
When everything is clear: direction, goals, tasks, roles and rules — you just need to carefully allocate time for your actions and do everything that you have planned. Here I want to give important, in my opinion, quotes:

«Some people are strong, strong-willed, but they lack the willpower to plan … for a week.» I.L. Vikentiev.

“Complaints about the lack of time are the main complaints of the XNUMXth century (for the XNUMXst century this is even more relevant. Note by the author). There is not enough time for everyone — even idlers. Even for those who score «goat» or watch TV for hours on end. TRIZ creator G.S. Altshuller.

It is especially important to understand that there is not enough time, first of all, for idlers. Or people who count their time only on a small piece of their time. Because people who at least partially allocate their time know that there is always enough time. Enough for the main.

There are many “little things” that actually make up the life of an ordinary earthly person, and which are usually not taken into account, for example, household chores. And that’s a lot of time, because it includes:

  • put laundry, hang clothes, iron, cook breakfast, lunch, dinner, etc .;
  • Attend a school meeting;
  • Help children with homework;
  • call parents;
  • Chat on social networks;
  • Reply (required!) to emails;
  • travel time;
  • Time for fees;
  • Watching movies, news, programs;
  • Reading books, magazines, etc.;
  • Take a walk with the kids…

The list can be long, and it all needs to be planned.


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