TikTok members have discovered a pose in which only women maintain balance

“Only women can do this” — under such a conditional slogan, a new virus has spread on TikTok. Users try to adopt a fairly simple position in which men invariably fall to the floor. Why it happens?

TikTok stars Jason and Rachel posted a video that has already gained 1,7 million views. On it, both are just trying to take the same pose. The fact that the girl succeeded without any effort caused an awkward fall for her boyfriend. It turned out that this simple balance is virtually impossible for men and easily feasible for women.

Other users accepted the challenge and began to shoot their own videos. Even those who wanted to refute Jason and Rachel’s conclusions actually only re-proved their conclusion. “Only women can do this” has become a new challenge and has given rise to several theories as to why this is happening.

You can try to repeat the experiment yourself. It is enough just to kneel, the body is parallel to the floor, the chin rests on the palms, the elbows rest on the floor.

If you remove your hands and do not lean on them, women will continue to calmly stand in balance. But men are at risk of falling face down on the floor, like Jason and many of his other followers on the social network. Therefore, just in case, make sure that the fall is not traumatic.

What’s the secret? Apparently, in the center of gravity. In women, it is located in the hips, and in men – in the shoulder girdle. That’s what nature intended. Nevertheless, many people continue to check on their own skin whether only women can have this position of the body.

Interestingly, for some users, the goal was to refute Jason and Rachel’s conclusion. Well, competition is in the blood of many. Let’s see if someone can prove by their own example that it’s not about balance. Russian users also have the opportunity to support the trend: take part in the experiment and post your videos online.

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