Tinea versicolor – causes, symptoms, treatment. Home remedies for tinea versicolor

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Tinea versicolor is a disease caused by yeast-like fungi. It is an extremely distressing ailment because infected skin itches, and if not properly treated, it can leave permanent traces of infection. See how to recognize the symptoms of Tinea versicolor and how it is treated.

What is Tinea versicolor?

Although the word “dandruff” is quite unequivocally associated with the scalp, tinea versicolor is an ailment that mainly affects the skin on the chest. As a result of a fungal infection with the species Malassezia globosa or Malassezia furfur, the characteristic “mottled” spots appear on the skin. It should be taken into account that these fungi occur on the skin under normal conditions and usually cause infection only in immunosuppressed states.

Malassezia mushroom

Malassezia fungi are a component of the skin microflora in 50 – 80 percent. population. Mushrooms of this kind live on healthy human skin on the basis of commensalism, when one side benefits and the other is indifferent to symbiosis. However, in the case of a skin disease, Malassezia fungus causes inflammation, leading to further changes. They can exacerbate the symptoms of not only tinea versicolor, but also psoriasis, seborrheic dermatitis, atopic dermatitis and folliculitis.

Fungi feed on the epidermis and sebum, therefore, tinea versicolor quite often occurs in adolescence, when hormonal changes cause greater secretion of sebum. The disease is also diagnosed more often in warm climates, where people sweat more.

Often, the first symptoms of Tinea versicolor are not suspect, as they are small pale pink or beige spots on the skin that usually resemble an allergy or rash. Symptoms of tinea versicolor may also appear in pregnant women. Other contributing factors are oral contraceptive use, medications taken, and oral steroid therapy. In addition, obese people are more likely to suffer from pityriasis versicolor.

The causes of tinea versicolor

The cause of tinea versicolor, which each of us has in our skin. The disease starts when the fungi begin to multiply. According to some doctors, even the weather can influence the formation of tinea versicolor. Increased disease rates take place in humid and warm weather, which is an ideal aura for fungi to thrive

It is another cause decreased skin resistance (dandruff most often occurs in people, i.e. those whose skin is delicate and does not yet have well-developed defense mechanisms). Among the risk factors are also mentioned excessive sweating, oily skin and hormonal changes in the body (e.g. from taking certain medications).

Dandruff can also be infected as a result of inadequate hygiene, e.g. in a hairdressing salon. Public places such as saunas, swimming pools and solariums also increase the risk of catching disease. It is risky to use the same towel, hairbrush, and headgear for someone suffering from Tinea versicolor. Of course, tinea versicolor does not affect all people. However, it is worth remembering about hygiene to reduce the risk of ailments.

Check also: Gibert’s Pink Dandruff

Tinea versicolor – symptoms

The most characteristic symptom of Tinea versicolor are the spots that usually appear on the chest. The disease can also affect other parts of the body, such as the back, neck, groin, and sometimes even the face. The stains can be quite large – about 3-4 mm in diameter, they are irregular, but with very clearly marked edges.

Stains may merge to form mosaic-like patterns. Usually their color is dark beige or red, but their edges may be gray. An interesting fact is that in summer the lesions do not get tanned, so then they are lighter than tinted skin. This is due to fungi blocking melatonin synthesis.

The stains that form are flaky, sometimes causing itching, similar to normal dandruff. The diagnosis of tinea versicolor is not difficult, especially in summer, as the affected areas do not sunbathe. Ignoring skin lesions means that after a few weeks, the spots become brighter and differ significantly from the natural color of the skin.

The symptoms of tinea versicolor are quite bothersome for patients and cause complexes. It is certainly not a consolation that dandruff likes to come back. For this reason, its recurrence is seen in most people who have had tinea versicolor at least once.

People suffering from tinea versicolor should remember about proper care. It is worth reaching for specialized products such as Pityver tinea cosmetics.

Is Dandruff Tinea contagious?

Although Malassezia fungi live on the skin of a large proportion of the population, transferring it from one human to another may have a very different effect. The same fungus will be neutral in one person, and in another it will cause pityriasis versicolor – if only because of reduced immunity or taken medications. The risk of infection increases when we share a towel, wear someone else’s unwashed clothes, use a public sauna, gym or swimming pool.

Although tinea versicolor is caused by yeast-like fungi, it is not as contagious as athlete’s foot or nail fungus. After all, in massage parlors or solariums, you can get infected with tinea versicolor. Therefore, you should always use proven surgeries where hygiene standards are the highest.

Tinea versicolor – diagnosis

The diagnosis is quite characteristic and usually does not pose a diagnostic problem for the doctor. Diseased places never sunbathe. Tinea versicolor, unfortunately, has a tendency to recur. Four out of five patients suffer from it again. After curing the infection, it is recommended to use special soaps and shampoos with salicylic acid prophylactically. It should also be ensured that the clothes, towels and bedding that the patient has come into contact with are thoroughly disinfected.

Pityriasis versicolor – medications

The selection of medicinal substances in the case of tinea versicolor is individual for each patient. A dermatologist should perform all tests to determine the causes and course of the ailments, and then prescribe appropriate medications for tinea versicolor.

In the first phase of treatment, local treatment is used. These are the most common over-the-counter treatments for Tinea versicolor. These include various types of ointments, creams and shampoos, as well as other forms of external medications. What to use for tinea versicolor?

  1. Antibacterial preparations containing ketoconazole, clotrimazole and miconazole, including ointments, shampoos and creams.
  2. Antifungal and anti-dandruff shampoos with selenium sulphide. They are most often used for a maximum of the next 3-4 days on the affected skin surface. After a short break, use may be resumed until the symptoms of tinea versicolor have disappeared.
  3. Soaps and shampoos with salicylic acid in the composition.
  4. Cutaneous preparations containing zinc pithronate or cyclopirox. This type of cleanser for tinea versicolor is usually applied to the entire chest, from the head to the upper part of the thighs, and not only on the surface of the lesions. After several minutes, the substance should be washed off. The preparation should be used until the skin changes disappear.

For tinea versicolor, use, for example, ELESTABion® S FLOSLEK specialist anti-dandruff shampoo available at a promotional price on Medonet Market. We also recommend a cleansing and anti-dandruff shampoo for dry scalp DermoACM oil Cute Secca with tea tree oil.

If local treatment fails, the dermatologist will recommend a systemic treatment. Oral medications specified by your physician will be imidazole preparations such as itraconazole, catoconazole, or fluconazole. However, these will not be over-the-counter pills for tinea versicolor, but rather those that can be purchased only after being prescribed by a dermatologist.

Treatment of tinea versicolor with oral tablets is often supported by protective medications. It turns out that taking such drugs can overload the liver and kidneys. People who have allergic reactions to any of the aforementioned active substances should refrain from taking medications for tinea versicolor.

The re-pigmentation of skin affected by dandruff versicolor may be delayed. After removing the fungus, you should very carefully expose the skin to the sun.

When caring for the skin with tinea versicolor, it is worth using carefully selected cosmetics. We recommend, for example, the Pityver cosmetic kit for tinea versicolor. It consists of:

  1. body lotion (150 ml),
  2. scalp lotion (100 ml),
  3. shampoo for pityriasis versicolor (150 ml).

Pityriasis versicolor – home remedies

In addition to treatment with preparations and oral medications, there are several methods that can be used at home in the treatment of Tinea versicolor. Of course, first you need to confirm the condition with a dermatologist. What are the ways to treat tinea versicolor at home?

  1. Treatment with herbs. Herbal preparations and infusions have a positive effect on the skin affected by tinea versicolor. Calendula is one of the most effective herbs. Tincture of its flower or calendula ointment are widely used and, above all, mild preparations to combat tinea versicolor. In addition, thyme infusion, celandine ointment, aloe vera, tea tree oil and oregano oil are effective.
  2. Oils. In addition to the above-mentioned, also effective in treating tinea versicolor oil (Siberian fir) and coconut oil.
  3. Ointment with propolis. Propolis soothes the skin and accelerates wound healing. It is used in the treatment of tinea versicolor due to its anti-inflammatory properties.
  4. Turmeric ointment. How to prepare it? Add 3 or 4 teaspoons of turmeric powder to 250 ml of boiling water and cook for 10 minutes. You can add a quarter teaspoon of black pepper. The infusion should be cooled and applied to the skin for about 30 minutes. Store the remainder in the refrigerator.
  5. Baking soda. Its properties include anti-seborrheic and antifungal properties. It is used in the form of a paste that can be prepared by mixing baking soda with a small amount of cooled water. The paste should be rubbed into the skin lesions and washed off after 5 minutes.
  6. Tar shampoo, which for decades has been the basic remedy for skin diseases, especially psoriasis. It has antiseptic properties. You can also use Bioherba’s Tar Soap for atopic skin, which will work both on the skin of the whole body and on the scalp.
  7. Yogurt – Used both internally and externally. When consumed, it strengthens immunity by rebuilding the bacterial flora. On the other hand, the use of yogurt in the form of poultices against pityriasis will neutralize yeasts. The treatment with yoghurt compresses is long-lasting.
  8. Water with vinegar for dandruff versicolor? Yes! However, it is apple cider vinegar, which is known for its anti-inflammatory, antioxidant and antifungal properties. Diluting apple cider vinegar with water is important for treating tinea versicolor because of possible skin irritation. It is not recommended for people with sensitive skin, as well as for skin damage and wounds. Apple cider vinegar should be applied to the changed skin in the form of compresses for about 5 minutes. After that, rinse off the residue.

Pityriasis versicolor – relapses

The typical feature of Pityriasis versicolor is that it returns frequently. Whenever it reappears, see your doctor. It is worth remembering that untreated tinea versicolor causes serious skin damage, unsightly scars and, of course, can cause complications.

It is possible to delay or stop the recurrence of Tinea versicolor. However, there are a few recommendations to follow. Thorough hygiene will work, including washing the skin thoroughly with a mild soap. Besides, it is worth drinking a lot of water. In a properly hydrated body, it is more difficult for seborrhea and the growth of bacteria that feed on it.

Tinea versicolor – how to prevent it?

Following a few basic rules will help reduce the risk of Tinea versicolor.

1. Take care of the cleanliness and hygiene of your hair and scalp. Order the DermoACM shampoo for oily and itchy scalp or the Blue Cap shampoo for dandruff and inflammation of the scalp for regular hair care.

2. Avoid seborrhea on the skin.

3. Invest in special anti-fungal shampoos containing eg selenium.

4. If tinea versicolor has appeared in your loved ones or your roommates with whom you live – disinfect bed linen, towels and clothes with which the patient has had direct contact.

5. When going to a hairdressing or beauty salon, pay attention to the cleanliness there.

6. When using the solarium, pay attention to the disinfection of the beds after each client.

7. When visiting the swimming pool, solarium or sauna, remember to follow the basic rules of hygiene.

8. When using the pool, use changing shoes each time.

9. Wear airy clothes and change clothes frequently (especially in summer). Due to high temperatures, we sweat much more.

10. Take care of a proper diet that will contain high amounts of vitamin D, zinc, iron and will limit the amount of fat.

11. Eliminate cigarettes from your life as they also increase the risk of Tinea versicolor.

Tinea versicolor in children

The occurrence of tinea versicolor in a child is possible in the case of toddlers attending a nursery or kindergarten, as well as those who use public swimming pools. Obese and malnourished children are also at risk. It is worth noting, however, that tinea versicolor in children is much less common than in adults.

In the case of tinea versicolor in children, the causes are related to the use of shared toys among children, the use of public bedding and blankets in institutions such as a nursery or kindergarten. Treatment of tinea versicolor in children is no different from that in adults. First, your dermatologist will recommend shampoos and soaps. If this does not work, treatment with Tinea versicolor will be supported by oral medications. In children, the additional use of protective drugs is most important.

Also read: «Schools and kindergartens are breeding grounds for disease. What attacks our children most often? »

How To Distinguish Tinea versicolor from Vitiligo?

At first glance, the non-professional eye can confuse tinea versicolor. However, these are two different skin conditions that are triggered by different factors. Vitiligo is caused by a deficit of melatonin in the skin, while Tinea versicolor is caused by yeasts.

The two conditions distinguish not only the appearance of tinea versicolor and vitiligo, but also their symptoms. Vitiligo manifests itself in non-itchy patches lighter than the rest of the skin almost all over the body (feet, elbows, armpits, chest, back and face.

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