Time is merciless: reasoning about man, life and death

Time is merciless: reasoning about man, life and death

🙂 Welcome new and regular readers! Friends, time is merciless to everyone. This is a sad topic, most people don’t like or are afraid to talk about it.

Time is a heartless, unsparing matter. It does not divide people into races, gender, or who we worship. Even the word “time” is neither masculine nor feminine.

Time does not give privileges, it is a cruel and just law of nature that works the same for everyone.

Time is an integral and important essence of the universe. Faithful companion of life and death. On the right side of time walks life, on the left side – death. Time is the judge; it has the right to decide whether you die now or a little later. It decides whether you are born or not.

Time is merciless: reasoning about man, life and death

Time and man

  • Each of us consists of a certain amount of life, originally laid down in us by someone from above. What are we? Vessel.
  • How much are we using our capabilities? No more than fifty percent.
  • The framework in our head that we set ourselves. We program ourselves for an automatic “stop” that is triggered when we reach these limits.
  • We are afraid to be judged by society. We are afraid to look and think differently from the majority.
  • Our creation is a bottomless vessel. In our entire life, we will not be able to look inside ourselves so deeply to see the bottom. This is an eternal mystery, a great mystery.
  • We are too attached to what is imposed on us, we do not find time for what has true value.
  • And time is running out. It is ash in our hands, at the slightest breath of wind – it dissolves into heavenly space.

Time is merciless: reasoning about man, life and death

An irreparable loss

We exchange it for empty. The pitiful hope that it will be possible to fix everything in the future.

The stronger ones devour the weak. The stronger die, having fulfilled their mission in this life. Their dead flesh feeds the earth, giving new life to a tree or grass.

Each has its own set period of time. The cycle of life, where death is the dominant guardian, keeping order. While life with water flows through our fingers, we litter our vessel with things that have no value.

We grow old in body, but many of us have a soul dying long before physical death … It suffocates from the abundance of poison, it collapses from the corrosion that lies, greed, and greed that arise from human vices.

We just forgot how to live. Have forgotten how to think. We ask ourselves the question less and less: in what meaning of life. We just bury ourselves alive day by day. Time will never forgive us for this.

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