so if possible, open a window and breathe well, it will become easier.
Nothing lulls you like a full stomach. Be careful not to gorge yourself, remember that satiety comes some time after the end of the meal. And in the case when you did not get enough sleep it is better to not eat enough. If, on the contrary, the lunch turned out to be too meager, nibble on the nuts. Pistachios are perfect for these purposes.
Sleep after dinner
If you remember, in the famous film “17 Moments of Spring”, Strirlitz slept in the car for 20 minutes. Indeed, with severe fatigue, this time is enough for the body to rest and recover. In times of peace, I especially want to sleep in the afternoon. Allow yourself this weakness, take a nap for 15-20 minutes. The main thing is to warn your colleagues not to be touched before the expiration of this time.
Steps, jumps, jogs, bends and squats – any activity will help the body to invigorate. Take the time to go down and up the stairs several times. If no one is there, run down the hallway. Try to be at least a little out of breath – the nap will be removed as if by hand.
Organize your desktop
What to do if the work process gets stuck? The best way is to switch to another activity. For example, mental work can be changed to mechanical work, and the table can be cleaned. This activates other parts of the brain. In addition, the sight of a cleaned table will cheer you up, and positive emotions are also good for invigorating.
Uncomfortable posture
Everyone knows that soft armchairs relax and tune into sleep even more. If there is no more strength to hold on, and there is no way to go home, take an uncomfortable position and continue to work. Better yet, use a stool instead of a padded chair. Watch your posture. As a last resort, work standing up for a while.
If you are not afraid to damage your makeup, splash cool tap water on your face. But thermal water in a spray can also help. An invigorating cloud of moisture is beneficial not only for the skin, but also for performance. Cool water activates all skin cells and no doubt invigorates!
There is also a scientific basis for this fact – the so-called diving reflex. It is present in all mammals and is activated by skin contact with cool water. The splattered creature holds back its breath, exhibiting an ancient instinct that suggests that the first droplets may be followed by complete immersion; who knows when another breath of air will turn up. During this time, oxygenated blood rushes to the heart and brain, two of the most important organs. The heart begins to beat more evenly, and the head clears up.
Read the dream interpretation service.