Tick ​​season: should my child be vaccinated against tick-borne encephalitis

Tick ​​season: should my child be vaccinated against tick-borne encephalitis

Is the tick-borne encephalitis vaccine effective and who can be given it, says our expert.

The family of five-year-old Tasi decided to spend the very first warm April weekend in nature. Kebabs, good company, the opportunity to finally take off heavy jackets. The girl ran on last year’s matted foliage in jeans and sneakers. Of course, no one thought about ticks. What kind of parasites are there, when a week ago there was snow in some places, and at night there was a stable minus.

In the evening, when the girl was taking a bath, her mother noticed a strange black dot on her neck under her hair.

– A new mole or what? – the woman was surprised and looked closely.

The day, which began with a great family vacation, ended with the same family trip to the emergency room. Yes, ticks wake up at an average daily air temperature of + 6 … + 8 degrees. And even one warm day is enough for them to come to life.

This story, fortunately, ended well, the parasite was not contagious. But then how lucky.

And not everyone will be lucky, however. According to Rospotrebnadzor, in the first half of April, ticks have already been bitten by more than 1,5 thousand people throughout the country, 713 of them, that is, almost half, are children.

On the one hand, the numbers are scary, because this is only the very beginning of the tick season, which will last right up to mid-autumn! On the other hand, according to epidemiologists, these numbers are lower than the average for many years. Doctors are sure: as in the case of the flu, vaccinations help.

The day, which began with a great family vacation, ended with a trip to the emergency room

“The tick is a carrier of various diseases,” explains pediatrician Svetlana Ivanova. – It all depends on the region and the type of ticks that live there. Borreliosis, anaplasmosis, and so on. Vaccination today is against the most serious of them – tick-borne viral encephalitis.

It is not only possible to vaccinate children, but also necessary. Of course, as in the case of any other vaccine, this does not give one hundred percent protection against the disease. But its effectiveness is very high. Even if the tick is infected, the child will suffer a mild illness.

– In polyclinics on compulsory medical insurance, they are vaccinated with domestic vaccines, – says the pediatrician. – They can be used from the age of three. Imported ones are allowed for use from a year, but they will most likely have to be installed for a fee in commercial centers. The difference is in the production technology, purification of drugs, which means in the presence or absence of side effects.

In an amicable way, the vaccination should be done in the fall in order to keep within the classic scheme: two vaccinations with an interval of 1-3 months. They will give protection for a year. The third is done a year later and gives protection for the next three. Vaccines for children – “FSME-Immun Junior”, “EnceVir for children” and “Encepur for children”.

– Now you can get vaccinated on an emergency scheme, – explains the pediatrician. – At intervals of a week or two. But in any case, after the second vaccination, you need to wait two weeks before going to nature. If suddenly the tick has already bitten, post-facto vaccination is already useless.

Ticks wake up at an average daily air temperature of + 6 … + 8 degrees

The doctor notes: not all crumbs can be vaccinated. There are a number of absolute contraindications. For example, allergies to past vaccinations or chicken egg white, chronic liver or kidney disease. In addition, you cannot vaccinate during illness.

How to dress a child for nature

Between “hot” and “safe”, it is better to choose the second option. Long-sleeved clothing, pants tucked into socks or boots, or better boots. On the head is a hat, kerchief or hood. Cuffs fit tightly, seams and other secluded places are a minimum. The color is light in order to notice the “enemy” in time. In addition, clothes must be treated with repellents; there are many of those in stores that are suitable for children. But! We never apply the product to the skin, only to clothes, and preferably in advance.

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