Thyroid Lumps – Can They Be Dangerous?

Difficulty swallowing in diseases of the thyroid gland.

I have thyroid nodules, the biopsy shows that they are harmless, but they keep getting bigger, making it difficult for me to eat, should I undergo surgery? ~ Joanna 56 years old

The endocrinologist with whom you are probably treated decides whether the thyroid disease is suitable for surgical treatment. Difficulty swallowing may have other causes. Gastroscopy should be performed to exclude changes in the esophagus, if there are no changes, then it should be examined by an ENT specialist, if there is no cause, then it may be an enlarged thyroid. If the swallowing disorder is caused by an enlarged thyroid gland, surgery is indicated. But other causes of dysphagia must be ruled out in advance.

Read also: Lumps of the thyroid gland

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