Tie clip: how to wear, tips and rules

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Even a fierce fan of jeans and T-shirts cannot do without a tie: every man needs it at least several times in his life. This means that the tie pin was and remains a relevant attribute.

This hairpin – more precisely, the clip – is used exclusively in tandem with a tie. The history of the accessory goes back centuries: first there was a holder for a neckerchief, then a pin for a tie … And finally, since the 20s, an accessory as we know it.

Why do I need a tie clip

It is used so that the tie does not slip, does not knock out, does not bristle. In addition, it performs the function of a stylish accent, a status item, a sign of belonging to a certain circle or jewelry.

Clamps are made from different metals and alloys; decorated with engraving, embossing, stones, initials, logos, emblems. They give them a very different, sometimes bizarre shape. They are performed in the form of figures of animals or some objects … Which one to choose?

A tie holder made of noble silver is considered universal. It suits any age, type, formal and informal dress. Silver does not look pretentious, but elegant and moderately respectable.

Gold hairpins suit men of respectable age and require an appropriate entourage – an expensive suit, luxurious shoes.

Metal products are the most diverse in terms of design and are in perfect harmony with the casual look. Clips in the form of a miniature key, guitar, glasses, airplane, fountain pen, crocodile, sword, anchor, flute, snake. Such details make the look more creative, youthful and perky.

This man’s jewelry is an idea for a gift for a celebration: birthday, anniversary, graduation, wedding anniversary. Such jewelry can be ordered in a jewelry workshop with the initials of the birthday person. Valuable accessories are passed down from father to son.

Tie clip: wearing rules

However, no matter what accessory a man chooses, you need to remember wearing etiquette. The rules are pretty strict:

Tie clip: how to wear, tips and rules

  • the hairpin must be between the third and fourth buttons of the shirt;
  • the length of the clip should be from half to the width of a man’s tie, no more;
  • it is necessary that the hair clip matches the range of the suit and is in harmony with the cufflinks in the same style;
  • this attribute is not used when the vest is put on, as the latter holds the tie on its own.

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