Student life begins: new friends, new rules, exciting prospects… Applicants are full of hope, but still do not really understand anything. To help – tips for freshmen from senior students.
«In the first week, it seemed to me that I should know all the teachers, where everything is located on campus, even be able to use the laundry right away! It was only later that I realized that it was normal not to know something at first.”
Grace Carita, Bucknell University
«Be yourself. Don’t compare yourself to other students. It’s very easy to get lost in the beginning. Remember that everyone has their own talents, and you have 4 years ahead to cultivate yours.
Shivani Dixit, University of Chicago
«Go to class! Seriously, if you’re not half dead yet, go!”
Megan Taylor, Zalem College
“Not every professor is a luminary. Not every course of lectures will be exciting. Sometimes you can’t avoid them. The trick is not to let interesting lectures suffer because you break down into uninteresting ones.
Ashley Farris, Johns Hopkins University
«Be prepared for the fact that the administration will not care about you. You are just one yellow folder in the middle of a sea of others. So get ready to fight for everything yourself – whether it’s allocating a place in a hostel, registering for a special course, or navigating through an outdated school computer interface.
Christa Cohen, Brooklyn College
«Sometimes it’s more important to score on everything and arrange a “health day” for yourself. Don’t go to class, get enough sleep, lie down with your favorite book, feel like a rebel. Only in college can you still “evaporate” for a day for the last time in your life – so do it. Just not often!
Michaela Eby, St. Mary’s College of Notre Dame
«These Tips Helped Me Two Years Ago When I Got Into New York University:
If you are so stressed that you cannot stop for a second, this is a sure sign – it’s time to stop and calm down!
Set aside a special time when you will call home.
Agree on what is acceptable and what is not with your roommates at the very beginning of the semester. Find out immediately what each of you likes or dislikes. Set the rules.”
Anna-Lisa Galgano, New York University Abu Dhabi
«Don’t hit on a guy’s first night on campuswho lives in the next room.
Claire Gilroy, Binghamton University
«Some of you may be going through hard times. You can fail the subject in which you were the “king” in school; It happens that your relatives have health problems. Remember that you are not alone and that the road to a diploma does not have to be straight and continuous. No need to push yourself with kicks through force. I took a full semester off after my friend’s death, I needed time to get over it. I know it’s not customary to talk about such things, it’s taboo, but I’m not sure that I could continue to study in such a state.”
Shelby Larkin, Perdie University
«Find your friends. Not because they are popular, but because you feel comfortable with them.. We had the strangest company in the whole college, and we did not regret it for a single minute. It’s not the same here as at school – you can be a freak, a nerd (or, conversely, not be) – and no one will judge you.
Stephanie (from readers’ comments)
“Listen to what Polonius said!
“Be affectionate, but do not be a common friend;
Friends that I experienced with iron
Stick to the soul, but do not dirty your hands,
Concluding brotherhood with everyone you meet;
Be careful not to get into a quarrel:
Hit – so that the enemy beware;
Listen to everyone, but do not give your voice to everyone;
Take advice from all givers,
But take care of your own opinion.
Do not borrow or lend:
The loan often disappears with friendship,
And debt is a poison in economic calculation.
But most importantly: be true to yourself,
And, consequently, as twice two is four,
You will not be false to anyone.”
MCE (From readers’ comments)
«Sometimes you will feel like you are a stranger. Financially, I am not well off, and perhaps you are too. Your classmates will advise you in good faith to “buy a new jacket” if yours is missing, or embarrass you with questions about what university your parents went to. I encourage you to be more merciful to yourself. Now you are part of a common dialogue, and it will not be complete without your voice. Speak more loudly”.
Brittany Lewis, Amherst College
«I made this list for my sister, who entered Washington University in St. Louis this year. I wish I had known all this three years ago!
Your grade in one subject does not define you as a person.
From time to time ask yourself a control question: how am I doing? If the answer doesn’t inspire you, treat yourself. Your well-being is the top priority.
Some textbooks or monographs are more important than others. It’s okay to read diagonally from time to time.
Feel free to call an ambulance if you or your friend is sick.
If it tends to sleep – sleep (it is possible at a lecture). Kindergarten and university are the only places where sleep is socially approved.”
Justine Goode, Oberlin College
«Student life is like being high, – you have vague ideas about what surrounds you, and you forget who you are and where you came from. Don’t make this mistake, it will cost you years.” Sangepu Ashrit, Indian Institute of Technology Jodhpur
«If you’re like me, then you came to university with a clear idea of what you’ll be doing for the rest of your life.. At the age of 18, I studied at the Faculty of Medicine with the prospect of becoming a neuroscientist. However, after studying for only a semester, I realized that my interests lay in a completely different area – and these were (terrible to think!) Spanish and religious studies. At first, I hesitated because it didn’t fit into my idea of success. But over time, I became convinced that there is a direct connection between interest and success: do what you love, and you will do it best!
Sasha Ward, University of Virginia and Oxford
«Think about where you want to set your sexual boundaries.. Lots of opportunities for sex and one night tours ahead! Don’t let your standards drop just because it was an accident and you weren’t ready for it.”
Madeleine Rovell, Stanford
«Plan everything you’re going to write, even if you think it’s a waste of time. When you find yourself sitting at 2am and all you have is a slice of half-eaten pizza and a work plan to turn in this morning, at least you already have a plan!”
Casey Sean, Hampshire College