Tiger and telepath

Apparently, tigers can read minds. And this, whatever one may say, is thought provoking.

There is something in common between a tiger and a telepath: both can read minds.

Let’s start with the tiger.

His nature, his psychology, his tricks and existence are often inexplicable. One has only to point a magnifying glass at the life of a tiger, and many things are simply shocking. Canadian journalist John Vaillant devoted his documentary novel about a man-eating tiger in the Amur taiga to this increase. In the winter of 1997, a tiger killed and ate two hunters in the Bekin River Valley, and a detachment of experienced trappers from the Vladivostok Inspectorate “Tiger” was called in to hunt the animal.

The picture of a predator attack on a person amazed experts.

Apparently, the tiger feels its territory – and this is tens of kilometers of dense taiga covered with a thick layer of snow – as if it were its own skin … Making a routine round of the area, the predator suddenly froze (as the traces indicated) and became alert. Could he hear, for example, any sound? For example, the tinkle of a steel trap for an arctic fox, which was checked by a hunter at a distance of 2 kilometers (!) from a tiger? Then we must assume that the tiger has radar sensitivity. However, the secret of such hypersensitivity may be something else. However, the man-eating tiger saw the man, noted his coordinates, figured out the speed of movement and, having made an ideally accurate turn, went in his direction, approached, and moved so that the enemy did not detect him, taking to the right of the line along which the man was walking.

The hunter’s name was Andrew.

And the tiger knew where he was going: after checking the traps, the hunter would look into his hunting lodge.

The beast behaved as if he looked into the future or read minds.

Having rounded the victim in a secret arc, the tiger was the first to go to the house, tore the roof and pulled out the mattress … Why? And then, so that he, the tiger, would be comfortable lying on the snow in anticipation of prey. Having dragged the mattress under the nearest cedar, the tiger openly lay down in the path of the hunter. For some reason, this huge fiery-striped beast was sure that the enemy would not notice him, and Andrei really did not notice him. He calmly walked straight at the tiger. The local Udege consider the tiger to be a divine being, and challenging a tiger is madness. The beast, they are sure, like a telepath, reads our thoughts. The tiger, like a hypnotist, subjugates the wild boar, musk deer, wolverine and even the bird to his will. The hunter approached the tiger at a distance of already ten paces, when suddenly he saw the beast directly in front of him; with the mechanical reaction of a trapper, he managed to grab a rifle from behind his back and even tried to shoot, but in vain. They were only two seconds apart. And the tiger tore the man to pieces.

More than one day passed before the predator was tracked down by the hunters from the Tiger Inspection, they went out to the tiger ambush in three, and in the jump the beast managed to touch with its claws only the senior trapper named Trush. After killing the beast, the hunters took a photo as a keepsake, and the wounded man alcoholized the claw marks on his shoulder.

The most striking was the case of Trush’s trip in 2004 to the reserve to the neighbors, to the Wild Animal Rehabilitation Center, where for many years a huge, but quite tame tiger, nicknamed Fierce, lived in an enclosure … So, having seen Trush for the first time in his life, the beast suddenly became rabid and almost killed him by jumping with all his strength onto the net. Trush fell backwards from the impact. Seven years have passed since Trush and his team killed the tiger in the taiga, but there was a certain distinct imprint on it, which the tiger easily read and fell into a rage.

The Nanais consider the tiger to be absolutely invisible and unified; one can only see either footprints in the snow, or a dead tiger. In other words, in their view, a tiger is an energy biofield, where all tigers, both living and dead, are connected into one cosmos.

Describing the tiger, of course, I am thinking of a man.

The experience of the famous Wolf Messing suggests that it is quite possible to foresee the future, that the boundaries of human matter are much larger than the outline that is sheathed in skin and adorned with eyes. That reading minds is not a trick, but a reality, maybe even a banality, just the keys to it have not yet been found.

What is worth at least the scandalous prediction by a telepath of the date of the end of the war at a meeting of the Politburo in July 1941, where he was invited by Stalin. Messing’s answer: “The war will end in the spring of 1945, but the USSR will win,” angered Beria and confused the leadership, only one leader retained outward calm.

Messing himself, to idle questions about how he looks into the future and reads thoughts, always answered with longing: “My dears, imagine that a sighted person came to the country of the blind and they ask him: how can you talk about the properties of an object without even touching with his hands? Very simply, the alien replies, I can see him. What does “see” mean? the blind ask.

In any case, the story with the tiger and the episode with Messing’s prediction tell us that we do not know enough about tigers or ourselves, and the most accurate answer to these ambiguities will be the decision to consider a person a miracle, the same divine beast, the same space, which is revered by the Udege and the Nanais of the Amur tiger.

About it:

J. Vaillant “Tiger, a story of revenge and salvation” (AST, 2013).

V. Messing “I am a telepath” (Southwest, 1990).

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