The thyroid is one of the most important glands in the human body. It is responsible for the secretion of internal hormones, such as T3 (triiodothyronine), T4 (thyroxine) and calcitonin. Disturbances in the production of these hormones can lead to many ailments and diseases. Currently, many tests are listed that can be used to test thyroid function. We list them below.
Pregnant women
It is important to know that some pregnant women may experience slightly abnormal levels of certain hormones. For example, in the case of the hormone free thyroxine (FT4), some laboratories lower the upper limit of the concentration of this hormone in pregnancy tests. In order to properly interpret the results of your tests, it is worth consulting a doctor in each case.
Possible thyroid tests:
- TSH level determination: this test is usually performed first because it is easy to perform and the result is unambiguous. It is the easiest way to detect any abnormalities in thyroid function. A high TSH means hypothyroidism and a low TSH means hyperthyroidism. TSH levels in the body are relatively constant, which is a disadvantage of this test, because it is difficult to test patients at regular intervals after treatment – notable differences will not be visible until months.
Normal TSH values: 0,3 to 3,5 mU/l.
- Assays of free thyroid hormones FT4 and FT3: this test is performed additionally. Elevated results may indicate hyperthyroidism, and lower results may indicate hypothyroidism. The levels of these hormones change very dynamically, so this study is very reliable in this regard. Unfortunately, it is also less sensitive. Other tests are based on imaging the state of the thyroid gland.
Normal FT4 concentration: 0,8 to 1,8 ng/dl.
Normal FT3 concentration: 2,5 to 6,0 ng/dl.
- Chest X-ray: this is the next test that is performed in the event of abnormalities in the work of the organ. An X-ray allows you to determine the condition of an organ and answer the question whether, for example, it is growing uncontrollably.
- Thyroid ultrasound: it is also a test that allows you to visualize the state of the organ. At the same time, it detects thyroid nodules and allows you to assess whether the gland is enlarged, and if so, to what extent.
- Detection of nodules, i.e. scintigraphy: allows you to detect nodules in the thyroid gland that may interfere with the work of this organ. Unfortunately, this test cannot be used in women who are breastfeeding or pregnant.