Tibetan raspberries: planting and care
Tibetan raspberry is a fairly new variety for Russia. But in Western Europe and in many Asian countries, it is more popular. Knowing the peculiarities of planting and caring for it, you can get a large harvest of exotic berries.
Features of planting Tibetan raspberries
It is better to plant strawberry raspberries in the fall from mid-September to the end of October.
Tibetan raspberries taste like blackberries with a strawberry flavor
When planting this variety of raspberries, you must take into account its features:
- Raspberries do not like excessive moisture, so they should not be planted in lowlands, where water accumulates after rain or melting snow.
- Tibetan raspberry bushes grow easily and quickly. Therefore, even before planting seedlings, it is necessary to limit the territory. Its roots are strong and strong. If you do not immediately take care of fencing the site for raspberries, then later this will be problematic. The perimeter of the planting should be fenced off with iron sheets, slate or special tapes to a depth of at least 0,5 m.
- Since the seedlings grow rapidly and fill the entire area allotted for them, they must be planted at a distance of at least 1 m from each other.
The next year after planting, the seedlings will aggressively begin to grow in breadth and give a bountiful harvest.
This variety multiplies very actively, is frost-resistant and yields from July to frost. But there are some recommendations for plant care:
- In order not to reduce the yield, raspberries should be covered for the winter.
- For the winter period, raspberry shoots are cut off, because they grow and bear fruit only for a year. They are cut off almost at the very ground, leaving 5-6 cm of the shoot.
- Branches that do not produce fruit should be pruned during the summer.
- To prevent the berries from becoming small and dry, during the absence of rain, raspberries must be watered daily.
- To get a good harvest, the soil for raspberries must be fertilized. It is worth feeding the plants in spring and autumn. For this, a solution of mullein, potassium sulphide or complex fertilizers for fruit and berry bushes are suitable.
- The harvest must be collected in a shallow plastic container, as the fruits are very crumpled. To make the berries tasty, they should be picked only after they are fully ripe.
Raspberries of this variety grow rapidly. She is able to displace any weeds from her territory. Therefore, it does not need weeding.
Rose-leaved raspberry has a number of benefits. But before you plant it on your site, you need to carefully prepare and study the features of its planting and growing. In this case, her presence in the garden will be a pleasure.