Tincture on hazelnuts on moonshine, alcohol, vodka

The Lombard nut or hazelnut grows on a tall shrub – a hazel, in the wild – on a hazel. The fruit is round, dark brown in color. Due to the chemical composition, nuts have useful and healing properties. In alternative medicine, the leaves, bark and fruits of the plant are used to treat and prevent a number of diseases. A decoction and tincture of hazelnuts are indicated for oral and external use.

Tincture on hazelnuts on moonshine, alcohol, vodka

Useful properties of hazelnut tincture

The tincture retains all the beneficial and medicinal properties of the chemical composition of hazelnuts. The highest concentration of biologically active substances is found in hazel fruits. The composition of hazelnuts includes:

  • dietary fiber (fiber);
  • proteins;
  • oil;
  • carbohydrates;
  • provitamins and B vitamins;
  • minerals: magnesium, calcium, phosphorus, iron.

A tincture enriched with the medicinal properties of hazel is used in folk medicine for the following purposes:

  • increase the energy potential of the body;
  • restoration of muscle and joint tissues;
  • relief of bacterial lesions of the skin, regeneration of the affected areas of the epidermis;
  • normalization of digestive processes.

Hazelnut tincture contains a high percentage of fatty acids. Prevents the deposition of cholesterol plaques on the walls of arteries and veins, thereby improving blood flow. Serves as a prevention of cardiovascular pathologies. A medicinal product prepared according to alternative medicine recipes has the following properties:

  • anti-inflammatory;
  • regenerative;
  • antipyretic;
  • diuretic.

The drug contributes to:

  • strengthening the protective reaction of the body;
  • removal of toxic substances;
  • suppression of putrefactive processes in the intestines;
  • normalization of arterial hypertension (after a course of taking the tincture, the pressure indicator decreases);
  • strengthening bone and muscle tissue;
  • stabilization of the hormonal background and the nervous system;
  • stimulation of brain functions (prevents the development of senile dementia);
  • memory improvement.

It also normalizes the functioning of the digestive tract.

What helps hazelnut tincture

Tincture on hazelnuts due to the diuretic action relieves swelling, improves the condition of the walls of blood vessels. Reception is indicated for diseases of the genitourinary system. In the absence of an allergic reaction to nuts, in limited dosages, it is recommended to take a water-based tincture for women during lactation. Used to treat:

  • periphlebitis;
  • varicose veins;
  • trophic ulcers;
  • prostatitis;
  • reproductive system;
  • atherosclerosis in the initial stage;
  • neuroses;
  • stroke;
  • heart attack;
  • chronic fatigue syndrome;

Hazelnut tincture is included in the complex with medications for diabetes and oncology.

Tincture on hazelnuts on moonshine, alcohol, vodka

How to prepare hazel tincture

To prepare a remedy, hazelnuts are harvested. The period of ripening of hazel fruits falls on the end of August – mid-September. The shell (plus) acquires a light brown color, during the period of maturity, the hazelnut is easily separated and falls off. The collected nuts are scattered in a thin layer and dried in a ventilated area. Prepare an alcohol-based product:

  • vodka;
  • medical alcohol;
  • moonshine.
Important! Treatment with hazelnut tincture is carried out in combination with medications, after consulting a doctor.

Hazelnut tincture on moonshine

For cooking, you need to peel the hazelnuts. For the recipe you will need 20 pcs. nuts and 1,5 liters of moonshine. The number of ingredients can be reduced or increased, observing the given proportions. Cooking sequence:

  1. Grind the shell in any way possible.
  2. Rub the hazelnut kernels in a mortar.
  3. Placed in a glass or ceramic container.
  4. Pour moonshine.
  5. Close, remove to infuse for 1 month.

The room must be unlit. When the product is infused, it is filtered, bottled, corked.

Hazelnut tincture on vodka

A drink prepared according to a recipe has not only medicinal properties, but also a good taste. Helps increase appetite. Composition of ingredients:

  • vodka – 1,5 l;
  • hazelnuts – 250 g;
  • Honey – 150 g;
  • aloe – 50 g.


  1. Aloe leaves are crushed, placed in a container, poured with vodka.
  2. The mixture is infused for 24 hours. Then the tincture is filtered.
  3. Hazelnuts are shelled, the kernels are crushed to a powder, mixed with honey, added to vodka.
  4. Put the container in the refrigerator, after 21 days the drink will be ready.

Hazelnut tincture on alcohol

Recipe composition:

  • hazel leaves – 20 pcs.;
  • unripe hazelnuts – 25 pcs.;
  • honey;
  • medical alcohol (960) – 300 ml;
  • lemon – 1/4 part.


  1. The leaves are ground in a meat grinder.
  2. Squeeze juice through gauze, bring to a boil.
  3. Mixed with the same amount of honey.
  4. Add lemon juice.
  5. Together with the plush, crush the hazelnuts.
  6. All ingredients are placed in a 1 liter jar.
  7. Fill with alcohol, tightly close the lid.
  8. Infuse the remedy for 1,5 months in a cool, dark place.
  9. Then the medicine is filtered, poured into a bottle, corked.

In the process of preparing a drink, it is not recommended to use metal utensils.

How to take hazelnut tincture

The product is prepared on an alcohol basis, so you need to drink it in compliance with the dosage so that the tincture benefits the body, and not the opposite effect.

Tincture on hazelnuts on moonshine, alcohol, vodka

Recommended rules for taking and amount of medication:

  1. Drink the medicine in 3 doses for 30 minutes. before breakfast, lunch and dinner 1 tbsp. l. (10 ml).
  2. After a 3-day course, the dose is increased by 2 times.
  3. Accepted within 2 weeks.
  4. Take a break for 3 days, repeat the treatment regimen.

The duration of the course is determined by the doctor depending on the disease.

Attention! Hazelnut refers to allergenic products, treatment can be carried out only in the absence of an allergic reaction to nuts.

Contraindications to infusion of hazel

Hazelnut tincture is useful due to the high concentration of active substances, it also has energy properties. But you can not take it for all diseases. Contraindications:

  1. Alcohol dependence (treatment can only be carried out with a water-based tincture).
  2. Hepatitis or cirrhosis of the liver.
  3. Renal failure.
  4. Peritonitis in the acute stage.
  5. Pancreatitis.
  6. Cholecystitis.
  7. Age restriction (forbidden to children under 10 years old).
  8. External use for psoriasis.
  9. Stomach ulcer.
  10. Acute form of gastritis.

Reception of means for categories of people is contraindicated:

  1. Patients with diabetes mellitus, if honey is present in the composition.
  2. Pregnant women.
  3. With individual intolerance to ethanol or hazelnuts.
  4. With a hypertensive crisis (tincture does not normalize the condition, but only worsens it).

A long course may cause headache, in which case the treatment is stopped.

Terms and conditions of storage

To prepare a high-quality tincture, it is recommended to follow the rules for storing the main raw materials. Peeled hazelnut kernels are placed in a dark glass container and kept in the refrigerator. Hazel in the shell is stored for 6 months, after the expiration of the period, most of the nutrients are lost.

Alcohol tincture on hazelnuts is stored in a dark, cold place, the ideal option is a refrigerator or basement. The container should be opaque, the place is out of reach for children. Temperature – not higher than +50 C. Under the conditions, the shelf life is 5 years. Over time, a precipitate may appear, then it is advisable to carefully pour the tincture into another container. This does not mean that the remedy has deteriorated, its medicinal properties are fully preserved.


Hazelnut tincture is a remedy with energy value and healing properties. They are made on the basis of alcohol, vodka, moonshine. Used for the treatment and prevention of a number of pathologies of the digestive, cardiovascular system. It is recommended to strengthen the immune system and increase the energy potential of the body.

HAZELNUT BENEFIT AND HARM | hazelnut benefits, hazelnut hazelnuts useful properties, how hazelnuts are useful

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