Tincture on pine nuts – nutcracker on alcohol, moonshine and vodka

Mighty cedars grow, as you know, in Siberia. In those parts, the fruits of this amazing tree are used for various purposes, both as a delicacy and as an excellent medicine, because nuts are not only rich in nutrients, but also microelements useful to the body and an extensive list of vitamins. Today we will tell you how to prepare a pine nut tincture with alcohol, vodka or homemade moonshine, in other words, cedar vodka or cedar moonshine.

A simple recipe for cedar tincture

To begin with, we offer you the simplest recipe for “Kedrovka” (or, as it is affectionately called by the people, “Kedrushka”). This recipe has been tested by many experienced moonshiners and is recognized as the most successful, without exaggeration. For tincture we need:

  • 1 handful of unpeeled pine nuts (about 40 grams);
  • 2 strips of 5 cm dried orange peel;
  • a pinch of vanillin (at the tip of a knife);
  • 3 fresh blackcurrant leaves;
  • 1 st. a spoonful of sugar (or the equivalent of fructose);
  • 0,5 l of vodka (moonshine or diluted alcohol up to 40-45 degrees).

For the alcohol base, it is best to use quality food grade alcohol, which should be diluted to 45% (use this calculator and read this article). Homemade moonshine is also perfect, for example, on sugar, but it must be double distilled with intermediate cleaning. Vodka is fine too. In general, it is better to leave a low-quality product for other tinctures – we will now prepare a really healthy and tasty drink.

The peel of an orange must be cut very carefully so as not to touch the white skin, which will give the drink bitterness. It is better to dry the zest in the sun for 1-2 days – so it will be even more fragrant. Currant leaves should be green, but if this is a problem, try using dried ones.

Cooking “Kedrushka”

  1. First you need to wash off the resin nuts from the nuts, which slightly spoil the taste of the drink and make it unsuitable for heavy libations. To do this, the nuts need to be poured into a metal container and pour boiling water, mix and drain the water. So repeat 3-4 times – this should be enough.
  2. Transfer the nuts to a jar of the required volume, add sugar / fructose, orange zest, vanillin on the tip of a knife, currant leaves.
  3. Pour the contents of the jar with vodka / moonshine / alcohol and mix well until the sugar is completely dissolved;
  4. Send the jar for 10 days in a warm, dark place, while it is advisable to take a sample from the drink every day after 3 days and remove the ingredients, in particular currant leaves and orange zest, if they begin to dominate the taste.
  5. After the expiration date, strain the cedar tincture through a sieve or gauze and leave to ripen for another 3-4 days, it is not recommended to try it right away. After that, “Kedrushka” can be safely consumed in reasonable quantities.

The color of the resulting tincture will be saturated, closer to cognac. The taste is balanced, with a predominance of pine nuts. It is very important to pull out the currant leaves in time or initially use a smaller amount of them. By the way, it is considered a good sign if the kernels of the nuts are completely dissolved, that is, after the infusion, the shell remains hollow.

The benefits of tincture on pine nuts

And they also make “Kedrushka” on wine with honey – they say it cleans blood vessels well

Cedar tincture is used in a variety of situations. Basically, this healing infusion is used to treat various diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, including gastritis. She also copes with various skin diseases (it is also very useful to use it externally).

In addition, pine nuts are very nutritious and perfectly restore human immunity, especially after illness or long-term medication, including antibiotics. Of course, it will not be superfluous to stock up on this tincture for the winter-spring season, when the body will lack vitamins and various trace elements.

As you know, the composition of pine nuts includes vitamins A, B, C, D, E and P, as well as magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, calcium, iron and much more. Do not forget about antioxidants, essential oils, amino acids, omega three fatty acids and other substances that our body needs for normal functioning.

It is also worth mentioning that even doctors recommend cedar nuts as an effective cure for rheumatism and some other diseases of the musculoskeletal system. The only contraindication to tincture of pine nuts is intolerance to some elements and, of course, serious liver disease (due to the alcohol content). It is also not recommended to use this drink for people with a sick heart (especially when it comes to heavy libations).

The recipe above is just more suitable for intense feasts when more than 1 glass is drunk. Your obedient servant tried another version of the tincture – just on the kernels of nuts and sugar, without unnecessary ingredients. I have to say, it was delicious and unusual. I advise you to try this type of “Kedrushka” – for 2-3 liters of vodka / moonshine / alcohol, put about 100 g of peeled nuts. You can experiment with the quantity.

But for medicinal purposes, I recommend using a different recipe, with honey, like pepper. The calculation is taken practically on an industrial scale, but you can safely recalculate everything.

Recipe for nutcracker with honey – medicinal tincture


  • 8 liters of pure moonshine or alcohol 70-75%;
  • 2 l can of cedar unshelled pine nuts;
  • 4 tbsp. spoons of oak bark;
  • 6-8 carnation buds;
  • 150-300 ml of honey.

The cloves are optional (this is for those who don’t like them), but they make the taste of the tincture more “voluminous”. It is better to take honey that is neutral, without a strongly pronounced taste – this is if you drink large quantities of nutcracker. For medicinal purposes (50 ml before meals) it is better to use the highest quality, fragrant and delicious honey, ideally mountain, some kind of alpine or something like that.

You can also add maral root (leuzea safrolovidnaya / Rhodiola rosea) or golden root, which are excellent aphrodisiacs, to this tincture. But with Rhodiola you need to be as careful as possible – it puts a lot of stress on the heart.


  1. Nuts, as in the first recipe, pour boiling water several times and drain – remove the resin.
  2. We place all the ingredients in a container of the required size and fill it with an alcohol-containing mixture of the specified degree (70-75%).
  3. Medicinal tincture is infused on pine nuts for at least 3 weeks, but not more than 2 months, otherwise “Kedrushka” will turn into a pharmacy mixture with a sharp taste and smell.
  4. After aging, the tincture must be filtered, diluted to 40-43% and allowed to stand for another 3 days – you should not taste it before that.

Some complain that a 2 liter jar of nuts is too much for such an amount of alcohol, but if you figure it out, then this is an insignificantly small dose, if you count it for the amount of alcohol that the average person can overpower (we don’t take rural drunks into account).

It looks like a finished cedar tincture

Well, try it on your health, share your experience, criticize. Now you know how to prepare cedar tincture at home, which means you can get sick much less in winter, and quickly restore strength in spring. There is another wonderful drink made from pine nuts, with coffee, but that’s a completely different story …

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