Tips for housewives why bed linen should not be ironed

As it turned out, the excessive pedantry of the housewives can have a bad effect on the well-being of the sleeping people.

Remember, as a child, my mother taught … Like, washed – iron! And we came up with all sorts of excuses: the iron broke, then the electricity was turned off! Eh, we would have known then that scientists do not advise doing this.

Moreover, scientists (of course, British) have found out that the excessive pedantry of housewives in ironing can have a bad effect on the well-being of sleeping people …

Experts say that after being ironed, the fabric acquires excessive density, which prevents air from penetrating to the skin, loses its ability to absorb moisture during sleep (and which of us never sweated at night?), Which has a bad effect on people’s well-being.

But what about children? After all, heat treatment, among other things, also saves you from microbes.

Here scientists advise using a steam steamer on an iron. It makes it possible, without touching the hot surface to the fabric, to act in a disinfectant manner.

And if these arguments still have not worked for you, then the specialists have a couple more in stock. For example, according to the observation of psychiatrists, people who are accustomed to sleeping on freshly ironed bed linen are more susceptible to criticism and perceive it inadequately, with a great deal of resentment.

Such people spend a lot of effort on educational work to idealize other people, which is why they often remain alone … The conclusion is simple! Do you want to get married? Hammer on ironing and spend that time on a date.

By the way

This is not the only housework that scientists have taken up arms against. Researchers argue that it is harmful to make your bed in the morning, at least right away. You need to give time for the sheets to dry out – anyway, moisture particles remain on them.

In addition, it is harmful to cook – women who stand at the stove for a long time are more likely to suffer from cardiovascular diseases. And cooking on a gas stove generally increases the risk of lung cancer. A complete list of harmful household chores can be found HERE.

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