Thyroid scintigraphy – what does the examination look like?

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You don’t know what scintigraphy is? Thyroid scintigraphy is an examination that accurately illustrates the condition of the thyroid gland and the differentiation of tissues. It is on this basis that the doctor can assess the size of this important gland. Another parameter assessed during thyroid scintigraphy is the degree of its going down the sternum. This test is used to make a correct diagnosis. Find out what the examination looks like and how to prepare the patient.

Thyroid scintigraphy – preparation of the patient

Scintigraphy it is an imaging test that involves introducing chemicals that contain isotopes into the patient’s body. Their use is completely safe, and the isotopes do not cause any negative health effects. Their small amounts do not cause much radiation. This radiation is negligible. In thyroid scintigraphy two are used radioisotopes – iodine (iodine-131) and technetium. The substance is selected in such a way that it reaches a specific organ. Once it arrives, it starts producing radiation. Due to the fact that it is emitted outside the body, it can be captured by a special gamma camera.

There is no special preparation for thyroid scintigraphy. However, there are a few things to keep in mind. After prior medical consultation, it is necessary to discontinue the drugs that inhibit the thyroid gland 7 days before testing. In addition, we should also discontinue drugs that contain iodine. Apart from that thyroid scintigraphy it should be performed only after 4 or even 6 weeks from the tests performed with the use of iodine contrast. You must not have any metal objects with you during the examination. You do not have to go to the examination on an empty stomach. In connection with the radioisotopes used thyroid scintigraphy is divided into two types – iodine and technetium. Iodine scintigraphy lasts two days, while technetowa – only a day. Most often, this test is performed sitting down, but the person performing the test may ask you to assume a different position. After the examination, the patient is recommended to drink plenty of fluids. All this to rinse the substance administered before the test as soon as possible. It is worth noting that children should not be carried or hugged for two days after the end of the examination. Besides, there are no other rules that should be followed.

Thyroid scintigraphy – what does the examination look like?

Research it is not complicated and its course is very simple and does not require any special intervention. The patient does not need to do anything but assume a particular position. In addition, the study carries virtually no risks. The results of the study show the so-called scintigraphy. If your results are normal, scintigraphy have a uniform color.

In turn, an abnormal result is even an excess or deficiency of an isotope in the thyroid gland. This can happen in Hashimoto’s disease, hypothyroidism or subacute thyroiditis. Thyroid scintigraphy also detects tumors in the area of ​​the thyroid gland. Each result scintigraphy we should consult a doctor who will assess the condition of the organ. When to exercise thyroid scintigraphy? Scintigraphy is performed to detect certain diseases. These include: hyperfunction and underactive gland, nodular goitre. Execution scintigraphy It also requires a condition after thyroid surgery. Thanks to such a simple test, we are able to detect why, for example, excessive production of hormones occurs. This allows the detection of many diseases such as, for example, Graves’ disease. Thyroid scintigraphy can be performed on people of all ages. It is also possible to perform it in newborns. It is not performed in pregnant and breastfeeding women. If testing is required in women of childbearing age, it is recommended to do so at the beginning of the menstrual cycle. The first ten days would be an ideal date. The examination should always be ordered by a doctor, even if we treat ourselves privately. Such tests, despite the fact that they are not harmful, should be performed only when necessary.

Thyroid scintigraphy – price

If your visits to the doctor are paid, you will also have to pay for any examinations out of your own pocket. Thyroid scintigraphy price it depends on the isotope used. Usually, we will pay about PLN 200-300 for it. If we want to get a referral and have a free examination, we should report to the doctor who is receiving the NHF. It is worth noting that the GP is not able to issue such a referral, but may refer us to an endocrinologist who will decide whether there is a need for thyroid scintigraphy. Sometimes it is enough to perform simpler and cheaper tests to confirm or rule out specific conditions. Most often, these are tests performed on a blood sample.

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