Tighten Up: Lifting Body Moisturizers

Facial care has become a daily routine, but many of us forget that the body also needs caring care. And if you are worried not only about dryness, but also, for example, loss of tone, moisturizers that also have a firming effect will come in handy.

The weakening of collagen and elastin fibers is primarily to blame for the fact that with age the skin begins to lose elasticity. And this, alas, is an inevitable process. There are other factors accelerating or intensifying this annoying effect. For example, sudden weight gains, excessive tanning, bad habits like smoking or drinking alcohol, and lack of physical activity.

But even if you lead a completely healthy lifestyle, the moment of wilting may come earlier than you would like – genetics also plays a role in this, which is unlikely to be influenced.

Of course, if we notice that the skin has become lethargic, dryish and “boring”, we should pay attention to the diet and drinking regimen. Perhaps it’s time to add a little more foods rich in fatty acids to the menu, review the amount of coffee and tea consumed and replace it with water, or even consult a specialist about choosing a vitamin complex and other supplements.

But the cosmetic industry is also able to lend a strong helping hand. However, when choosing a product for the skin of the body, you should pay attention to the composition.

  • The first task that the cream should solve is moisturizing. To do this, hyaluronic acid, aloe vera, glycerin, allantoin and other ingredients are added to the products that attract water and prevent its evaporation.
  • Nourishment of the skin and the return of its elasticity are perfectly provided by natural oils: almond and peach, olive and wheat, jojoba and shea butter. All of them are able to significantly improve the condition of the skin and maintain it at an optimal level.
  • Collagen and elastin can also often be found in body creams: the task of the first is to increase the level of moisture, and the second is to accelerate cell regeneration, which also affects skin elasticity.
  • Acids contribute to faster renewal, they have an exfoliating effect.
  • Retinol is rightfully considered almost the king of anti-aging care. It accelerates all processes in the tissues that have slowed down with age and literally makes the skin look younger.
  • Finally, reflective particles are also added to some products – they do not affect the condition of the skin, other components do this, but visually instantly make it a little smoother and toned.

The main rule of any care is regularity. Apply body lotion daily at least once a day

Of course, it is worth considering your own characteristics. For example, if you have breakouts on your chest or back, you should look for lighter textures.

Products for younger skin often focus on moisturizing, and for older skin – on nutrition, smoothing and rejuvenation.

In winter, denser creams and butters will come in handy, and in the heat they can cause discomfort.

If the skin is prone to allergic reactions or just quite sensitive, strong fragrances, essential oils and acids should be avoided.

To enhance the effect of the cream, it can be applied to warm skin – after taking a shower or bath, as well as after visiting the steam room. Regular peeling also contributes to this.

And finally, the main rule of any care is regularity. Apply body lotion daily at least once a day. If you go to the pool or the gym, then after a shower you should take care of your skin and apply the selected cream or body lotion.

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