Tincture from old jam

Not everyone likes to eat last year’s jam, especially when fresh has already been prepared, and it’s a pity to throw away a product in which so much work has been invested. But there is a good option for its processing. I will tell you how to make tincture from jam at home. This recipe uses only the simplest ingredients.

For the preparation of tinctures, any jam (jam or jam) is suitable: raspberry, strawberry, cherry, currant, apricot, apple, etc. It is desirable that it be sweet, otherwise you will have to add sugar.

If mold is visible from above, the damaged layer should be removed and another 2-3 cm of pure jam, which is also infected with harmful spores, it’s just not visible. I advise you to immediately put fermented (sour) jars into jam from jam or wine, since tinctures from it turn out to be tasteless, often with a bitter aftertaste.

During the preparation of homemade wine from jam, I told you that it is advisable not to mix different varieties of jam. In the case of tinctures, this rule can be ignored by adding different types of jam to the jar.

The choice of alcohol base is not of fundamental importance. You can take vodka, well-purified moonshine, cognac or alcohol. In the latter case, I advise you to first dilute the alcohol with water to 45-50 degrees and only then use it for tincture.


  • old jam – 0,5 kg;
  • vodka (alcohol, moonshine) – 0,5 liters;
  • sugar – to taste (optional)

jam tincture recipe

1. Add jam to a liter jar.

2. Fill the entire remaining volume (up to the neck) with vodka, mix thoroughly.

3. Close the jar tightly with a lid and put in a warm, bright place for 45-60 days. Shake the contents of the container every 3-4 days to better dissolve the jam in vodka. In the last week of insisting the bank should be at rest.

4. Drain the resulting jam tincture from the sediment and taste it. If the drink is not sweet enough, add sugar to taste, mix well, close the lid and leave for a day.

5. Filter the tincture through a cotton filter (pictured). It may take several filtering to make it transparent.

Tincture from old jam
The simplest filter design

6. Pour into bottles for storage and close tightly with stoppers.

Tincture from old jam

In a cool place, the shelf life of homemade jam tincture is almost unlimited.

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