Time on the bench with dumbbells
  • Muscle group: Quadriceps
  • Type of exercises: Basic
  • Additional muscles: Thighs, Calves, Buttocks
  • Type of exercise: Power
  • Equipment: Dumbbells
  • Level of difficulty: Medium
Заход на скамью с гантелями Заход на скамью с гантелями
Заход на скамью с гантелями Заход на скамью с гантелями

Sunset on a bench with dumbbells — technique exercises:

  1. Become right, holding in both hands on a dumbbell. Palms facing inside. Before you should be a small platform or horizontal bar. This will be your initial position.
  2. Put your right foot on the bench. Climb on the bench, shifting body weight on the foot during the climb out.
  3. On the inhale, slowly step back with your left foot, sinking to the floor. Put your right foot, returning to starting position.
  4. Repeat with the right foot the required number of repetitions, then do the exercise with the left foot.

Hint: this exercise is an alternative to the deadlift with straight legs for those people who can not perform traction because of problems with the lower back.

Variations: just like lunges, this exercise can be performed serially, then right, then left foot. You can also use the rod. Beginners can perform the exercise without weights, using only your own weight.

exercises for the legs exercises for quadriceps exercises with dumbbells
  • Muscle group: Quadriceps
  • Type of exercises: Basic
  • Additional muscles: Thighs, Calves, Buttocks
  • Type of exercise: Power
  • Equipment: Dumbbells
  • Level of difficulty: Medium

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