
General recommendations for parents of a hyperactive child

First of all, it is necessary to pay attention to the environment that surrounds the child at home, at school, in kindergarten. Parents should think about changing their own behavior and character. It is necessary to deeply, soulfully understand the misfortune that befell the little man. And only then is it really possible to choose the right tone, not to break into a cry or fall into unrestrained lisping. Of course, we will name the rules of behavior with a child here, but it is practically useless to follow them formally, without inner conviction and attitude. And therefore, dear mothers, fathers, grandmothers, grandfathers, teachers, start with yourself. Develop in yourself wisdom, kindness, patience and reasonable severity.

What should be done specifically? First of all, remember that children with ADHD have a very high threshold of sensitivity to negative stimuli, and therefore the words “no”, “don’t”, “don’t touch”, “prohibit” are, in fact, an empty phrase for them. Physical punishment for them is not harmful, but, unfortunately, useless. They are not susceptible to reprimands and punishment, but they respond very well to praise and approval. →

nutritional care

A lot depends on nutrition. In some cases, it can even cause the development of the syndrome, while in others it can aggravate the course of the disease. However, one cannot rely entirely on dietary treatment, as scientists from the Institute for Nutrition at the University Hospital in Giessen write: “Diet helps many children lead a normal life, but not all. This, of course, is due to the complex of reasons that could lead to the development of hyperkinetic syndrome. In particular, if the disease is caused by the use of salicylates and food additives, such as preservatives and dyes, then eliminating them from the diet leads to a significant improvement in the health of the child. See →

Physical exercise for hyperactivity

It is well known, and not only to doctors, that physical education strengthens a person’s health, and often even relieves him of various diseases. Physical exercises improve the functioning of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems, improve metabolism, strengthen muscles and tissues, increase oxygen metabolism, remove toxins, relieve muscle fatigue, and saturate a person with additional energy.

But what about children who have or are suspected (at an early age) of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder? After all, they are already moving beyond measure. Will additional physical activity become a “heavy burden” for them? See →

Autogenic training

This independent method of psychotherapy has been known for popularity for more than a decade. And not by chance. Without side effects, it allows you to restore some functions of the central and peripheral nervous system, stabilizes the reserve capacity of the cerebral cortex, restores vascular patency, relieves muscle and emotional stress. The latter is especially important for hyperactive children, who are often tense and internally withdrawn. See →

play therapy

«Game» and «therapy» — it would seem, what connects these two words? The game is: entertainment, recreation; therapy — on the contrary, treatment, load. And yet they are united, firmly united by many years of practice, which in many cases gives very good results. According to psychologists, specially selected games are the most effective, and sometimes the only method of corrective work with young children. For the first time, Z. Freud began to use play therapy. Developing his method, M. Klein began to use a special material for the treatment of children: small toys that the child could identify with family members. She argued that «in free play, the child symbolically expresses his unconscious hopes, fears, pleasures, worries and conflicts.» See →

Family psychotherapy for hyperactivity

In the syndrome of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, treatment of only the child is probably not worth it. After all, no matter how much the specialist does with the baby, if you do not change the situation, the world around you, the result will still not be achieved. That is why modern medicine for the rehabilitation of children with ADHD provides for mandatory family psychotherapy, during the sessions of which parents begin to understand that the health of their child largely depends on the kind, calm and consistent attitude of adults towards him. See →

Therapeutic gymnastics and massage for disorders of the central nervous system

Unfortunately, dysfunctions of the central nervous system (CNS) and, as a result, impaired muscle tone are the most common pathology in early childhood. Careful daily observation of the child allows you to identify the slightest shortcomings in the development of mental reactions and motor skills. See →

Mobile, hyperactive, obnoxious…

First, it is worth getting the advice of a specialist (children’s neuropathologist or psychoneurologist). It is important to determine whether we are really dealing with hyperactivity syndrome. After all, mobility is a natural quality of a normally developing, cheerful child. An accurate diagnosis (whether there is ADHD or not) will help to understand what kind of help our “unbearable” needs from adults. It can also be a qualified drug effect. And yet the greatest effect is given by the special organization of the conditions for the education of such a child and simply by understanding the natural features of his mental make-up. See →

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