TM for women has its own characteristics
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Time management for women is very different from time management for men. Women have many feelings, many fears and anxieties, while it is easier for women than men to seek help from relatives and other people around them.
Here is an article from, obviously written for women.
The art of being in time is one of the most important for modern man. And especially for mom. In this article, we want to share with you simple tips on how to find all the time and do everything in time.
Psychological preparation
The basic principles for doing everything are as follows:
- No need to rush anywhere. The more calmly you will carry out the task you have set, the sooner you will finish it.
- Don’t be afraid to fail. We spend too much time on fear and procrastination, we decided to do it — do it, we decided not to do it — don’t start.
- Delegate responsibilities. Reach out to your loved ones more often for help. Use the services of relevant organizations and individuals.
- Remember, the sharpest mind is dumber than the dullest pencil. Discuss your problems in writing, write down your goals, tasks and tasks.
- Don’t try to do everything at once and at the same time.
- Manage your attention. The basic principle: large cases should be organized in such a way as to ensure maximum switching between them, small ones should be grouped in such a way that attention is switched to a minimum.
- Make it a rule to rest. Do not spare time for sleep, breaks and rest. Plan your leisure time the same way you plan your business. How seriously you take your vacation will depend on your performance.
Technical aspects
We need paper and colored pens.
- On a piece of paper, write down absolutely all your affairs, tasks, plans and problems. The goal is to say as much as possible about what needs to be done.
- Break down all the cases written out in the previous step into several key areas of your life — for example, «Family», «Work», «Study», «Sports». Highlight each area with the appropriate color.
- Ask yourself why you are going to solve certain problems. Write down on a separate sheet your basic motives-values that you would like to be guided in life.
- Match your to-do list with your value list. If certain things don’t align with your values, consider whether they are worth doing. In the future, always check your plans against the list of your values and adjust them.
- From the list of cases, select the most important and large. Break them down into simple subtasks. Arrange the results in a table or tree-like list, signing subtasks under each goal. Now check which of the subtasks can be delegated to others. Check your list of goals from time to time and adjust as needed.
- Set your priorities. Being able to separate important things from unimportant ones is one of the main rules of time management. Organize your tasks according to their importance and urgency and keep them in front of your eyes.
- On a sheet of paper or in an Excel spreadsheet, make a plan for the year (counting from now). Arrange all tasks on a timeline, from the most important and large to the smallest. If there are more cases than time and resources allow, reconsider the goals, weed them out, delegate them. Review this plan every month and make adjustments to it.
- Plan for the week. Similar to the plan for the year, make a plan for the week. Break the week into days. From the plan for the year, write out the tasks for the next week. Don’t try to plan everything in great detail. Leave time reserves for unforeseen circumstances. Prioritize important tasks and try to do them first. If necessary, review and adjust the plan for the week, writing out all the tasks for tomorrow in a separate sheet or diary.
By following these simple rules, you can get rid of the daily time pressure.