The harmony turtle is trapped in the noises caused by the Cacophonie duck. To free her, Timuz goes in search of Silence. He will see the trees, but music is the language of the woods: violins, guitar, and double bass … He will see the stones, but music is also the language of the brass: trumpets, cymbals … Even the wind is music: flute, horn, or trombone… Silence is well hidden. Why not look for the melody instead?
The silence of reading soon disappears under the music of words. Sounds of all colors spring from the dynamic drawing of Gwendal Blondelle. A poetic initiation into the great families of musical instruments.
Auteur: Pierrette Laigle / Gwendal Blondelle
Publisher: The little lighthouse
Number of pages : 37
Age range : 4-6 years
Editor’s Note: 8